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  1. I think she was trying more to point out the outlandishness of fallouts DLCs. And they were pretty weird.
  2. A thalmor-nord war would be pretty cool
  3. Ya I've been through the thalmor embassy and kicked their asses like 4 times now just for the hell of it
  4. Sorry for the typos. Did this from my iPhone and autocorrect murders elder scrolls words
  5. What, or where, do you think Skyrim's DLC will be at? I know it's early, really early, for this kind of speculation, but I've finished up a ton of the quests in Skyrim, and I wanna know what's next! I loved Shivering Ilses and Knights of the Nine from Oblivion, and I know Bethesda will shatter expectations again for Skyrim's DLC. So what do you guys think it will be about? Personally, I think the perfect place for a badass DLC would be the Nordic island of Solstheim. It's about as big as Shephorath's realm, judging from the map. It fits into the Skyrim era and culture, but it's also really mythical, and not a lot is known about it, so it would be a playground of new ideas, people's, and it's own sets of myths and legends to make a story out of. If Beth doesn't make a Solstheim, I definitely will when the CK comes out. So what do you think would be a cool place/questline/story for possible add on releases in the future?
  6. Sounds like a lot of work, but if youre going to do it, it cant be the same. in skyrim, 200 years have passed since oblivion, the world is different, the people are different, the empire is different everything has changed but overall, if you plan on slaving your life into this, it sounds pretty cool :)
  7. For everyone who keeps asking why everyone wants to kill children so bad, have you ever met Braith in Whiterun, or the Jarl's daughter in dragonsreach?
  8. making a mod like you want would require an ungodly amount of scriptwriting.... besides if you wanna make it a "curse" RP it yourself and activate it every time you see a full moon..
  9. nice... youd think he'd be smarter than that lol
  10. tried texturing these myself but they didnt work when i put them in geck. mine didnt look too god anyway. i know there are various fallout 3 ghillie suits but i havent been able to find any new vegas ones. will one of you oh so skilled see what you can do?... or give me a half decent link?
  11. I searched extensively and could not find a mod of this type. Normally I would make it myself but I have not been able to familiarize myself efficiently with texturing or effects. What I'm looking for is a mod that applies the effects of getting a fire frost or shock spell thrown at you permenatly to the player.
  12. Thank you guys... I found my mistake. I downloaded the latest patch but extracted it to the backup data file instead of my active one and so the construction set and my game werent patched up right. Thank you guys for the advice and help I've already gotten pretty good at some of it an I'm hoping to upload my best mod to see what everyone thinks and see what they think I can improve on
  13. I'm extremely new to modding and i have a goal to eventually create my own house, as none of the ones of the file sites caught my eye... problem is, i cant even get a dang plate to add in my game... i went through a basic modding tutorial and it started with just adding a plate to wawnet inn, saving the file, and testing it. however, even though i have saved it and activated it on the "Data Files" link in the launcher, my minor changes still wont even appear.. Not even my plate i added on the ground or the cabbage i blew up to like 3x its size. its frustrating me as ive tried many times, many different ways, and still cant get the simplist thing to work. anyone know what im doin wrong or that can help me?
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