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Everything posted by 78stonewobble

  1. I'm an oblivion mod noob so I only have the shivering isles and knights of the nine that came with the GOTY edition. But then again you're probably not catering to me with your mod. :) Good luck
  2. "When it comes to requesting a mod, charisma and experience is the key. For example, if you're a total newbie whose first post is that of requesting a mod, the specific modder will immediately know it's something out of his/her's interest. There is a 78% chance that the newbie whose first post is that of requesting a mod, or a 22% chance that it is an experienced player, which has a 60% chance for his request to actually take place." Now I do have to ask? Where are the trainers for raising my charisma and experience attributes? Sorry... I couldn't help it :D
  3. Hi, I'm having the same "problem". Running windows 7 64 bit and 4 gb of memory. Most of the time oblivion.exe uses quite a bit below 1,5 gb of memory. I've tried raising the interior/exterior cell loading and the allocated memory in the ini file but doesnt really help. Now I havent applied the 64 bit patches to the exe yet because I'm not even hitting the 32 bit roof. It is a bit weird though. I'm using quarls texture pack 3, natural enviroments, windowlighting/chimney smoke mod and kvatch rebuild. Oblivion still uses very little memory. Installing the RAEVWD?!? mod does slow my game down to 20 fps at times (unplayable) but it still doesnt use that much more memory. It's very rare for my oblivion to use even 1,5 gb of memory. Any tips for getting oblivion to utilize some more of the available memory? Tweakguides.com cautions against tweaking the memory and load options in the ini file too high but that might only be applicable on 32 bit systems or those with less memory. Thank you in advance. PS. Actually windows does an ok job of swapping out unneeded programs to the harddrive if say. oblivion.exe needs more memory. Or maybe I'm just getting too old to fiddle with windows memory :D PPS: If you alt-tab out of the game regulary (bad bad I know) I'd venture a guess and say that a non aero theme is better. Aero uses atleast twice as much video memory as non aero themes.
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