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Status Updates posted by Ultrajet

  1. woot woot druuler in tha house!
  2. Hey there! Omg where is your hello kitty avatar? lol

    What's new with you? :D

  3. Ohh yeah sounds like you need a vacation indeed!

    How about I take you to the Capital wasteland? ^^

    No I haven't played NV in a long time. Have you? I got to the part where u meet Benny..

  4. New favorite game, Mass effect 2!
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ultrajet


      I only got the Kasumi one and Lair of the shadow broker. They were fun. Can't wait for ME3, ugh!
    3. Spaceritual


      it is just a pity you can't mod Mass Effect like you can Fallout and so on...would be great to have it here on Nexus...
    4. Ultrajet


      I know. I mean I've seen some mods but ME already has the best armor... I have just seen new hairs. What kind of mods would you add though?
  5. How did you know I was on?

    *shifty eyes*

    I'm out in the open now? Ahhh!!! *cloaks*

    I am good thanks, really enjoying my time in good old California, my home <3

    How r u kiddo? *hug*

  6. lol Yeah take a shot on my behalf XD

    Well I am doing a ten day cleanse.. can't eat anything. I can only drink a special lemonade (that tastes really gross) and teas. I'm on day four... really want a donut.. ; ;

    Waah I miss being around here, I just can't use my computer %90 of my time..

  7. Aww that's really sweet.. Ahhh love is great...*sigh*
  8. Oh Lordie~ Working on a special day suuucks. Well atleast u have a job, a lot of my buddies are jobless at the moment. Man I really wanna drink, it seems like too long since I've had a good time.. I guess I am aging ungracefully :P
  9. Ty you're too kind. :D I hope you got lots and lots of goodies and presents! Merry Christmas (sorry I am a bit late)
  10. Thank you ^_^ Did you have a fun Christmas? I had a very chill one. New years might suck this yr. (I wont b able to drink)
  11. Hope you had a good Christmas. I didn't forget you guys :P I gotta show u my new doodles soon, when I can finally use my computer.
  12. And a Merry Christmas to you too. Hope you got lots of goodies :3
  13. Thanks hope you had a good Christmas too!
  14. Merry Christmas! Hope u had a good one atleast. Will check out your comic soon ^_^
  15. I think it just makes you more *brace yourself* Adorable!

    (Don't hurt me!) lol

  16. I haven't been working on them much but I will. I got a request from a friend of mine to edit one of his pics in the same fashion I did for my other friend lol (She really liked it by the way) Want me to show u when I'm done?
  17. Hey cubby bear! No I didn't mean you should have made your screenshot that way. I just personally would have liked it more that way. The scenery was already dramatic so it would have fit right in. But I am sure others don't have my taste :) Really hoping you will do more in that style I really liked it!
  18. lol Yes that's what I meant! Don't be so... shy.

    Where r uuuuu? I got nothing to do at the moment, all my weekends suck in Oregon. I'm starting to be really bitter about this place =/

  19. Druuler! you need new pics on your FB. Well u don't really "need" them but.. would be nice and stuff..

    Let's chat again soon!

  20. What was that!?



  21. I thought about that too. But they should atleast try to keep up. It's starting to look like an N64 game lol I do think the races bother me the most though. Undeads would look so much cooler if they re did their models. http://files.slystuff.com/WoW/hawt.jpg

    The bones really bother me lol

  22. I used to be scared of zombies when I was little. Especially the re deads from Ocarina of time lol Freaked me out.

    They have Jersey accents? lol That sounds funny. Do you think they need to upgrade wow graphics? I am so tired of all the blocky paper like graphics. Blizzard just blames it on how they like the "comic book" art lol

  23. Are you really eating some of those? Ughhh *stomach growls*

    I like chocolate with sprinkles the best.. *dies*

  24. Hey Waffles.

    We haven't chatted in a while, everything good?

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