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Status Updates posted by Ultrajet

  1. Wait Sailor Moon is my favorite. But Rose of Versailles is better story wise.
  2. Hey!! *POKE* I gotta tell u my fav anime is The rose of Versailles, it's amazing! I also like GTO, G Gundam, Cowboy Bebop ;) , Sailor Moon, Now and then here and there, and Kare Kano. Hmm it's been so long since I've watched anime I forget. How about you?
  3. Thank you Druuler. I am not as annoying as I seem in my pic there. Well atleast I like to think so. Good job posting your close up!
  4. Thanks! It's my new wig, as you can see I was bored since NV is not here yet I had time to snag a pic. Aww I bet he misses you too! Well he would if he were real, he seems like a sweetheart. You want him in NV? lol You should try out Raul he might help u with your spanish lol. The doc gives me a "Hannibal the Cannibal" vibe. I can't wait 2 play :(
  5. Thanks I was bored waiting for NV but the wig I ordered got here, so I was trying it on. Cat ears are just me being childish. I know you like purple hair hehe. I wish there was a way I could return your kind gesture :[
  6. Well that sounds like a good deal for ya lol. Are you pvp spec? I really hate pve. I just got an 80 pally and priest (and 60 spriest) Mage seems kinds hard... so many buttons. I just hate ppl that QQ about their class and then jump on the OP train and then say the OP class they switched to isn't that good. lawl Almost done wiff Dragon Age? ;3
  7. I think I will just have to be more patient. I missed out on that awesome bobblehead so I guess I'll wait. I am doing some shopping tomorrow and its going to be so hard not to stop by at gamestop and get it. =/ So are you enjoying the company or Veronica?
  8. I will check the mail in the morning, if it's not there I will call gamestop and ask for my money back. It was collectors edition but I don't mind getting a regular one when I go into town tomorrow. Did you get CE? idk if its worth it.
  9. I didn't get it today either. I am bummed. I dunno if I should call them and ask for a refund and just pick up a regular copy at the store tomorrow.
  10. Lol I did a little investigating on NV glitches myself. There are a lot of people with bugs and glitches starting right at the begining of the game. Check this one it's funny:

  11. Oh also mages now have a 40 yd range so they just blast you from afar. It seems like half of the classes are mages now.
  12. Yes it's the same for me, only my reason is because I can't multi task or do two things at once. I can hardly chew gum and walk at the same time. WoW changed a lot, u can get your wrathful weap with honor.. Healers are really OP you CANT kill em.. It's just a mess. Blizzards responce is "everything is now balanced for 85" Bleh..
  13. TY for the rate Odile!

    How is WoW treating you?

  14. Atleast Charon is behaving better :)
  15. Lmao you're starting to catch on XD DERP
  16. Thanks from me as well! Was pleasantly surprised :)
  17. And sometimes I need someone to point out the obvious.
  18. My suspicions were right, I won't be getting it today. I just checked the PO again and they wont be getting any more mail today, they're about to close too. I thought it was a guarrantee it would be here. If it's not here by tomorrow morning I think I'm going to try to get my money back. Hope you get yours though.
  19. I called gamestop and was listening to super mario music for like 20 min before I just went to shower and do my hair. When I came back I got an email giving me a tracking number. I already checked the PO box and it's not here yet. I guess I just gotta wait a bit longer.
  20. llama did you get it yet? I checked gamestop.com and on my order status it says "closed" wtf? Does yours say that? I am calling but I can't get through to someone that can help ; ;
  21. I posted a new screen and it looks fantastic compared to my other ones. And I have you to thank don't I? lol forgive me if I'm just ectsatic about that.
  22. Yeah... Don't spoil it before you play it :/

    I am trying to stay away from the NV nexus and youtube. It will just make me more antsy.

  23. No I haven't. I usually get turned off from a game if I beat everything there is in it. That's why I haven't even started playing it. You can still play when u finish it tho right?
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