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Everything posted by BlackSampleAdmin

  1. as long as it dont replace anything your good to go if it does then must be at the top of fallout.esm and all other esm's.... like this : Fallout3.esm [X] Anchorage.esm [X] Steel.esm [X] Pitt.esm [X] Lookout.esm [X] Zeta.esm [X] (MOD) (MOD) (MOD) ..... .... .... and yeah on and on.
  2. do you check the .esp in FOMM? or fallout launcher?
  3. yeah neither i have seen how to export object into a nif after all there are dozens of options when trying to export and one simple thing could tell you its not possible if there just was an exporting tutorial for various items such as weapons items.... and all the materials like metallic,plastic,shiny.... and other options that would go great... just saying as blender is confusing in export...
  4. you mean you cant reach the ok Button right? just right click on the lines thats separating the two windows and click join and an arrow comes then point at the one that you Dont need to cover that then try to pull down your task bar to view the ok i do that sometimes and it always works for win xp
  5. loved the new flame weapon Bethesda really left out some guns thanks to you they got filled and are upgrading pm me when your done with the new EVE :)
  6. i am just curious i have photoshop paint.net gimp illustrator and.... is paint.net better for textures? cause i never tryed it and i am lso looking for Nividia pulgin
  7. how do i make a fallout model in blender?
    1. KDStudios


      Wheres our Pipboy ipad?! =P
  8. How To Have Blender 2.49b & Blender 2.53 Beta at the same time: i do this myself as i need both versions so first get every thing you need: 1-PyFFI - any version will do: http://sourceforge.n...ts/pyffi/files/ 2-Python - you must download python version 2.6.6 to make this work: http://www.python.or...releases/2.6.6/ 3-Blender 2.49 - must be 2.49b and maybe 2.49a: http://www.blender.o...ad/get-blender/ 4-Blender Nif Scripts - latest version will do: http://sourceforge.n...niftools/files/ 5-Blender 2.53 Beta - http://www.blender.o...d/get-25-alpha/ Step 1 : first install Blender 2.49b or a into in location on your computer. Step 2 : usually Blender says that you require Python and sends you to the link be sure you have Python to 2.6.6 or this will not work then install Python in the same hard or this Might not work. Step 3 : click blender and look at the doss box that comes up with blender and see if its says this: compiled with python version 2.6.2 checking for installed python... got it. if does not say that then it has not found python. so try to re-install python Step 4 : install PyFFI to any location and then install Blender Nif Scripts. Note that you must first install every thing step by step or you will bump into a problem. Step 5 : check if Blender Nif Format is working if not try re-installing or installing all files in one directory to be sure the program has searched around it if not then search google for a solution or send a message to blender website for help Step 6 : Install Blender 2.53 Beta In any directory and it does not require python as it has its own in its files but not python so if your planning on making a new program you require a original python ENJOY :)
  9. This Step By Step How to install Blender 2.49b with Nif Scripts & 2.5 has been moved Here Enjoy!
  10. i don't know? wait your that friend of mine.
  11. a weapon tutorial for fallout 3 how to make the mesh give it textures and every other bit to making a complete and Successful weapon for fallout 3 one melee weapon tutorial and one gun tutorial. and also a clothing tutorial for any body replacer specially for type 3 thanks LHammonds. -BsA-
  12. an eye for an eye what does that mean?
    1. Zaldir


      It means that you trade an eye and get an eye in return...^^
    2. BlackSampleAdmin


