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Everything posted by ItsScootsMcBoots

  1. Claim ID: 665000 Name: Sinistas Mods: Item stats overhaul? We'll see.
  2. stahpk, forgive me if this isn't related and I'm hijacking for no reason. I'm having an issue where notifications on the updates tab for tracked mods are only sporadic. I do game-specific updates, and routinely, I'll see that a mod has been updated in my tracking centre, but not the updates tab. Sometimes, it works. This may have started around when the beta went up, but that obviously might just be my brain looking for a culprit.
  3. It's comment time again! You know it'll always win!
  4. I am commenting, and also have a valid username!
  5. Sorry, total brainfart on my end - it's a separate issue. I'm just getting an endless reload loop on the www, not rd. Sorry about the confusion. Just checking back in about this - everything is working fine now for some reason. Sorry about that!
  6. Sorry, total brainfart on my end - it's a separate issue. I'm just getting an endless reload loop on the www, not rd. Sorry about the confusion.
  7. I'm running into the same problem with Chrome Version 64.0.3282.167. Switched over to Opera and it seems to be working fine at the moment.
  8. In my case, I've hit the prompt every time and it's still popping up. :/
  9. Apologies if this is unrelated, but I am also hitting a "warning" page when going to the FO4 page, which includes the posts about the author forums/Discord and the database leak.
  10. In addition to many of the authors mentioned previously, I'll add Icecreamassassin to the list. Legacy Of The Dragonborn is amazing.
  11. Obviously you posted this a while ago, and it doesn't add any "cool hidden stuff," but Long Lost Smelters Of Skyrim adds all of the other smithing equipment to the Skyforge.
  12. Hola, I was wondering if anybody would be interested in creating a version of Thornblade from Oblivion? I know Noble Artifacts has one, but I'd prefer if there was something a bit closer (not exact, obviously) to the Oblivion version. There's a lot of great sword mods out there, but nothing that fits that vibe. Anyways, if somebody's willing to try, I'd greatly appreciate it! -Scott
  13. Gopher did a video tutorial series on modding for beginners, including immersion mods. I don't know how much traffic you'll get for this, unfortunately, but kudos on putting it together regardless. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE7DlYarj-DdhDG41roBVJfNCqvO5MmKP
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