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About Thor.

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    Skyrim, Gran Turismo 5 Borderlands 2??

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  1. hey TheCalliton, did you ever fix that troublesome tv of yours (;
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    2. Deleted54170User


      You miss TheCalliton! Really bad?!
    3. Deleted54170User


      So what if you're possessed and riddled with spirits. Maybe they want to talk with someone or, if you're like me the inspiration to write is fired up and I write until I stop and then I save it to my computers Wordpad. If it's something I think really has anything that I would post where I got my inspiration I post it back on the Thread here. If I feel like a nut after reading it, possible story folder.
    4. Deleted54170User


      I'm getting in another round of peeking. DUCK! Not like before when I first started leaving each of the friends a pie in the face. Splat! Tool late! Runs away!
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