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Everything posted by AliasTheory

  1. Pokemon's metagame has evolved greatly since the first few games. My roommate here in college is big into all that, and he could tell you all about it. But anyway -- no, it's not odd. It's still a great game series with plenty of depth and playability, but it's just a lot of the same, frankly. (Visit Bulbapedia, it's full of good stuff.) I dropped the series at about the third generation (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald), which I also managed to max out the in-game timer on. Maybe just about a year ago, I got around to the fourth generation on an emulator, however I did not play for nearly as much time. The new Pokemon X and Y AFAIK are trying to mix things up a bit while giving balance as far as the new starting Pokemon go; they are all dual elemental and there's a reverse element wheel going on in addition to the classical grass, water and fire. (Though one of the Pokemon is dark, which is completely immune to psychic, not just weak against it. That's an even greater advantage.) I'm personally just not ready to sink all my free time into an RPG game of any kind, but hey, maybe I'll try out the latest installment of the series soon.
  2. ^ Oh great, dead pixels. I remember when I had a Nintendo DS and when playing Super Mario 64 DS, a little red pixel would follow my character around everywhere.
  3. I'm going to suggest the Gears of War series. It's good fun and hella gorey. The multiplayer is for most part very competitive, and if you aren't all into the crazy wall-bouncing shenanigans, Horde mode is absolutely a blast with friends. It got way better in Gears of War 3, which has some tower defense elements in it as well. The story is not the best story ever for sure, but it's certainly captivating and lengthly. It's the story where nothing gets better for the heroes, and things only get worse.
  4. Yeah, I've been messing around in SAI more. Much better for the lineart portion of the drawings. Little easier to use with the tablet as well. The colour wheel is awesome. Photoshop you had to click the swatch then modify it, here I can just slide my pen around the wheel and find the right colour :) Hopefully the tax returns come in before my trial is up haha. It's nice that Photoshop files work in SAI (dunno if .sai files work in Photoshop though :P), I can switch if needed. PS seems to be a bit better in the shading area, but I haven't done anything crazy in SAI yet, just the sparrow. Also, SAI uses up less of your computer's resources than Photoshop. Granted, given the sheer amount of owners of heavy gaming rigs on this site, this should not be too much of an issue...but if you happen to have some gigantic painting open, SAI won't be too mean. It's also fairly simple to pick up, since Photoshop has a bunch of other options in it. But you'll learn all about those eventually. For Photoshop, I'd recommend you hit Ctrl+K (or Edit > Preferences > General) and let Photoshop hog all your memory. I've done a few things where I worked in things greater than 2000px x 2000px with 100+ layers, so it helps. Also, Photoshop has the more versatile brush options, and thanks to a bunch of kind online artists, seemingly infinite amounts of pre-made brushes. I see some made from real photograph equivalents and some from fractal flames. They are a pretty easy and fun way to spice up your work (just make sure to give credit!) For .sai working in Photoshop, I'm not very sure. I haven't tried looking up any plug-ins (since usually it is the other way around), so you'll have to check and see. Also go on deviantART and check out the incredible amount of tutorials. They'll help a lot. I do less stuff for my roommate now (since schoolwork always keeps me busy), so he's somewhat in the same situation as you. (He also has a Wacom Bamboo.) Lots of SAI drawings on his side, and I get to laugh at him as he struggles with female anatomy.
  5. Everyone has to start somewhere. Your drawings look nice, Illiad. I've been using Photoshop for a while and mostly do everything that isn't the actual sketching for a friend of mine. I'd recommend you get PaintTool SAI. It is made for your specific purpose and the lines in my opinion come out much nicer than Photoshop. Photoshop to me is a photo-editor and your special effects program, but Photoshop for most part can do everything well, at least. So do the sketching and base colors in SAI (and maybe some cel-shading), then soft shade and do some lighting and background in Photoshop.
  6. Persona 4 Arena, Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 for me. Lots and lots of practicing.
  7. This is the most important thread on The Nexus.
  8. If you are referring to the 20 something FPS movies that we have been seeing for some time now, it's primarily because historically it was more cost efficient and it matched NTSC TV standards. More frames = more money. It also had to deal with the cameras shot with. Overtime this choice became a Hollywood standard, and since then, people have also associated it with "normal" movie speed. Source: I read the paper this morning.
  9. Don't know if profile pictures count, but this is what I did last year. And last last year. http://forums.nexusmods.com/uploads//profile/photo-2144141.png Looking spiffy, everyone.
  10. That's actually a pretty good idea. I'm an electrical engineering major, and due to small class sizes, I'm with the same people all the time. As a result, we all know each other pretty well. It becomes more fun to learn when you have people to learn with. @IndorilTheGreat: You should try ask yourself what you are really interested in. If a class can't quite encompass that specific thing, perhaps you should try look into doing research at your university or getting involved with academic extracurriculars. Also, talk to your university class adviser.
  11. I've been looking around the net and noticed this subject came up in a few places. It's an interesting topic, so I'm curious to see what people here think. Adblock general info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adblock_Plus Ads are used to generate revenue for some service, such as a entertainment website or some Youtube video for example. Many ads work on a pay per view service, and of course, not viewing ads results in less money generated. Are we as consumers in any way morally obligated to view these advertisements, which for most of us is probably just a minor inconvenience? Discuss, share opinions, etc. [EDIT] Added an "other" option.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ow1ipMa_2io&feature=relmfu
  13. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m95yd1AbuB1r5hus6o1_500.gif
  14. If I wasn't already enrolled in college courses, I would be doing this. I have enough under my belt. Some of you might find this useful though. http://www.codecademy.com/learn
  15. Now this is good writing that I can enjoy. I'll be watching this thread.
  16. I would normally get this game in a heartbeat, but academics come first for me this year.
  17. I saw Grimm. What I thought? "This is the third time I've seen this episode. And I'm still watching it." No, it isn't because I'm a huge Grimm fan, but I look at the TV and lo and behold.
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