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Posts posted by Halendia

    1. Bodyparts and armors are not in the same folder
    2. Vanilla files are packed in .bsa archives, I doubt you "accidentally" extracted meshes, deleted femalehead, repacked it and replaced original .bsa
    3. Even if you did, there is no such thing as female head for Stormcloaks, ALL (human) females share mesh, if it was a problem on that front, you'd notice it on all females.

    Now, because of the indecipherable modlist you posted here (clean it a bit will you?) I'm having a hard time finding what might cause issues for you.


    In theory, we'd be looking for a mod that either alters Stormcloaks or helmets, but I've had this very problem before on guards in Ivarstead, though I'm not entirely sure if I ever solved it (not exactly my hangout), and if I did, no idea what mod caused it (I'm running roughly 200+ mods).

  1. If it's not a bug (hard to tell when you're not playing yourself), it might be because different NPCs have different preferences, e.g. if you're trying to give Lydia a 2h weapon, chances are she won't prioritize that.


    I'm currently running Followers Equip From Inventory, and it does the trick for me (though I can't be certain I've had the same problem, but I know that an NPCs combat style matters in what they equip, and this mod alters that).


    Hope it helps!

  2. I am well aware of this, despite being a novice myself, but I think the reason why people have such ambitious ideas is because they want to attract interest. The more I read the more I become like "Yeah.. Yeah! I'd really like that!", and I think that sort of motivation, from ANYONE, is a vital nominator in such a large project.


    Of course, a lot of things in the Requests forums are just hopes and dreams, but I think that a project like this with a fairly dedicated, motivated OP has a bigger chance of success (in attracting good modders) rather than someone coming in with sloppy grammar and poor grasp of what's doable and not going "Ehy guise I want a mod for a town where I cna be yarl, plz someone mek this?????".


    Just saying... :smile: These types of threads are idea forges, not project plans.


    The purpose of requests in this forum, is to basically "sell your idea", just like IRL. You have your idea, you twist and turn it til' it seems good enough, then you present it to a company, hoping they'll buy it off of you and create it (or invest in it). Nothing is certain, of course, but chances of success are next to none if you don't have a well thought through idea FIRST.

  3. I imagine land, you buy it, and like Hearthfire building, you get "slots" to build in all over the place, you then proceed to choose what you want to build in every slot (you know, if you want 10 Inns, go ahead! but expect close to no profit). Depending then on what you choose, there are "ultimate builds", e.g:

    • If you construct a farm patch close to a river, the "income" from it will prove more fruitful than placing it on rocky ground
    • If you choose to build an inn close to the entrance/road, it will attract more customers and you'll receive better profit
    • If you build a guard tower in the middle of town rather than on the outskirts, there'll be more attempted raids, crimes etc
    • Building more than one of the same building could suffer you a lof of profit in real-estate, carefully plan how you want to build the city, and place shops/inns etc. tactically

    Other than your own suggestions, a feature I've always wanted to see in these types of mods, would be "Court", very similar to the Dragon Age: Awakening quest "A Day In Court", I highly doubt it's a very hard one to make.

  4. Expensive Console sounds like something you'd need then, hm? ;) Better Fast Travel allows for disabling fast travel AND adds more options to it (as in carriages and major customization in an MCM), you might want to check it out. If you're looking for something more simpler than the latter, perhaps this?


    (Note: I've only ever used Better Fast Travel, and I strongly endorse that file, but I've never activated the No-Fast-Travel, so I cannot guarantee its functionality)



    "Coming next(ish), unless Fallout 4 is released before it's done."


    From the SkyUI page. Feels like this mod isn't priority #1 for the authors, unfortunately :(



    I'm not complaining, have you seen what they're working on now? way wider appeal :P



    I've seen the favourites menu preview, if that's what you mean. And no, I don't think anyone is complaining, anything they release is a great improvement, but I doubt it'll ever be "finished" :(

  6. "Coming next(ish), unless Fallout 4 is released before it's done."


    From the SkyUI page. Feels like this mod isn't priority #1 for the authors, unfortunately :(

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