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Everything posted by BlackSampleAdmin

  1. here are some results note: there not edited with size but i will do that just tell me which one is better?
  2. if someone could do that in the spoilers cause i cant find them all ty.
  3. ok then ill show you the results here might take a while cause i have to go work.
  4. steel pipe well in photoshop i could try to shine the original lead pipe textures and make a new one and copy the lead pipe mesh and make it a bit bigger and in geck i could just edit the wight and damage if this is what you want sure i will give it a go its much easier to edit the original then make one from scratch.
  5. then what are the keller family records? i keep trying to find them after they get found what happens? i think its leading to vault 77 cause ingame there is a vault 77 clothing just search in geck.
  6. cool i just searched it here is link Glow Sticks cool now with fellout it can look really cool yet i really wish the weapon and maybe the armor could be made then i don't require to drop them every time. still haven't downloaded mod yet. nvm on the weapon just the armor
  7. maybe a white piano? i could use that and just put the logo of my mod on the lid with photoshop can you make the white textured one?
  8. glow stick a modern stick used to light dark areas in many colors! glows a lot and lasts forever! can also hold it as a weapon and light the place and kick ass with it! drop it in dark areas no matter where you are! and never disappears! and if possible why not a glow stick factory you can visit any time talk to the merchants that sell them and when traveling in the basement you find glowing ones! with glow colors! AND EVEN A GLOW STICK ARMOR! :thumbsup: pleas tell me if this is possible and can be done and also the people who can do it pm me and when released pm me :biggrin: -BsA-
  9. had same problem just download all the mods you want and make a back up disc then when you reinstall you can easily install all of the mod's from the disc. fallout always gets sick at times and needs to be reinstalled and i might have reinstalled the game like 45 times wish there was a fix file for that o_O
  10. i dont know how to replace monsters with enemy's and stuff but u can just remove the scorpions search in object window radscorpion or scorpion and remove all rad scorpion names you see NOTE: try to remove the ones that are the monster type and not the other data of them that should remove from game NOTE: messing with geck wont do anything to the game as you can enable and disable the mod anytime or remove it if you dont need it.
  11. here is a good place to start : http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Category:Scripting if you get through all the things in the page above you'll be scripting like crazy. you tube is good why not check that out : www.youtube.com
  12. if you have any friends or family that have it and ask if you can take theirs OR become friends with a near buy game store owner and ask him for a fallout 3 GOTY it always works although it mean using someone! but a favor for the game is better :thumbsup:
  13. thanks guys that took a load of me when i couldent level up past 20 or bring my points up 100 :yes:
  14. they really give game more quests like maybe 45 and 5 of them should be the hardest and also like BORDERLANDS they should put a bounty board somewhere in New Vegas so that when we finish the game there still is sometasks to do and also give each boss a specific gun like if they make a nightkin behemoth it should for example give another stealth suit but and a gun that burns the NPC'S and enemy's and put some place like fallout 3 a location where some aliens crashed and set up near a cave they find next to them and then you travel in that cave and get cool alien tech and weap's -BsA-
  15. hi i got to some part at the end of my level and i was thinking is there a cap level mod that isn't a cheat. for example when i kill a raider when i am level 20 i get like xp points not the ones that just lvl you from 20 to bla bla. i have no DLC's and i am planning on getting all in the future so if there is a mod that raises cap level and is compatible with and with out all DLC's thanks. -BsA- planning to rule the world! of fallout :thumbsup:
  16. its the talking UI do you want to install it or uninstall if you want to then remove the sound files that contain there sound (NOTE DO NOT REMOVE SOUND FOLDER OR SOME GAME SOUNDS WILL BE REMOVED! yeah the talking UI Gets annoying a bit so just remove the ones you dont like. -BsA-
  17. hmm i think you guys shouldent wait 2012 is yet a very long time to come its like maybe 400 days if i am right untill then get Half life 1 2 and all episodes that should help you think on a long long lasting story and think who the hell is G-MAN???? last time i remember i was googleing him man i wish there was a HL2 Freeman action figure so i could show how much a #1 fan of the game i am. NOTE: COUNTER STRIKE ALSO IS SUPER COOL! -BsA- <<< this stand for Brotherhood Sexy :wink: Assassins or Black Sample Admin lol
  18. nice although i think it matter what kind of PC is being used.
  19. i don't think so fo3 is not online neither new Vegas but there isn't any stable news that's why they ain't finished cause some issues exist but multi-player i think it has and if not its possible for making a mod for that
  20. hey guys i have like 30 or more type 3 clothing and i want all to be in one anyway to do that? cause i have 30 of them and 20 other mods and it gets so crowded when i enter the Data folder and i think it lags because of that pleas help anyone who gives a good answer gets kudos thanks.
  21. first time i expirenced the landscape making i thought it was a built in weapon maker and thanks to both of you i just completed 80% of my mod.
  22. the rumor for cars in new vegas is something like in half life 2 episode 1 where you get to drive a vehicle i wish fallout 3 had the capability to drive so that we all could crush muties with our monster tires and also the use of these abandoned garages would come then we could modify are cars ans monster trucks there like give it sexy rims and awesome paint jobs and cool turrents and maybe a wasteland map mounted on the car radar and maybe some nuka places and a storage place maybe a small tent behind it and some new weapons and maybe tires the size of the megaton bomb oooooooooooooooooh YEAH that would be some mod only takes som much effort it should get 2000 endorses and stay in the file of the month for about a year now Thats not a mod its a GOD MOD!
  23. anyone know how i can add a map marker im such a noob at this
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