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Everything posted by Natterforme

  1. I think that if you only retextured the helmet, its not gooing to automatically translate to the other pieces. You are going to have to use the same etting changes you used on the helmet on the cuirass , changing parts where appropirate, to change the cuirass. Now if the armor pieces were all on the same texture map, then thats a different story and the changes should have affected all of them. Hope this helps^^.
  2. Hey, I just recently unpacked the textures from the oblivion bsa using bsa commander and I wanted to look at some of the armor models so i could possibly copy the bone weights to make my armors from correctly and look like I intended them to. I currently have a new mesh that has a fully covering hood that drapes on the shoulders. I looked at the legion armor and it looks fine. But when I import the helmet in blender, it sits on the "floor" similar to weapons, and has no bone weights or vertex groups. Some mods, like capes and cloaks and scarves import at the level that they would be on the body. My question is: what do I need to do so that my armor does not deform improperly? Also, what is different about vanilla helmet meshes so that they dont have to be in the head area, or have vertex groups or bone weights and still be able to attach to the head correctly? Thanks in advance^^.
  3. That function is now under the categories section^^. Its just a matter of becoming familiar with the new interface.
  4. In response: I totally understand where you are coming from^^. Maybe I just got lucky because I have only been on this site for about a year so I dont mind the changes so much :rolleyes: . There ARE some problems to be fixed, which many of you have generously pointed out, and they will be fixed in time. I also agree that its ok for each of the nexus sites to have their own unique appearance, but there definately should be a common symbol that unifies them all under a single (figurative) banner. Perhaps the arrows arent it. Maybe Dark0ne just likes it as a personal preference. It would have to be more mod related in general and not just game specific(although that can happen too) in order for it to make sense. Its also possible that Dark0ne will eventually make the Nexus a central hub that branches out to the different "core games, such as The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, and Dragon Age. This hub might have those examples that you mentioned, possibly with a slider system featured in the TESNexus. It might also have samples of featured pics from each game, as well as related topics and articles that integrate more closely with the forums as well. This new site is a step closer in that direction, and although it is unfortunate that a certain asthetic might be lost in the process, there is much more to gain by updating the site to be more user friendly in preparation for Skyrim and other moddable games. We cant predict how many mods will be added and how many members will join when Skyrim mods start getting pumped out, but if Fallout New Vegas is any indication, it will be daunting to say the least. I have no doubt some mod authors will make any changes in Skyrim, just to be one of first mods available, which will, undoubtly, get more downloads. The Nexus as it stands still stalls on me sometimes at peak times. With the anticipation of Skyrim mods and new members, the servers will be taxed heavily as more and more people download the new mods and post new images of the game. Robin as already moved the data to new, better servers, increased the speed of the site, increased the upload file size limit, and now he is getting the site redesigned. All of this on his free time too probably. Give him some time to sort through the bug reports and Im sure the new site will be very cool :thumbsup: .
