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Status Updates posted by Ultrajet

  1. Nice new pic by the way, is that a horde shirt? I got one it's awesome (I hate alliance so freakin much)
  2. eeee! I know it's so close! I hope it will be everything I've dreamed of. All I ask is I can somehow xfer my character to that one, and bring Charon along if I can. The NV wiki posted all the companions and none of them are catching my eye -_- are you getting the collectors edition? I think I am.
  3. Holy crap u got tons of friends. So does that mean you don't play console games at all? do you play WoW mmo? I have been playing it on and off for many years. What can I say, I love my undead priest..
  4. Well it was an old ps2 game, multi player. There was another similar game like it called Gauntlet. I liked those two, but I see you're 19yrs ? Maybe u were too little? I am old XD 22
  5. No problem. I like talking with fellow wastelanders! My friends are mostly girls that don't play video games, so they just talk about..boys and..clothes and.. umm boring stuff. So you liked Diablo.. did you ever like those Champions of Norrath games? those were fun..
  6. Who has been giving me kudos? And may I ask why. :)
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Odile


      I gave you oneeee. I think it was back when I noticed you were posting a lot of Charon, and I decided you were a kindred spirit. :3
    3. CARTlike


      I have given you one ^^ because u warned me from McDonald's
    4. VisseNekku5746


      I haven't :) I will if you keep doing what you do.

      I'm sure ppl gives kudoses for other stuff than mods too...

      cause my mods ain't worth sh't. =P

  7. Well I didn't like how you need a battle.net account so you cannot share with your family. Also the fact you can only play one faction. But I will try WoW cataclysm. Blizzard has such addicting games ~_~
  8. I don't think he understands what I mean with the "mmmkay" lol How are u? I haven't been playing .. I don't want it to end. Broken steel remains the only DLC I haven't touched.
  9. They did that alot for WoW cataclysm and Starcraft 2. Starcraft wasn't worth it. But Diablo 3 looks really well made. I hope it doesn't require battle.net account.
  10. It's greasy and unhealthy mmmkay. Also, drugs r bad mmmkay. :P
  11. Hey what up new friend!

    You like McDonalds!?

    McDonalds is bad mmmkay...

  12. I bet you are excieted about Diablo 3 right? hehe ^^
  13. Thank you! The other pic I had was taken when I was 18. And..well I am 22 now so I thought I should post a recent one. (I can still do my hair like that now btw^^)
  14. Do you mind if I mention/credit you in a screenshot I'm about to upload?
  15. If you are looking at my page drop a comment please :)
  16. TY llama :] I installed it and will try it later tonight. It looks like there are some freaky ones in there O_o
  17. Thanks! Then does that mean you liked my green zombie ghoul picture? I like scary screens but I thought maybe theyre a bit cliche. I am now encouraged to upload them anyway. ^-^
  18. Heloo ty for rating my screenshots. You're too kind. Let's b friends :D
  19. Hey you should go snag the new doll pic I uploaded. I fixed the crappy blur the other one had ^^
  20. I loooove your pics
  21. Hope you don't mind the add. I must make sure I don't miss another comic of yours.
  22. I'm top notch? O_o I don't think I am but thank you for saying so. You are though, not only do you have awesome pics but you're good at writing the stories. Kudos to you ^^
  23. I thought I'd take a peek at your pics and I must say I am impressed! Just another job was really entertaining it took me a long time to load them all but it was worth it.
  24. hello to myself. hi
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