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Posts posted by tomomi1922

  1. I have downloaded about 90+ mods, from small (simple replacement of an outfit) to large like (Zephyr's F4 Power Armor Overhaul which is HUGE in both download size and the amount of items it adds). I wonder, is there a point where the game will simply refuse to load the mods due to either the amount of item counts (actual unique items, weapon/armor mods, settlement items, junks, chems, etc...) or the sheer amount of texture.


    Another word, which one is hurting FO4 more: mods with few items that uses TONS of large textures (dont care about mesh, its up to my computer to handle), or mods with about 1000+ items (standalone clone of existing game items maybe)?

    I am so tempted to download Homemaker, which one of the user did question (in post) that the mod added 800+ items into the game. So I am afraid certain mods will fail to load. I downloaded Flags of different nations .... a mod adding standalone flags as decoration to settlement, some 120+ flags, and I felt some other mods did not load properly (it's not that easy to tell).


    I hope someone can give some good input on this.

  2. I am not too sure what really causes the problem. I heard the news of Fallout new match 1.2.37 came out (and Steam updated without telling me). Everything worked beside the Launcher was not updated (because I renamed it).

    Then I renamed Launcher back, made Steam to do integrity check (and it updated 4 files).


    The NMM asked me to update to new version, and downloaded .NET framework 4.6 while at it.


    And this is where things go wrong. First thing I notice: Unique player and Unique Followers mod do not work. They use the basecharacter mesh and texture. I use CBBE for main characters and Vanilla NPC body. Thus it instantly comes off obvious when skin texture is off.


    I first tried to completely deleted these 2 mods and installed again from the site. They appeared to work. Then I noticed "Great Actors" (Face overhaul of most characters and NPC) seem to stop working (I can tell the difference in Vanilla Cait and new Cait from Great Actors). And I suspect Reballistic doesn't work (the damage value of weapons Reballistic should change, doesn't change). I don't know what else is not working. It's harder to tell. However, mods that items seem to work, things like Lightsaber (I no longer use it but it is a good indication if mods work at all is for me to help Lightsaber).


    I tried uninstalling and installing Great Actors.... but all it gives me now is a black face (yep literately African version of Cait and Piper). And Unique Player and Followers break again. This time no matter what I do, they do not come back.


    I have checked all the .ini files to make sure all parameters are there. I tried the trick to rename Launcher, to keep Nexus open (to see if it uninstall my plugins, it didn't). I used TOOL to arrange load orders. Nothing worked.


    So i take it, it runs? Great ^^ have fun.


    It does, and so far runs and looks a lot better than console version. Right now I'm learning modding [my first time really doing mods. Especially ones that involve custom material / stuff]. I can wait to start making my own clothes, weapon decals, and other things I've been thinking would be cool in game. It'll be even more fun when it's all finished and I share it with the community.


    So why didn't it run before?


    I have a dual core i5 too, but I bought a GTX 970 card with 4Gb RAM and I can run FO4 in Ultra mode with the best ENB.


    1. Thread necromancy!
    2. That stuff with sResourceDataDirsFinal is old. Use bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 instead.
    3. Don't use Fallout4.ini, use Fallout4Custom.ini
    4. http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Fallout_4_Mod_Installation


    • All that won't help with the patch.
    • Renaming the launcher to something else (i.e. Fallout4Launcher.renamed.exe) and the standard game exe to Fallout4Launcher.exe does help. If you do that, steam will never start the launcher and the mods wont be disabled. You can start the launcher manually if you want and reactivate the mods via NMM later.


    Does this still work with this new patch?



    You can also store them in the weapons craft workbench. When you craft a weapon it will use any mods you have stored.

    If I link supply route, I will be able to access it anywhere? (How about Diamond City?)


    yeah, anywhere...except the Home Plate in Diamond city.


    Wow, why didn't you tell me this when I first played Fallout ? ;)

  6. Look like you are missing a mod. More like, a patch mod. A mod like an outfit that has a patch mod to make it compatible to another mod (but you don't have that mod), and the game will crash. You can install LOOT to find out like Nixsy said. But you can even just go through Plugins tab of NNM, and it wil highlight in red some reference mod is missing.

  7. Hi.

    I just installed CBBE and it works perfectly.

    But i have some questions...


    1) I made my own body with bodyslide, and saved it....and it works.

    But if i open again bodyslide (i open it via NMM) it starts with a vanilla CBBE body and i don t see any "load" button.

    How can i modify a CBBE custom body i already did and saved?


    2) there are several "bodyslide" armors i installed but they doesn't seem to be different from the same non bodyslide ones (example nanosuit 2.5 had a bodyslide add on)

    Does it mean i have to customize it via Bodyslide? or i installed the mod wrong?


    3) If i like a body i made, do i have to manually change all armors moving the sliders or there is a fast way to make an armor get the same tweaks i did on the CBBE body?


