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  1. Are there any mods or even scripts going at the moment that will remove the zoom feature when using first person aiming or iron sights? I am extremely surprised that this was a part of the Vanilla game.
  2. The R390 is not much different in real world scenarios than the 290. I previously had two R9 290s and then switched to two GTX 970s. Keep in mind I had the 290s for more than a year and knew them like the back of my hand. Despite a well ventilated and cooled case, I was never happy with the heat or power that they used, especially in Crossfire. The one saving grace was that the model I had(and I suspect this was true of most R9 290 that were good quality chips), was able to under volt quite significantly - to the point that on stock clocks (and even with some overclock) I could undervolt the card enough to save up to ten or fifteen degrees per card. They also had (not sure if 390 is affected by this) some issue supporting 1600p monitors with their VSR upscaling/downscaling technology. The move to the GTX 970 has been a mostly positive one. Despite most benchmarks having the R9 290/390 and GTX 970 neck and neck at 1440p/1600p, I have found the 970s to be often faster - particularly when using in-house Nvidia features such as TAA (which is a great Anti-aliasing method).They also have a smoother feel to them in terms of texture loading and VRAM management.They run cooler considerably, the fans are nowhere near as grating when they speed up.The power draw is shockingly lower.Support PhysxSLI works in windowed mode (true of all Nvidia cards)DSR (Nvidia's version of upscale/downscale technology), supports your native resolution and is more flexibleThe 970 is an awesome card for handling chroma/luma upscaling for video viewing. There is a neat program named Potplayer, that can be complimented or supplemented with a video plugin named MadVR. Together you can set the PotPlayer to automatically upscale, filter and present videos in a higher native resolution than your desktop. Watching something in 4k (though it still has some grain - it's not real 4k) that was previously 480p or worse, is pretty awesome. I've been going over a 480p set of Star Trek Next Generation, using some serious upscallng at 3840x2160 resolution. It looks as good as most quality 720p/1080p copies. All powered by a single GTX 970.In the past few years, Nvidia drivers have been more nice to work with. Maybe that's changed now that AMD revamped their approach to driver software. The concern over the GTX 970 having only 3.5gb of 'good' VRAM is not what people make it out to be. The performance loss when accessing that remaining .5gb is not noticeable - additionally, if you're pushing 3.5gb+ in a game, you've probably got some type of third party mods and third party mods aren't particularly efficient in their VRAM usage. Point being, you could have a 12gb Titan and still suffer VRAM related issues, simply because the mod or extra usage is inefficient. GTA 5 comes to mind when you over crank the special advanced features and the game becomes unstable. Price wise, I'd say they're about the same whether new or used, though R9 390 may be less costly due to needing to make themselves competitive. My recommendation is you get used Gigabyte G1 970 GTX. Whatever you do, don't get a GTX 980 or a 980 Ti. The former has a poor price/performance ratio and the latter is slower than two GTX 970s in SLI, while also being more expensive.
  3. Super. Any chance you could put us on a mailing list, if we message you our email?
  4. Hello, is there a new thread for this mod - is it still active? Any progress update for 2015?
  5. Solved. In ENBseries.ini under [bLOOM] section, first entry is BloomPowerDay= change or lower that to reduce bloom power.
  6. As per title, using a generic ENB and trying to figure out how to reduce the bloom effect. I have the ENB customizer program but it will not detect my ENB in this instance so cannot adjust it in the GUI. Can someone remind me where to make this tweak in the ENBseries.ini ?
  7. Solved by using Gamma Lift. In SweetFX_Settings (or similar, not sure what parameter is in ENB customizer), there is an entry in the top section where you toggle features on and off : #define USE_LIFTGAMMAGAIN 1 //[0 or 1] Lift Gamma Gain : Adjust brightness and color of shadows, midtones and highlights (avoids clipping) Then once that is togged to an on "1" state, below there are three commands : #define RGB_Lift float3(1.000, 1.000, 1.000) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust shadows for Red, Green and Blue #define RGB_Gamma float3(1.000, 1.000, 1.000) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust midtones for Red, Green and Blue #define RGB_Gain float3(1.000, 1.000, 1.000) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust highlights for Red, Green and Blue It is recommended to put the shadows at slightly over 1.000, say at 1.050 and then adjust your midtones accordingly. HIghlights seems to be game specific and I often leave it at default. Through tweaking shadows and midtones this should hopefully brighten up overly dark shadows caused by ENB injector(s).
