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Posts posted by Sette1893

  1. mmm...it wont be difficult,Philadelphia during XVIII century was practically a bunch of rowhouses and tranquility lane-like houses.

    I'll gonna make a try in the next days.


    PS: the difficulty thing is to find a liberty bell mesh.

  2. I downloaded umpa dance animations,and i want a NPC to play on of them everytime and without me selecting it with the console.I select the npc and i write "playidle etc." and the animation run,so I make a save.Then i quit the game.I reopen the game I load the savegame and he got the default animation.What can I do?
  3. mmm...they would not be difficult to realize,just retex some of the NCR uniforms,I can do it.But if you want even the exactly meshes,that's another story.


    Anyway,for the helmets.American and british are pretty similair to NCR ranger helmet,the prussian helmet exist already,on fo3nexus and german trench helmet it's pretty similair to the m42 that you can find on fo3nexus under the name "cerberus protect headgear",just smooth the mesh and maybe retex it.

  4. D'ya want the body replacer or the clothes for it?


    aah,them two.


    It's not difficult,download the mod,put the meshes and textures folder in your fallout3 directory,open the geck,select an outfit,create a new one and replace the meshes.


    And for the body replacer,i think you should search in the GECK body or female,and you have to find female's body,then do the same think as before,open the body and replace meshes.


    If you don't know how to do it I can do it for you.

  5. Hi,while i was moving a trench in the GECK,I press something on the keyboard,and now when i have to modified the height of the object if it's "-1984.0000" and i pres the bottom-arrow it doesn't comes "-1983.0000" but "-2048.0000"


    PS: when I move objects with the mouse they just go up or down,no right or left


    I think the problem is this,I try to reset 64 to 1,but when i re-open the reference window it comes 64 again:



  6. I tried to create the AI package,but it doesn't run,i made it a "follow package" and i can only select interior cell,i need to make the package run outside


    PS: what a linked reference is?

  7. I was thinkin' about making a russian mod for fallout,replacing weapons,armor,food,names and music.


    for the weapons,there's no problem,there's a lot of russian weapons mod..for the armors,i can re-texture the chinese ushanka, the stranger's coat and other armours....for the "names", i means replacing cities names with russian names..the great problem is to find russian style building models,i think it would be a good project,but i need some help for building models.


    sorry for my bad english,i'm italian.

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