    Ty a lot



    Here, Bodyslide doesn't have a whole lot of documentation. But I think what you did was using a preset (like CBBE Curvy, or CBBE Vanilla) and fix something up to your liking, then you "Build". It will build a body mesh, presumably you built a nude body, then your game will get a new nude mesh. But those settings will disappear once you close BodySlide. You need to click on "Save Preset" and make sure to check all boxes under "Group Assigned to New preset" (or same preset will not show up in those outfits). Name it .... MyPreset1, for example. And if you want to improve, you can "Save Preset" again to MyPreset1 (and overwrite it), or save to a new file, like MyPreset1.1


    Same thing with armor/outfit, you just pick the right outfit, and use your MyPreset1.1 on it. The difference is, the setting now apply directly onto the outfit (try moving some sliders to 0% and 100%, you will see what is moving). I personally make different evolutions of 1 preset. For example, I like a nude outfit, and from this preset, I will adjust so that the particular armor/outfit will look right. I save it to something like MyPreset1.1_Cleavage (or Flat chest, Harness, etc...) Human female breasts are rather form fitting and they will act/look differently based on what you wear. So without clothes, they look like this, but with bikini they will be pushed in and not as perky, with a heavy chest armor they will be pressed flat against chest, or with something that shows cleavage, then they should look like their are some sort of push-up bra effect and push-together to form a nice cleavage even if the nude version doesn't have much cleavage.


    And for these presets, you can click on "Batch Build" and build multiple mesh at the same time. It is some work, but at least we are given the tool, and unlike Vanilla game, we have no customization.


    Personally I use CBBE Vanilla for best compatibility, and only build the outfit that do not look right. Or at least, I start from CBBE Vanilla and adjust from there.

  8. You can also store them in the weapons craft workbench. When you craft a weapon it will use any mods you have stored.

    If I link supply route, I will be able to access it anywhere? (How about Diamond City?)

  9. I was asking about where to find a functional radio. I first thought the one in Misc was decorative only. But it works.

    Now my concern is, how can we make the sound from physical radio louder?

  10. Carrying armors, weapons, junks ... they weigh down, I understand. But all these loose mods? Some of them weigh .5 to 1 pound, annoying. I downloaded the "no weight for loose mods" mod but it does not seem to entirely solve the problem because I believe the mod only deals with Vanilla weapon/armor mods but not mods made by other people.

    I wonder when it says .5, does that mean .5 for the entire stack of 100, or .5 each which adds up to 50lb for 100?

    And how do you handle this problem? I mean I can "cheat" my way out, but while I am not a purist, I don't want to console command everything, just break the game for me.

  11. Cover means virtually nothing in vanilla Skyrim....so long as you move slowly enough you can pretty much get away with anything....but yep only solid objects provide "cover" in vanilla Skyrim....You need Mods to incorporate other forms of cover.

    I think Light also plays a strong part in detection formula. Stay in the dark helps. Walk in front of a torch and you will be seen, regardless of how high your stealth is (comparable to the distance of your enemy).

  12. I have tracked a dozen of mods over time. I like them, but I don't feel I should download every single mod I find promising. Thus I tracked what I like for future return.


    Now, how do I find a list of tracked mods? Nexus drop down menu does not seem to provide a feature like such.


    While at it, I wonder if I can find a list of all my recent messages I posted on mods' pages? I sometimes post a question or such, and it will take me a while to manually find my message to see if anyone replied/commented.



  13. @prod80, as rhowington pointed out, both of you are Premium users, so ad displays should me at minimal (if not zero). Thus I strongly suspect the ad provider over Nexus actual back server and front end scripts.


    Anyhow, I have not seen one [fake] pop-up today. Maybe admin read this and weeded out the offending ads.

  14. I am personally ok with it. It does not happen in a frequency that is extremely annoying. I just hope Nexus to look into it because many people (other than myself) will be at risk. It is like a restaurant serving food that has a 5% chance of containing a poison that may send patrons straight to the emergency room, unless they can "detect poison".


    There it goes again: http://specdownload.info/ (DON'T CLICK ON IT).

  15. Over the last 3 days (and it seems just the last 3-4 days), I kept getting this pop-up window saying my Google Chrome (or my Java) has serious bug, and must update immediately. Then whether click OK or closing it, it will simply send me to random address like calmst.com and malest.com mimicking as real Java or Chrome download to trick people to click onto them. Fake sites with facade of a real site? We can only guess what kind of virus/trojan is behind it.


    There are not just 2 websites, but I have encountered about 20-30 of these "warning pop-up" and there is a different website. So something like xyz.com pretends to be Google and asks me to click Download or Update?


    And to my notice, they all have been initiated all from Nexus site. I suspect there is a script somewhere hidden in the ad or such that initiates this pop-up window (and subsequently redirect users to the fake sites). Please look into it, or else less technical literate people will fall for this. I am not trying to accuse anyone of anything. But I notice ALL of these pop-ups originate from Nexus. It does not pop-up instantly when you get onto Nexus. I have a habit of opening 20+ Nexus browser tabs to browse/read different mods, and maybe about hours into staying on the same page, this fake warning pop ups. I work in IT so I am very sensitive to this kind of things. This is a big red flag, and the first thing I would do is to find out where it is from.


    I am running Windows 7, just in case you want to know.


    Edit: fixed typo

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