  8. Bump; just looking for assistance on what parameters in the ENB customizer affect the darkness of shadows and SSAO. Thank you,
  9. I use Makosa DoF+modified ENBseries with Climates of Tamriel. Performance and visuals are about as good as I think I am going to get, without spending more time modding the game rather than playing it. I do not have any crashes due to this, however I do get overly darkened SSAO/shadows and hyper bright daytime scenarios. I am wondering what you suggest is the best method and how specifically (or what parameter to adjust) to go about resolving this. I have the ENB customizer, though have not been able to pinpoint what will affect the shadow contrast(I tried all the Ambient Lighting, Exposure, Light Source and anything else I could). Thank you. Roxy
  10. Hi, I am using a basic Matso ENB, with active DOF/auto focus ; SSAO disabled. A lot of shadowed or darkened areas are exceptionally dark, and flora does not seem to receive light. When I stand next to bushes, a torch will light up the ground around it, yet not the bushes itself. I then disabled the ENB in-game briefly and with the torch up, flora still did not receive lighting. A) What is the setting to adjust shadow contrast/brightness? B) Do lights not affect flora in Gamebryo engine? http://www.shrinkpictures.com/processed/phpvickftPM.jpg http://www.shrinkpictures.com/processed/phpf5VWhOPM.jpg
  11. My game is crashing after the story arc ending/slides for Lonesome Road. It will spin the wheel for about ten seconds with some disk activity then CTD. I've come to the conclusion that the only way around this(if wanting to keep my progress within Lonesome Road) is to find a way back to Mohave, then use commands to trigger the quest completion. I have a save file right at the door (after death of Ulysses), where upon the current objective for The Apocalypse is to "Read the Canyon Wreckage" This is accomplished by simply accessing the door out of Ulysses' temple - it then triggers the cutscene/ending. What I can do is COC command movement back to the actual Canyon Wreckage cell, however unsure about proper completion for "The End" and "The Apocalypse" I checked the stage of The Apocalypse before and after COC moving and it's stage 10.00 If I CompleteAllObjectives it works for the current objective however I do not see the nuclear explosions in the distance. I believe there is a stage or trigger I am missing. Please advise if you are familiar with script/stages for quests and what I may be missing.
  12. BUMP as I have had this happen to me after completion of quest - CTD once DLC ending finishes.
  13. Is there a mod or .ini setting to disable/reduce the camera zoom when looking down iron sights on a weapon? I am not speaking about the animation, when the gun comes closer to your face - that's fine. But the surrounding camera and field of vision narrows too much.
  14. They are not better at all but cover so far more textures than other mods like "Skyrim HD - 2K Textures" for instance. But when this mod will be finished, it will be way better than the official textures. 2K Texture pack is seriously overrated. It changes the look of the art direction way too much and looks very amateurish. The official pack from Beth does not change the art direction but still enhances the original textures, something 2K fails utterly to do imo. I agree about the Skyrim HD pack...I used to think it was all right but to get my game running like I think the developers intended i removed it...added the Official High Res textures to the .bsa archive instead of the .esp and loaded any other mods used to use that weren't directly improved by the Bethesda pack So for Skyrim HD, I opened the archived file, removed everything but the landscape textures and repacked the archive and used that modified one as everything else looks way better from Bethesda.. Also, all of the blocky face and beauty face mods are null and void with the Bethesda pack...I wound up having to selectively hunt and peck through each mod specifically to see what was better, a tedious process but necessary to get the right look if your a graphics prostitute like me I think the easiest way to approach the new pack is to delete ALL of your mods and start fresh with the Bethesda Packs as modified archive bases and go from there, truly the only way to tell what's affecting what Yes, I wondered the same and added the file manually then saved it. I too do not believe this works together 100%, but as suggested, I have these lines : Documents\My Games\Skyrim : Skyrim.ini [Archive] sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa, HighResTexturePack01.bsa, HighResTexturePack02.bsa sResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa, HighResTexturePack01.bsa, HighResTexturePack02.bsa and \Skyrim : Skyrim_defualt.ini [Archive] sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa, HighResTexturePack01.bsa, HighResTexturePack02.bsa sResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa, HighResTexturePack01.bsa, HighResTexturePack02.bsa HighResTexturePack 01 and 02 are disabled/unchecked in the Data Files from the Launcher. Skyrim HD is working, confirmed easily on grass textures. Can't really tell about High Res pack now, but assume it's ok as well. Was curious about the fact I have a "Skyrim" folder in my root Skyrim directory and inside is a SkyrimPrefs.ini. Shouldn't that be in the root directory itself and/or only in the My Games folder???(note there is already one in My Games)
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