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  1. the triss card is so sh1t i exclude it from my deck there are a few mods that give your deck loads of super-powered cards - many dont make sense and you end up with your entire deck hyper-powered i'd just like a better triss - maybe same strength but with a scorch ability... i.e. "Destroy your ennemy's strongest Ranged Combat Unit(s) if the combined strength of all his or her Ranged Combat Units is 10 or more." or make her a medic also some eye candy wouldn't hurt if it works with DLC ON... something like https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/307 or similar
  2. eye-ache inducing as too many too much info is tried to be given simultaneously the old site wasn't broken - why change - please can we have that back
  3. doesnt seem to be working new layout gives me eye-ache
  4. http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/834/? you can get Outerwear as starting armor replacer already - but would anyone do a craftable version (i.e. add a schematic to crossroads vendor) ideally roughly comparable to the craftable MP armors in the above mod in terms of stats (200-300) - maybe with elemental resisitances (say 15-20% of each flavor) already on it (since you cant get elemental resists on them) in a trade-off for slightly lower armor rating or removing the ranged/melee defence some have on them ideally do a few different colors if retexes such as http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/937/? or http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/831/? are problematic to incorporate: maybe with 'cloth pants' such as http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/795/? i know i can just use 'invisible armor' / 'invisible armor addons' for the PC - but that removes armor from followers too... and i cant equip followers with outerwear
  5. damnit i deleted MLLY long ago because i learnt how to do it so i didnt need it in my plug-in list any longer. problem is - i've forgotten how to do it.... 1. create an esp with hearthfires as master. 2. search mannequin and make changes to both BYOHmannequins and playerhomemannequins. 3. use the drop-down to change actor model to 'player'... 4... but what else? tick the 'is unique' check box ? tick the 'use traits' check box ? whatever i seem to try either crashes the game when entering a house - or doesnt work properly - it used to be so simple to do does anyone have a copy ? - or knows/remembers how to make your own MLLY ? please PM me if you can help
  6. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26653/? Project Flintlock's grenade launcher could be a good place to start. *sigh* i remember when i first added it and was compelled to run around everywhere blasting everyone to smithereens with the blunderbuss loaded up with explosive grenades
  7. change the slot(s) used by either of the pieces you want to wear together... so that they no longer use the same slot use nifskope to change the slots of the nifs, and CK to change the slot in the esp of that item you just changed to the slot you just changed it to
  8. looks like he had the same trouble. with his you have to target her in the console and run the bat file to get her to work. (you might ask him if you could use his bat file for yours) also - though i dont use it - Babes of Skyrim - has the most beautiful camilla replacer http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/34935-3-1366238182.jpg
  9. could just use the CK and duplicate the particular bow or bows to add the 'enchantment' - (+ recipe / temper entries for it if required) http://i.minus.com/ibgBvk8SUClBD8.jpg
  10. try that on the next tab (relationship) parent - camilla child - player relationship - ally i d/k about having -1 potentialfollowerfaction it suggests that there are conditions to be met to be a potential follower (if u know what i mean).. try setting it to 0?... unless you want to make the love triangle quest, or return the golden claw as pre-requisites. (btw - i'm giving it a guess here, you should really read the tutorials and do whatever they say do)
  11. then you need to change her in CK -1 currentfollowerfaction 0 potentialfollowerfaction (but check those in one of the tutorials) you probably still have to have her disposition toward the player high enough to follow you
  12. bouncing breasts and butt with the UNP body http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/21199/? 1. Install the original Dimonized UNP body 2. Install the xp32 maximum skeleton Extended 2.14 3. Install skse if haven't already 4. Install the HDT physics extension 5. Install this mod Optional: 6. Install any one of the different unp body textures available on the nexus or elsewhere. Be sure to get a matching head and body set to avoid neck seams 7. Install Racemenu for easy character editing and also allows you to tweak breast,glute, etc sizes independent of the weight slider btw - breasts / butt wont bounce in clothing / armor unless the clothing/armor you wear is BBP (breast) or TBBP (breast and butt)
  13. easiest way - if i remember you can make any npc a follower with Amazing Follower Tweaks (theres a spell to 'make npc follower') or with the CK, add playerfollowefaction and potentialfollowerfaction and (maybe you need to) set her disposition base higher (say 90 or 100 - whatever)
  14. PS - if anyone is generous enough with their time to make her a follower, plz make her Breton, give her pale skin and maybe a lighter shade of hair
  15. original upload uploader has said that anyone is free to upload as a follower - the savegame doesnt look right on my comp, and cant/wont use ECE for the CME, otherwise i'd have given it a go...i'm sure someone can do this easy enough though http://static-2.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/60563-1-1417893725.jpg
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