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  1. As BSTreeNode and NITriShape. Since that is the only one showing up in game & not resulting in a total crash. Whatever settings I use, its allways a NITriShape. Thanks for the info on the Materials. I have testures ready and everything to make them. Just was wondering what the materials are doing.
  2. At least the objects don't crash the CK, but there still is this strgane shine on them. Is there any way to create new materials. (Not textures) as I think it needs some custom Materials (BGSM) too(?)
  3. I've done everything as shown in the tutorial several times. But my Objects show up like on the screenshots, or the CK crashes right away. Sadly it only says "File -> Export -> Gamebryo Format" without giving any details on the settings. Also it is for an clutter object with physics while I want to have a static objects with leave animations at best. best would be to get the nif tools to work as I've used them in all other games. I also noticed that the objects have some strange rainbow colored shine.
  4. Hi there, I have around 50 new Tree models I want to release as modders resource. The only problem is I can't get them into the CK as the won't show up. I have tried with nif plugins and the BSG Tools but none of them worked. It was very easy in other games and never has been a problem. But in Fallout 4 it simply won't work what ever I do. And I don't understand why. Seeing so many mods with custom meshes it can't be that hard. So please someone enlight me on the process. It looks OK in nif Skope, but as soon as I try loading it up in the CK it eather crashes or it shows up very wrong with messed up textures. Can somebody please tell me how to export Objects from 3ds max to the game? I use 3ds max 2013 64bit. In Nif Skope: http://oi64.tinypic.com/207aoad.jpg An messed up in the CK.: http://oi66.tinypic.com/4sgtx0.jpg Please help!
  5. Well it's way more complicated than I thought and changing the assoc item doesn't help at all. I don't want to remove radiation. I wan't to keep it but without the stupid health drain.
  6. Hmm, I looked at it, but I can't change the MOST important part there. The health drain. From all changes Bethesda made this one is by far the worsed. it takes away all rolplaying from radiation effect and it really ruins the fun for this game 100%. So I really have to fix it asp.
  7. I wan't to change the way radiation works in FO4. First of all I wan't to get rid of the health drain. Than I wan't to add negative consequences on the SPECIAL values. I also could imagine that the HP drain gets replaced with AP drain. So does anyone here know more about it? I had a look through the CK, but I didn't find much to change it.
  8. Is there any mod that changes the health drain into AP drain or anything similar?
  9. I see, it's a bit tricky. Got it now. Thanks again. :)
  10. Apply a BSDismember modifier to the creature, select all vertexes (should be highlighted in red), then select "Skyrim, Main Body". I can't do that. When I follow your steps I end up stuck in modifier mode.
  11. So everytime I edit some creatures shape in 3dsmax the bone weights get messed up. I need to get them back. I have read I can use the skin modifieres to "rip" them back from other meshes within seconds, but noone really telling how to do so. The skin modifier is allways empty. So what should I do? I've searched the hole internet, but there isn't any usefull information about it. If anyone knows how to do it please tell me. Otherwise I won't be able getting more dismemberment into the game.
  12. In response to post #24873139. #24874159, #24874314, #24874474, #24874519, #24874634, #24874639, #24874729, #24874774, #24874924, #24874984, #24875019, #24875044, #24875074, #24875124, #24875219, #24875289, #24875334, #24875454, #24875484, #24875669, #24876774, #24876829, #24877709, #24877889, #24877969, #24878254, #24878299, #24878569, #24878604, #24878759, #24879069, #24879579, #24879589, #24882059, #24884249, #24885029, #24885084, #24885349 are all replies on the same post. Horse armors, swords and hats for 1.99 each for everyone. Yeah have fun selling mods.
  13. And that will be the end of modding as we all know and love(d) it. The game industrie and essentially STEAM has archieved a lot during the last years to take away the fun from gaming. This will just be the last nail in the coffin, at least for me. Future of gaming. User generates content -> The very same user pays for content. User has 100% of the work. The criminals behind steam and the game industrie take 100% of the profit -> User ends with nothing. 15% eh, f**k of. The web is already full of ripped mods. And steams now officialy the control freak of gaming. Theres no way to get any legal and uncensored copy of dying light in my country for example. Steam also introduced geo lock, and even the people with US keys are screwed & censored now. I simply won't play the game than, and its not the only one. Thanks steam. Back to topic, I would NEVER sell any bit of my mods, and I would never, ever pay for any mod. I see mods as something like freeware, open source. Modding isn't about to get paid and it should not become like this. If you wan't to get paid, heck get a job! And Im someone who has spent thousends of hours with skyrim modding. I've spent more time with the Ck than with the game itself... But yeah before developing any mods under such a system I rather develop something on my own. Cryengine, U4, etc. all becoming more interesting now. In some wiered way that might can be seen as semi good. Modding will become less interesting and it will make more sense to develop indigames instead.
  14. Not there? Any idea why it's called subliminal message? Just 2 examples, there's more like this in the game however. http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110514192525/fallout/images/thumb/d/d1/SS3Adv.png/180px-SS3Adv.png http://s27.postimg.org/gxc5cee4z/FNVDM_Intro_Slide_11.jpg
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