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Posts posted by Reaper67

  1. Ok did some research. I found that your suggestion isn't that hard to read, now I feel kinda dumb. Though it would work, I would rather keep some degree of control over the number of arrows (maybe use 5 so the quiver looks full). I'm playing around with the idea of placing the arrow counting script in a quest, but it seems to be more complicated than it needs to be. If I were to use an Update event, and register for said update in the OnEquipped event, would the update continue to loop, or run once and wait to be registered for again? I only ask because what I have found on Update events is not providing the answeres.
  2. Alright, alright I get it. No worries, I wasn't asking for an entire written example. I'm just looking for a little more than "check the wiki". I don't really have the time to put into that kind of research. I am willing to figure it out, but I also want to start with an actual source since the wiki never seems to lead where I'm trying to go. Like arrays, for instance. Which is where searching for the while loop got me.
  3. I understand the scripting you're referring to, but I don't know much about the while loop, wait or tieing get count into remove item (do you just type player.removeitem(blabla, getitemcont)?).
  4. I asked the author and he said that he just gave the NPC 1,000,000 arrows. I'm thinking that I'll have to make a quest, but I don't know the first thing about aliases and such. Help please!
  5. Figured it out. For some reason, simple nif's (only one TriShape) work fine in the CS. It's just when you try to use more complex nif's that the CS freaks out.


    To do this, open up an Elder Scroll nif (should be a couple) and expand the tree in the left margin. Right clickthe NiTriShape branch and select "copy branch" under Block. Open any staff nif (other weapons have complex nif's, so they will have to wait until I get that figured out) and follow the same steps, but chose "remove branch" instead. Right click the main tree (the very first/top block) and choose "paste branch" under Block. Align the scroll so that the part you want the actor to hold is overlapping the node (which should have been left over after removing the original trishape). Lastly, import the Elder Scroll textures (you can find tutorials on that if you don't know how) and save the new nif (preferably in a new folder). Now it's ready to be used in the CS.

  6. I have seen this question before, but I can't seem to find the answer on my own. Honestly, it baffles me that nobody has provided an answer. There are so many modders who have successfully created new meshes, so it should be a simple answer. But I digress...


    The issue is with bringing a new mesh into the CS. All I did was edit an existing mesh (literally just changing the WeaponBack string to WeaponSword) then changed the file name and placed the file right next to the original. All looked good, then I tried to use the new nif in the CS and it gave me an error saying that it couldn't find the mesh model. I get the giant F U exclamaition point and the object is now useless. What do I need to do in order to get CS to recognize a new nif?

  7. I get how GetItemCount works, but I have messed with OnUpdate very little and quest scripting not at all. If you could give a short description, or just post links it would be much appreciated.
  8. The last post works for the CS side of the staff version, but there is still an issue with the mesh. My suggestion (whether you want to make a staff or melee weapon) would be to copy the TriShape branch of the ElderScroll and replace an existing weapon's TriShape branch(es) with it in Nifskope. The last issue is getting the CS to recognize a new mesh, which I've had zero luck in.
  9. Good point, Starfire. I usually just use the lightning stormspell as a reference when I want to turn something to ash. Also, though adding a magic effect to the item would result in the casting of the spell, I don't think having a spell fire upon reading the scroll is the intended effect.
  10. I'm no expert, but you could just replace an existing weapon's mesh file with that of the Elder scroll. You will have to alter the mesh in a program such as nifskope in order to make it equip in the player's hand (since it is a book the mesh would not have a node for where you would hold it).


    Are you planning to make a melee or ranged weapon?

  11. I don't have the scripts on hand, as I have deleted the mods that were using them (got fed up). I can try to recreate them though...


    OnAttack method:

    Scriptname (assoc. with bow) extends objectblablabla


    Ammo Property arrowname Auto


    Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)

    If (akActor == Game.GetPlayer())

    Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(arrowname, 1, True)

    Game.GetPlayer().EquipItem(arrowname, 1)




    Event OnAttack(Actor akActor)

    If (akActor == Game.GetPlayer())

    Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(arrowname, 1, True)

    Game.GetPlayer().EquipItem(arrowname, 1)




    Event OnUnEquipped(Actor akActor)

    'same if statement'

    Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(arrowname, 10)




    I think this one would work if I used 2 rather than 1, based on what you told me. If you still need to see the other, much longer, scripts, I'll try to recreate them.

  12. I don't know if this has already been requested, but I have yet to see this completed. The idea is to script a bow that adds and equips a unique arrow, then tracks the number of said arrow in the inventory so it can add and equip again once the number reaches zero. I figured out the first part (pretty simple OnEquipped script), but I'm lost on the tracking and "refresh" parts. No matter what I try it doesn't seem to work. I've tried tying the refresh script to OnAttack, nothing. I tried using OnUpdate, nothing. I even tried using a global variable that is managed by a spell that is added when the bow is equipped, still nothing. I would like to build this mod on my own, but could use a little scripting help.
  13. Someone please give an answer here. I am having a similar problem. Trying to make two-handed weapons one-handed. I followed the steps I found online and literally only changed one string (WeaponBack to WeaponAxe/WeaponSword) and gave it a new name. Now the CS is claiming that it can't find the file, even though it is right next to the original.
  14. I know that double posting is frowned upon, but I had an even better idea than what I proposed initially. Instead of combining WW and VL (so overrequested) I was thinking of making a completely separate beast form. I was looking at the model of the dragon beast form replacer (link above) and thought that it would be cool to make it stand-alone. The way this would work (at least in my head) is that there would be a new race based off the Argonian that transforms into the dragon-beast-thing when the full Dragon State shout is used. I'd like there to be a completely new perk tree, as well as wings for the beast. If it is possible to create a flight option with full user control, along with wing animations, that would really make this the best beast form ever. Please feel free to give me ideas, or help out if you like the sound of a fully functional dragon beast race.

  15. I'm sure that a mod to allow having both Werewolf and Vampire Lord beast forms at the same time is already in the works, but what if we went a step further? I would gladly pull this off on my own, the scripting shouldn't be too dificult, but I don't have much for mesh esiting knowhow. Here's my thought: Sacrifice both beast forms to attain an even stronger one. Even if the initial combination of werewolf-vampire is not yet near completion, this may still be doable by allowing for the sacrifices to be given individually. Think of how you combine all of the dragon priest masks to get Khonarik, except instead of the dragon head on the altar opening to reveal a new mask, it opens and grumbles three syllables "Doh Va Kin" (sorry if I screwed up the spelling). As the dragon altar grumbles, am ancient shout befalls the player, granting the werewyrm beast form power. I'm thinking the appearence should be bulky like the werewolf, with the wings of the vampire lord. Of course, with a dragon head. Tell me what you think, and if you think this is doable.
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