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About hauntedabyss

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  1. Thanks for that Picky, didnt think anyone replied. ( no notification) Well Other solutions would be a good idea would that be up to a team design or the front end designer?, I know the website is a certain way but I felt a mandatory tab for Compatibility being the easiest and biggest help right off the bat. Ahh Yes Articles. Now there are some mod authors who do Articles a few times I didn't see them or Notice them till Rummaging around the comments same with other members. The Biggest thing I see across all the games that are huge are comments and suggestions about Compatibility as well as Patch questions. This would massively elevate some of that burden and confusion. Does the Front end team have anything comin up in the future?
  2. Hello all , I have been Using nexus since the early days and Having experience as a graphic designer and front end developer I decided to try to help with a few grand Ideas. As nexus members know there is not alot of information for mods other then their description, downloads other then digging through the comments or guides for days things can get really frustrating when trying to solve issues. So after talking with some other nexus users about QOL stuff ive come up with a few ideas. TLDR: Moving mod guides to a button and adding a few more tabs. These being mandatory and added to all mods on the nexus. Compatibility : This tab would be much like the bugs tab Show casing mods that are or are Incompatible with a drop down selection. The mod author can add mods to this list or Users can. When users Submit them it a window will pop up With Mod ID and description. This would be submitted to the mod author - or Admins after 10 days of no reply. When Lets say a mod is put incompatible a user can click on it and it will showcase the description of the mod which is incompatible and Users could put in more information in this such as solutions or REF ID ect. Patches: This would be a way for not only the mod author to add linked patches outside of his mods to a quick link but most importantly users. Many Skyrim mods such as Skyrims FrostFall has Patches outside of the mod. There are also mods just called Patch compendium for example. Users could Submit Mod IDs and small descriptions, Boxes would appear showcasing these Mods Ie patches. Addons: This Tab would be like Patches. Perhaps both could be in one tab Suggestions: This would let nexus users send suggestions into the mod author easier then having to submit a message through their profile. *These suggestions could help the comment section from being bloated and could be made public so others can see the suggestions actually that made it into the mod using a highlight system. A flag system: This can be added to all of the compatibility or patches for removal or changing descriptions others submitted. Moving the Guides To a Bigger tab was a Idea ive seen before. I actually agree with this as guides feel kinda out of place in the tab system. Maybe having suggestion a drop down instead even and im not quite sure how much that would effect the size of the site but I know it would be easy to implement. The big take away is that these tabs would help unbelievably. Biggest Issue with modding is the mod author being AFN or Away from Nexus. These enhancements to nexus will let users to add to mods giving them addition life and less of a headache to modders trying to trouble shoot or find out more relevant info. Less confusion for everyone Less frustration from the mod author and Less comments of users suggesting ideas, Commenting Patches, Compatibility issues, and addons. Thanks
  3. Warning !!! http://www.pcper.com/news/General-Tech/Ransomware-Spreading-Through-Major-Websites-Infected-Ad-Servers?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=facebook
  4. MY MOD IDEAS!! Please give me credit if you Said " hey thats a f*#@ing great idea. Im totally going to do that." All I want is A nod. 1.Proper Pip boy map zoom ... its a joke.. Make it zoom faster, More to zoom in Close Proximity map. 2.Place Object Anywhere... ALWAYS PLACEABLE... Should be realitivly easy to tell the game to ignore none station areas. I really hate working on the base and not being able to build exactly where I would in real life. 3.Cars and Other Objects give more resources other then just METAL or cement.. .Its obvious a car would have a engine so why not gears??? HELLO!!! 4.Sounds before creatures pop out of the ground.... better rumble or at least a attack sound from them. I hate being spooked so much. 5. Ladders f*#@IN LADDERS everywhere. Please... God Dammit I hate TCLing everywhere. also Billboard Sigh Hangers... So you can hang out and snipe fools 5.More Household Items... Soap, Tooth brushes ect 6.Replacement TV"S ... This is 2077... And they didnt have Ultra Wide Screens .?? 7. More interior buildings. Its a Shame the first hour of the game only 10 buildings are accessible.. Others are mostly broken or Boarded up... the hell? 8. Basements,Attics,Cellers... There seem to be none? 9.Advanced Reasource Mods - Actual River Water Purification, Light Towers,RailWay... Yes a Railway to either side of the base or even base to base. Shouldnt be too insane. More Furniture,Matieral Types, Houses,Windows..