      freaky o.O i would never trade my eye for another eye only if that eye was gold or robotic ;)
  13. that's weird have you tried uninstalling? its the best solution in this case i think and its not baby cockroaches its rad roaches but you can call them baby. cause i doubt a baby cockroach would attack instead they would flee.
  14. she is 100% evil she tries to kill with mercs cause she can pay the merc to send friends and she always has that happy way of talking either she a psychopath or she get high all the time cant doubt it cause she always likes to experiments now if they put a story to her and make her appear in new Vegas then that would explain why she is a wackjob. i killed after i done her quest a unknow glitch i found ghoul moira at deathclaw sanctuary and a gun named vengeance o_O o_O :blink: :blink: :ninja:
  15. here is the best website to downloading mods and its TOTALLY FREE! www.fallout3nexus.com you can do many things there if you know a mod or think of a mod first search it there. if your interested in mods that people love just check out the hot files and see which one you want and click. also there a list of files under that name latest files you can check those and also you can upload a mod and upload a image's so that's it just remember the rules and use the account you used here cause both are nexus. and know that your new i recommend you have these fallout mod manager: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=640 Archive invalidate: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=944 these are only programs and not mod fallout mod manager helps you to manage mods and switch load order and unpack .bsa files archive invalidate helps you set the textures that are new to replace or fit there mesh i think its that. i hope you know how to install mods if you don't ill tell you that to.
  16. i was playin halo 3 then i thought about how you can carry two 1 hand guns at the same time in both hands that was great is it possible for fallout 3 to be able to do that i mean as a mod also here are some weapon i found awesome if it could be made to. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Eaawitness.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Glock_20.jpg thanks
  17. just saying now these are weapons! all the other weapons in the game look like baby toys made by baby's very stupid and the only one that looks like it could do a lot of damage and does is the fat man! but yeah with the weapons you picked there is no way those supermutants can kill us now.
  18. yeah that would be cool to and if its possible can it get script to take 500 caps then to open instead of a guard?
  19. Ammo Shack a small shack that a guard is guarding and the door requires a key to enter but if you talk to the guard you can give 500 caps and when you enter (you can only enter once per 500 caps) if your luck you might get lots of ammo but if your really lucky you might get lots of ammo for lots of guns (maximum ammo is 100) this mod is like a lottery of ammo you pay 500 caps enter once cause when you leave the door locks and you've wasted 500 caps. and locks with (require key). when you give the caps & enter you might get an amount of ammo from one gun or maybe more guns you might even get a pack 100 ammo if your that lucky (if its possible place luck as a connection so the higher the luck is the more chance of better and more ammo. and sometimes a gun. and not that you can always pay 500 caps to enter and every time its a new re spawn.
  20. the fo3 launcher is the thing when starting up the game a small page pops up having these PLAY/ OPTIONS/ DATA FILES/ TECH SUPPORT/ EXIT what you have to do is click on DATA FILES and select the esp file you want esp is the mod file! also i recommend you get fallout 3 mod manager if you dont have cause it will allow you to see and change the load order of you mods and there load codes and even let you unpack BSA files. EDIT: also its just like the fallout 3 data files launcher only much better and more cleaner.
  21. what do you think the world would look like in 200 years post what you think. in my opinion war will happen every one dies bla bla bla the earth gets sucked into the sun and we all get disintegrated. i am just looking for peoples point of view in what the world would look like in 200 years. and this does have a connection to fallout 3 as its possible of a nuclear war. and yeah you know whats gonna happen wait for me vivos i am still out here!!!!
  22. don't we all! Ive gone through lots of tutorials only one i found was blender to fallout 3 any other kind of a tutorial WITH A VOICE? to teach how to make meshes and textures. i just reply to answer what bloat flies and molerats eat. molerats eat human or anything that has meat and not its own kind. bloat flies will what do real bloat files eat? last time i remember is they lay eggs under the human skin and feed off the flesh until there big and bulky to fly out omg! this is some freaky world we live on
  23. no i just want to look cool and make every one shine there eyes at me and say : that guy must have been drinking lots of radioactive water if not then my eyes have F.E.V. sickness oh NO im gonna turn into a super mutant! and another guy says: is that bad? i think its better to become one then get eatin by one lol! Thanks for directing me to armor.
  24. DONE! http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14419 hope you like it.
  25. np ill give a link in a minute note that i only can make the pipe and place it near the bed cause i have no experience in scripting for the note to give access so i will leave the base ball bat as it is and if i can ill try to make the pipe longer if its possible in nifskope and give the damage and other things you requested.
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