  5. Ive noticed that a lot of people want to have the old links on the right side back. I think what Dark0ne is going for here is to streamline the Nexus. By having everything under a drop down menu, it categorizes the material and allows new users to search for content based on relevence while at the same time removing clutter. The site is not fundamentally changing what is available on the site, simply changing how you go about finding information. It would be different if the loss of those links meant the loss of an image section, say, or the loss of article posts and comment tracking. These features have not gone away, they have simply been relocated or will be reimplimented when the site gets the makeover. For people who have been here forever, it might be inconvient to figure out where everything is, but for new members(and trust me, there will be a lot more new members when skyrim gets out) it will give an altogether better mod searching experience. The images are easier to find and can be sorted for better viewing. The top 100 lists(basically the go to page for those new to modding to find the best or required mods) now have preview images, which they didnt have before. The hot files now has a scroll bar, which shows images of what each one looks like and gives a description of the mod directly from the author. News is now in bold, and given a large header so that you know its official. And for those who want a different Nexus Icon/Symbol, we must remeber that this is not, thankfully, an isolated site. There are several nexus sites and the Nexus symbol must be able to encompus all of those games, without alienating any of them. Sure, most of them are related to dungeons and dragons/middle ages type rpgs so you could, in theory have a shield crossed by two swords.But that itself isnt very unique to what the nexus stands for. Also, if a new nexus was made that was primarily a scifi shooter(Mass Effect for example), then that nexus symbol would have to be changed. This is good news for the nexus. With Skyrim only a couple months away, the nexus is guranteed to have both new members and a host of new mods that crossover all three moddable elder scrolls games. It only makes sense that the site creator would want to take adantage of this excitement and hype for the new game by updating the site to make it both fresh and new for new and old members alike. :teehee:
  6. Hey Dark0ne, is there anyway to have the description(the grey part on the right side of the hot mod list) on the new site be a pop up or a drop down panel? It seems like it would be sleeker, and if the mod has a good opening screenshot, it would not be partially blocked by its own description^^. At first I didnt like the new look, but now I am really looking forward to it. Also, this might have already been mentioned, but when I go into the forums(I use internet explorer 9) it wont let me immediately go to the my content tab. Instead, I have to go to the tab under my profile in order to view my comments. Not a big deal, but just thought you might want to know if you didnt already^^.
  7. Ok ok.... Then I think it means that whatever graphic mods/settings you have are conflicting with the outfit. Try changing them around in different environments,(i.e indoors, outdoors, heavy light, heavy darkness) and see if that has an effect^^. Has this happened before with this outfit? You might also need to redownload it because of missing textures/ or incomplete file paths. Did you install this manually? Or did you use OBMM? Some maual installations have a tendency to include the data folder so it means missing file paths(but Im guessing you already are familiar with this^^.
  8. First: why did you need to rename/delete the normal map? Did you want to retexture it? Second: it could be that the colors for this outfit were texture painted on in blender/other 3d program and changing it could have different effects on the outfits properties. The only time I had a similar problem was when I got lazy and gave a mask mesh pack I had been working on all the same normal map(it was a black normal map). This caused all of my lighter colored masks to give off this shine you see in your mesh here. Your personal graphical capabilities and lighting effects/mods may also have an effect on this outfit that the mod author had not intended. Look into your normal maps using gimp or photoshop and try to find any abnormalities first. Then we can go from there^^. :thumbsup:
  9. I just had a system problem on my laptop where I use windows 7. I was forced to reinstall my system from a factory state, but not before making a full back up of all of my files on my external hard drive. I backed up the files and rebooted my system, then after I was in a fresh secure state, I attempted to restore my files. I found the folder that held all of my back up files, and it appears that everything was returned. All of my pics, documents, videos, and music are back in this new folder, but when I go to my oblivion/morrowind data folder, there are no nif files anywhere! I have a back up of all of my mods in their original zip format, and when I checked that folder, it appears that they are all bsa folders now. I cant find any of my blend files either( I use blender) so Im getting really bummed out if it means I just lost at least five-seven projects. This also means that I will have to put off several releases for my projects for some time, if it means that those files are unsavable. I know this isnt much of a mod question, but it concerns all of my mod files. Im hoping that I just need to reinstall my programs for the files to appear, but I just simply dont know enough to be sure. This has never happened to me before and is a new experience for me. Can anyone help me? I would be eternally grateful. :ohdear:
  10. Do you have plans to use these in a mod or just for a weapons pack by themselves? Also, what mmo are they from? I would consider working on these but I just had a complete system crash and am currently restoring my files and praying that none of my meshes were lost in the recovery process. I got to hand it to you though, its a lot easier to make these meshes when you have a side view of the weapon in full. Trying to work from an angle is very difficult. I dont see why these could not be made in 1 to 2 days time. No promises^^ :thumbsup:
  11. Lost Spires adds a huge quest line with large dungeons and an intriguing cast of fully voiced characters!. It also adds an archaeological society guild, dedicated to uncovering the mysteries of the ancient ruins. Well worth playing, it probably adds 12 hours of game time if not more. I dont think it ties into Battlespire in any way, since I havent played battlespire, but its worth playing either way. I believe it also has its own website^^.
