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Status Updates posted by AliasTheory

  1. H again. Like the loser I am, I commented in your topic in the Garden. Again! :P
  2. Do? I DID.

    Go to sleep already. :p

  3. Well, you got me with it. >.> And thanks for readin' Balagor...nice to know someone read it.
  4. Hey, I read your "most painful moment in life." I'm really sorry for your loss.
  5. Your signature's all nice and blending in now BlueDanube. Sweet. I still disagree about the hyperlink, but it ain't my signature. ;)
  6. Agh, my neighborhood power just went out for a bit...

    Anyway, I don't think I could play through AC2 TEN times. I haven't played any game that much. You win.

    Sig's still weird BlueDanube o.o

  7. Story for "Blood Sweat and Tears" updated, picture coming tomorrow. Want to do something quick with it, and you should read the story first anyway.
  8. Oh. I thought the marshland was the only rather forgettable part of the game, but otherwise I enjoyed every bit AC2. I planned to run through it again, but Fallout 3's been taking up my time. I'm guessing Brotherhood is #1 for your most anticipated next to Portal 2.
  9. Don't forget the Venice battle music! Heck, the ENTIRE soundtrack blew my mind. I love wandering in that game. I even listen to this in Fallout 3 at night (in game of course:)

  10. Yeah, the history is what really made me buy the game though. I liked the whole "what-if" scenario with da Vinci especially. Venice, on the side note, was crafted beautifully. And genetic memory is another cool "what-if."
  11. Wrote in the "About Me" section. :)
    1. BlueDanube


      em,about me or you ? xD
    2. AliasTheory


      ...that wasn't even funny. Failtacular! D:
  12. The best part of AC2 was the subtitles. :p Nah. But I love the slick killing moves (spear to spear or axe counter FTW) the beautifully recreated European architecture and the shortened dialogue.
  13. Must be all that Assassin's Creed, huh? Following me. Watching me. EVERYWHERE. Haha. Oh, and great game by the way. I have a perfect 1000 gamerscore on the second one.
  14. Yeah, definitely. I'm lonely here.

    And geez, you respond wickedly fast.

  15. In response to your comment:

    Of course. I'm sure you know that every writer out there doesn't just write a big story and publish it; it goes through rigorous editing and rewriting. Over and OVER again. :p Always great to read nicely written work. Your love of literature will take you far, and I'm sure of it.

  16. Hi Keanu, I was reading a bit of your "Entries of Cyrodiil" story. I can't say the topic of the story interests me, but you definitely have a writing talent that I'm sure many would envy. Quite well done.
  17. Hey, I was looking at your posts in Keanumoreira's "Tips on Writing" topic. Well said.
  18. Eh? Oh, thanks. Same one I use on Xbox LIVE, but edited.
  19. The effects are looking sweet. Can't wait.
  20. Oh, alright. Maybe you should get some shut-eye, no?
  21. Man, I wish I could give you another kudos for being the only person (as of now) to comment on my lame writing lol. But...I can't. So I'll just say thank you. :)
  22. Umm...what did you mean by "what code?" You seem to understand it just fine. *head scratch*
  23. I would appreciate it if someone would comment on my writing/picture setup... http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/237080-blood-sweat-and-tears/
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AliasTheory


      I'll try take my time and write it on the plane ride to San Jose...
    3. Spaceritual


      Reads well so far I am just going back to read chapter 3 :)
    4. AliasTheory


      Nice, thanks. When I get around to it I'll organize everything and clean up my older posts.
  24. Thanks for your comment on my profile. I comment frequently on profiles but don't always get responses. Your profile picture is quite nice as well.
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