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Status Updates posted by Ultrajet

  1. Hey whats up! Nothing new to report... I been bored, might need a new game to play for 360. How r u? (erase my second comment?)
  2. Oh no I don't but it might be fun to try it. Dru might put my toon in his comic though, so I'm trying to convert her into a companion. (hey would you erase my second posts? ty) ^-^
  3. I don't know where you guys are getting that from lol I'm not making one, but open to it.

    Wow that's gonna be cool I will keep an eye out for ur mod I'm sure it will be awesome!

  4. I don't know where you guys are getting that from lol I'm not making one, but open to it.

    Wow that's gonna be cool I will keep an eye out for ur mod I'm sure it will be awesome!

  5. I'm still around! I am wanting to upload more screenshots but I gotta get my toon as a companion mod first. Bah! Whats new with u? ^^
  6. I'm pretty good, getting so hot in california *melts*

    How r u llama? What's new? Oh and sorry for double post >,<

  7. I'm pretty good, getting so hot in california *melts*

    How r u llama? What's new? Oh and sorry for double post >,<

  8. Good job with the comic. I've just read em all and enjoyed them :)
  9. What can't he handle beth? :P Oh wait he does scream like a girl at the sight of radroaches lol Jk that's Butch... seriously who lets radroaches kill their family ? XD
  10. Yes it's going...very slowly. I didn't expect navigation on blender to be so, aggrivating! I'm such a green horn. There's only so much tutorials can teach me. Wish someone would show me in person how it's done! I will persist tho thanks :D (erase my secone comment if it happens) ^^
  11. What's that mean Druu? Hey I got fraps and sony vegas pro. Time for a new hobby, video editing! I may even upload some stuff on youtube if it's good enough.
  12. Well maybe he would be if he took me serious! I only drool when I sleep, kinda. Delete my second posts please!
  13. Oh no reason really. I was just curious since you been uploading screens on F3 side. I feel like uploading now sort of. Hey delete my second posts would ya? :D
  14. I didn't mean it. I was going to say something stupid but I remembered I have a double posting bug. Sorry and please delete my second post! >,,<
  15. Hey new octopus friend! I'm trying to avoid sending comments because I have a double posting bug >,< Are you playing NV more than F3??
  16. *drooling*

    lol Idk but it's funny. :P Haha ppl are starting to use that now.

    If I double post I'm sorry, I don't mean it ; ;

  17. Hmm I have never heard that used before. I learned something today thanks to you lol. I am very good, just wasting my time on random doodles of mine. I don't want to face real life, I need a job ; ; Damn I don't mean to complain sorry, how r u? Working on more comics?
  18. Hmm I have never heard that used before. I learned something today thanks to you lol. I am very good, just wasting my time on random doodles of mine. I don't want to face real life, I need a job ; ; Damn I don't mean to complain sorry, how r u? Working on more comics?
  19. Why am I double posting when I just click once!? Ahh DX
  20. Why am I double posting when I just click once!? Ahh DX
  21. Thanks for the help, you are so nice! If I learn how to make nice things I'll make something for you, not that you need it lol :) *sorry if this posts twice!*
  22. Hey AT you around? I need some tips from the photo editing master. I'm working on a picture of a deathclaw baby lol
  23. What does that mean? Walking my beat lol

    Howdy to you too. What's good?

  24. I'm hungry.. for sheep! COME HERE!
  25. Oh are you curious about Dragon Age 2 as well? I kind of want to try it, if I buy it the game HAS to be on sale, I am broke. Wow you have a lot of friends here, all from the other side of the fence (Oblivion). Oh Skyrim comes out on my birthday lol. Now no one has an excuse to forget my bday.
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