  12. It would be nice if there was a working fairy companion base, that could be used to resize clothing mods, at least for personal use^^.
  13. For reference, how large is the fairy? 1-6 in tall? 6-12 in? Also, what is the position of it as it hovers above the ground? Or does it just follow like a normal companion would, with the only difference being that its walk animation is replaced with a lich/flying animation? This seems cool though and it would be nice if any clothing you have automatically fit the fairy body proportions^^.
  14. Have you considered or played The Lost Spires mod?
  15. That would be exciting! I think I could handle that if the level wasnt too difficult :laugh: . Whats your timezone? Im Eastern Coast USA.
  16. If I had to pick, it would probably be modeling^^. Though I am really new to Blender at the moment :happy: .
  17. Hmmmm. Ill have to give this some thought. No commitments at this time though. I gotta wait and see how hard my classes are gonna hit me first :( .
  18. It seems you have a completely empty roster. Btw my real name is Kevin too XD. What exactly do you have in mind? It seems cool and I would love to help! The only problem is that I have school soon(college) and I dont know whats gonna happen. If you could give a little more of a description of your plans or ideas, I might be your first applicant^^. :thumbsup:
  19. No problem^^. Be sure to let me know if it goes anywhere. I wouldnt mind having that outfit too :thumbsup: .
  20. Yeah, I thought so^^. I do know that there is a nuns head piece resource under the modders resources section. Perhaps you can just retexture it to be the colors you wanted, and then lengthen the cloth to suit your purpose? :thumbsup:
  21. Solved the problem. Turns out that Comcast's new Xfinity security services do not play nice with your keyboard. For any who read this, stay away from their Constant Guard security suite. At least for me, it changed all my keys to numbers, which pretty much kept me from doing anything important on my laptop today until I found the problem. I looked on the web after I narrowed it down to that specific problem and it turns out that a lot of people cant play their games with this new security suite enabled because it messes with their ability to detect key and mouse settings in most pc games. It also messes with Blender, hence the reason for my post^^. Too bad no one got a chance to give their input on the problem, because I like to hear from what others think about these sort of issues, but Im just glad to get my computer back under my control ;D .
  22. Ok I think I have discovered part of the problem and it actually was found by accident. I was testing a new mod that I had just downloaded with a character that was already in the testinghall. The character was already overencombered so I went into the console to turn on god mode. Instead of getting tgm, my letter keys were suddenly spouting out numbers. My num pad is fine, but it seems I have somehow set my keyboard to interpret numbers instead of their proper letters and I think this is the reason for my stated problem above. I know that the number lines(above the alphabet keyboard) control the layer select options in Blender, causing it to cycle through my layers every time I press a key. But its only affecting my Blender program and Oblivion(possibly Morrowind too but I have yet to check). In Oblivion, every key opens to the spell hotkey wheel so I cant move or do any actions because every key now acts like a number. Obviously it is only affecting blender and the game, otherwise I wouldnt be able to use my keyboard to send this message. Could this be a non blender/oblivion issue and be more related to system preferences on my OS? I use windows 7 btw and this has never happened before. Note: I am not trying to bump my own post. I am simply updating the thread as my testing on this issue brings up relevent information. Any input you guys might think might help would be useful :biggrin: .
  23. I uninstalled and reinstalled Blender several times, but nothing I do seems to change my problem. Can I get some help with this please?
  24. I found the B.blend file, after creating it using ctrl U. Since the guides told me to delete this to restore Blender's default settings, I went ahead and did this. But my problem still occurs. Everytime I press a button, instead of using its hotkey function, the scene just cycles through the layers. This includes all the camera alignment buttons on my num pad as well. Everything cycles layers and I cant get any work done :ohdear: . I could really use some advice from any who are willing to give it^^.
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