<! Towers, BEDS! Able to Resource everything.. Some objects cannot be taken or harvested. This needs a fix. 10. Minigun Turrets, Rocket turrets. 11.Real Life Dragon Skin Style of armor. 12. Remodel The Pipboy to look like a Arm Hologram Device. 13. Make the gun From Bladerunner... HOW BAD ASS would that be. 14. NEON SIGHNS!!! Well better ones.,More of em 15. Not Sure if there is C4 or satchel Charges. But there should be. And Claymores for sure 16.Jet Packs... 17.SWORDS! . Huge f*#@ing swords.. And Katanas. 18. Bayonets 19.Gernade Launchers. Like M203's ect 20. Ability to tell followers to go home. and you set where there home is... Not sure if this is in F4? 21. Talk s#*&#33; to people. Tell an NPC off and they may Dislike you. Or better yet Turn Hostile. 22. Trade with anyone. Recently seen this in a skyrim mod. .. Needs to be in Fallout 4 23. Drive-able Train Mod. Not Sure if this is possible.. Would Require alot of Clearing the Tracks .. Maybe make it a mission. 24. Help Harvest, Collect Resources With your Group. 25. Paint Stuff.. Houses, interiors, Couches Ect.!!!!! 26. Sell your people in your settlements to other settlements. 27.Slavery Camps... not sure if this is possible but would be good for harvesting resources. 28. Ability to Harvest certain objects outside the Green of the Settlement. Trees, Cement, Trash, Cars 29. Bounty Missions. 30.Better Buses. They look Ok but they could be better well Equipped or lootable, maybe even Drivable. 31. Npcs like Gouls dont just attack you on sight if you enter a room or area. They should think on it for a second or two.. Even maybe run away. would be cool to see somthing other then being swarmed to death.
  5. Cheers Paul. It sounds very very productive. IM Very Excited and happy to hear this
  6. I certainly have been very excited for USLEEP. Is the progress Daunting ?
  7. Wow these results are really exciting. Im Glad You got SO many replys. WE obviously do love the nexus and it has SO much Potential.
  8. In response to post #27232604. #27232924, #27272959 are all replies on the same post. 100% agree Judge.. COD4 Was wonderful Then the f*#@ed over there PC collective
  9. In response to post #27225114. #27230414, #27233049, #27236124, #27253594, #27256499, #27257609, #27261189 are all replies on the same post. I agree With both of your posts> Filtering My Tracked files would be heaven or add a search at least LOL. Compatibility Feature is a must have for Skyrim on nexus here ON there mod page and in your profile mods, 95% of the mods i track and use are incompatible with Open skyrim for ex. SO if we wanted to see in our tracked files what mods are compatible. All mods that are Compatible should be "Green" and mods that arent should be highlighted "Red". God That would make it so easy for me to patch s#*&#33; too.
  10. In response to post #27225114. #27230414, #27233049, #27236124, #27253594 are all replies on the same post. No Problem,Kinda suprised Infinate scrolling wasnt like #1 honestly seeing there is like 400,000+ mods on here lol Im Glad The team Is stepping up game. I know most moderators are very busy like most people But Ya Ive actually have felt like the site is becoming kinda, Slummy Like Not Run down but some what "Combersome" In terms of feel compared to HTML5 websites. Im Very happy to see my voice was heard in these thousands of people. Well I know when you exhaust yourself from reading them your going to be all like f*#@ i forgot what letter 400 said. Take alot of notes in a seperate notebook!!! LOL so ya dont loose your thoughts :P
  11. I took Your survey I did alot of thinking and I hope you liked my response. My Biggest Suggestions Were Checkout layouts of Reality websites as they are common for the ideas of searching for stuff. Tags, Certifications Are a Big Deal for many sites that have mods. Top, Good Gems will be easier to find as well as Exactly what people are looking for.. Ie Sound mods for certain things or (name) city overhauls Ect. Just a Refined More streamlined Site, Layout would help out aswell. Make it so we dont have to click page by page and can have a infinite scroll would also be a blessing. I also Hope we can figure out how to keep The tabs section on mods Maybe on the leftside instead of just the top. but its very buggy,videos constantly Break and clicking back and forth causes issues, Pages Crash. This needs to be reworked!!!! Finally I hope more tabs could be added or Sections to mods. For ex. I hope to see ,Help Section, Updates, Compatibility Tab. Ect not just all this s#*&#33; shoved in a fourm. The bug Tab should be mandatory as well ps. Welcome to Nexus =D hope good things will come !!
  12. Genious Dark0ne, here is a thought.Can you make the bug report system like a post system that we can all see and +1 so the more common bugs will be on the top . Also load order information would be helpful for posts aswell. What Version ect would be nice to know aswell. *would weed out old version bug reports*
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