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Everything posted by AliasTheory

  1. I'm doing alright. Last college quarter was pretty tough, and now I'm on break with my family. I have yet to submit my resume to a few other places and then go on my video game binge.
  2. Sure has. Is life treating you well?
  3. Nexus, what are your Christmas plans?
    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. VisseNekku5746


      ^ Oh that is just beautiful. *applauds*
    3. frakle


      that is a great american video
    4. Ithildin


      Fantastic! XD
  4. I seem to give that impression to a lot of people...I don't think so. The competition is pretty tough in Silicon Valley. But I am planning on putting in applications for places a bit closer to home. :)
  5. I freaking do, and that's why after I (hopefully) rock finals week, I'm going to go back to doing other things. After I finish updating my resume and doing some job applications, that is.
  6. Things are going alright. Schoolwork is getting tougher, which is basically reflected by my status update and that I'm not around here more.
  7. Yo. How have you been? Pursuing neurology, I see?
  8. Hey, I like it when strangers come and crash my conversations on public message boards. It's what I signed up for.
  9. Yes, prerequisites are specified, but maybe not stressed enough for some specific principles.

    I _almost_ got stuck with 9 hours. I have 6 instead.

    Also, the two are only as alike as you want them to be. It depends what you choose to try focus in. That's what I think. One could also say computer engineering is just as similar if software was an emphasis.

  10. I also get the joy of taking semiconductor physics next quarter, which should totally wreck my s***. I almost got stuck with 9 hours of classes straight on Tuesday and Thursday, so no mechatronics for me yet...

    Also, a side note: if you plan on doing anything in the field of antennae or E&M, make sure to get down your Calc IV stuff, aka double/triple integrals, flux, gradients, etc

  11. That's unfortunate. I've learned a lot this year about how life isn't quite as fair as we want it to be, even if this is old knowledge.

    I'm stuck this Thanksgiving studying for another electromagnetics exam...what fun. I had a signal processing one the other week, which hopefully went well. I felt pretty good about it.

  12. It really depends on what you want to do. At my university, it is possible to get a Masters in some kind of engineering in five years. Pretty brutal stuff though. I'd like to work somewhere for at least a year, then consider graduate classes.
  13. Don't worry. I go to a Jesuit school where well-roundedness is emphasized, so I'm stuck taking a bunch of that kind of crap too. And as far as doing the basic theory classes, you have to stick with it. I swear, universities try to intimidate students out of the program early on. I have a friend who dropped mechanical engineering for economics, and I'm sure he'd make a fine one.
  14. At my university, the curriculum doesn't actually list any sort of sub-specialization, though at some point, those in the program get to choose what kind of engineering classes you wanna take. So that's what I meant. It somewhat sounds like you are doing more mechanical engineering stuff, but hey...in a lot of respects one must know a bit of all engineering branches.
  15. What sub-specialty of EE are you studying?
  16. Honestly, I was too busy to actually do any celebrating this Halloween, but your message made mine that much brighter. Thanks for stopping by.
  17. I've never felt so bad having a good grade before.
    1. Show previous comments  73 more
    2. AliasTheory


      @ves: Before you say DMC is easy - go look up the harder difficulty levels. People do some pretty cool stuff on Youtube.


    3. VesemirTheWitcher


      ehh. you may have convinced me to recheck my current knowledge of the series' gameplay. but not anytime soon. i just got deus ex. also i'm so busy. didn't even check if the game runs okay.
    4. AliasTheory



      Hey all. This is pretty good stuff. I can't say I agree with all of it, but it is an interesting video game dynamic that I think some of us overlook at times.

  18. Ha, that's pretty hilarious. Thanks for the link!
  19. I read your short writing you posted in the garden. I eerily connect a lot more with it than you might think. It's the only writing in that forum in a while that I've stopped to read, and then read it again.

    Thanks for that.

  20. Feeling lonely these days?
  21. Back to the university I go.
    1. Show previous comments  69 more
    2. VesemirTheWitcher


      Silicon valley? :D sounds like something out of a sci-fi fairy tale.
    3. AliasTheory
    4. VesemirTheWitcher


      ah. my first mental image was like a really shiny death star. XD
  22. Also, a blossoming field I think is vascular surgery, much thanks I say to the many minimally-invasive medical technologies out there.
  23. The amount of time it takes should hardly be any concern. What's important is if you want to actually do what the job requires.

    I will tell you that the most stress-inducing surgical jobs are probably cardiac or neuro, since much can go wrong. Screw up a cardiac case and a person is as good as dead, and a neuro could leave you with vegetables, if you know what I mean.

  24. Doctor, huh? My dad's a general surgeon.
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