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Everything posted by FreedomFighter4

  1. In response to post #63210111. #63212446, #63214811, #63215036, #63215366, #63224841, #63228141 are all replies on the same post. If they ever did that which I doubt but on the 'what if'. I'd say they go bankrupt super fast lol because once people read articles and see gameplay of that happening. Say goodbye to all future sales.
  2. I'm not gonna sift through a thousand plus comments to find out if it's already been said but the simplest solution to me is that if they're pushing this hard to force the redesign on the majority of users who've disliked it from what i've read from the last 5 page alone. Just add a new setting that allows you to decide which design you wish to use as a default. That way people who want to keep the old design aren't give the old bird/finger. Been using the Nexus for years and not once in my mind did I find a problem with the UI, maybe a few tweaks that could be added/improved but definitely not a whole redesign.
  3. In response to post #56607766. This sums up my thoughts exactly.
  4. In response to post #50616362. I'm really hoping for this too...it's sad to me DRM free versions of this took this long to come out but i'm happy they finally did. Just not gonna repay a third time for them when I own them on Xbox 360 and PC. At least the giveaway is another opportunity. =)
  5. Have had easier times learning how to script than edit a leveled list. Like....just why?
  6. Automatic weapons calculate damage differently from normal semi-automatic (single shot) weapons. Rather than showing the base damage (the raw damage that each bullet does) in the pipboy menu, an automatic weapon will show DPS and not the damage for each shot but for what a full magazine of ammo could do with base damage x fire rate. This can be misleading though in-game however since a modded weapon can display damage values in the pip-boy of up to 200+ damage even though when in actual use it isn't any stronger than a 10mm pistol but just fires a lot faster. What I was trying to figure out was what the DPS (Reload) formula was. If you look at the wiki, guns don't use the basic DPS in-game [baseDamagexFireRate]. They use the DPS(Reload) to display what the weapons potential damage is. I want to know what that formula is so I when i'm making/porting mods. I can calculate the damage rather than loading up the game over and over to adjust numbers so that it fits in with other automatics. After much trial and error testing from editing weapon data and testing whether it affects in-game damage or not. Here's the list I came up with that affects damage displayed if modified. --------------------------------------------------- Testing with FO3Edit. Factors that affect DPS Reload Base DamageClip SizeFire RateProjectile Count Factors that don't affect DPS Reload Critical Hit DamageCritical Hit MultiplierAttack Shots/SecReload Time--------------------------------------------------- I don't know if there's anything unseen that comes into the factors but that's just from messing with values.
  7. Does anyone know the formula for calculating "DPS (Reload)" so you know how much damage your gun will show in-game that it will do? If you look at your weapon with-in the Pip-Boy menu, it will show the "DPS (Reload)" figure instead of the actual base damage or standard DPS (Base Damage x FireRate.) The Weapon Damage Formula on the GECK wiki isn't it. I've done a lot of digging around but it seems like it hasn't been published anywhere. [if you're curious what exactly i'm talking about, something like Sydneys' 10mm SMG shows "DPS (reload) 58.7 (94.2)" In-game rather than the normal DPS value.] The reason I want to know is that i'm porting a weapon mod from NV to Fallout 3 for personal use and the NV damage balancing is quite different than from FO3. The weapons stats: [FO3Edit/GECK] (Here is one of the weapon's' stats i'm trying to balance.)BaseDamage (BD) = 12DamageMultiplier (DM) = 1FireRate (FR) = 12Attack Shots/Sec (AS) = 14Projectiles (P) = 3GunCondition (GD) = 1GunSkill/SkillBonus (GS)/(SB) = 1Critical Hit Damage (CH): 24Critical Multiplier (CM): 1Clip Size (CS): 44Ammo Type (AT): Microfusion Cells GECK Formula Damage =(12 (BD) * 1 (DM) * 1 (GC) * 1 (GS))+(24 (CH) * 1 (CM))= 36 Compared to...Damage/DPS In-game (Pipboy Menu) = 367 (Compared to Sydney's SMG which is 59.) What I tried:(12 (BD) + 24(CH) * 12(FR)) = 432I don't know what else to factor in or how to go about it. I don't feel like Critical Hit Damage is to be factored in but mainly Base Damage, Fire Rate, and Attack Shots/Sec. Maybe Reload time. I don't know how to factor all of this though like said previously.
  8. Heh, after all this time. I'm surprised no mod exists even as many topics have covered the negatives affects of using the 'showracemenu' console command. Then again, I thought a mod would never exists that could get rid of the negatives that exist when using that command until I came across the mod Complete Respec by PushTheWinButton. I haven't personally tried the mod myself as it does a lot of things past of what my intent is with my character. However, he does say "(meaning this mod is the only safe way to change race without the game removing all your perks) - basically you can re-do everything you've ever chosen during character generation and leveling-up.)". That got me to thinking if it would finally be possible to make a mod that either scripts a new command similar to showracemenu without destroying your perk list and other other consequences that come along with it. Well the implementation wouldn't really matter, just if it's possible? I'm not a scripter but i'm hoping so with all the functions that exist now with Lutana, JIP, and NVSE. Oh, I did also notice the mod Safe ShowRaceMenu by MystykStar however after checking the comment section. It seems his mod doesn't work properly either as someone mentioned the OWB perks becoming defective as the actor effects stopped working. This isn't to say that I didn't download it and try it. Simply put, it didn't work and still came along with the issues of the normal ShowRaceMenu. I hope someone with the adequate skills steps up as I humbly requesting or more so begging someone to make this possible. :x
  9. In response to post #47393330. #47394385, #47409845, #47410090, #47410120, #47411905, #47414300, #47426290, #47432345, #47459325, #47461520, #47462670, #47465445, #47470155, #47470175, #47506420, #47508675, #47513330, #47515215 are all replies on the same post. I like it as well, hope it gets picked up!
  10. Hey, new to using the GECK and getting acquainted with it. Mainly just shortcuts and attempting simple things. Anyways, i'm attempting to modify the themes individually and maybe include some items in the workbench specifically. I know how they work sort of in a crude way. Like the red X markers in the worldspace show what they're linked to. I've looked up topics but nothing points me in the right direction with simplicity. My questions. 1. How do I hide individual themes or items? I highlighted the items through the filter and pressed [1] two times and also tried pressing [F5] and neither of them would hide any items. 2. How to I link a new item to one of the markers? I want them to only spawn when I purchase the theme/accessories (Workbench, etc.). I know how to place them in the world but they're in the home when I first acquire it which is what I don't want. 3. Any G.E.C.K. tips for easy of use. I've read up on the tutorials a little bit but any more advice is appreciated! I feel like they're more questions that i'm missing to ask but so far I hope someone can help me with these.
  11. I probably should have clarified more on the mods used, whoops. I've linked them to the mods and corrected some of the titles. It was a hgec clothing/armor replacer for vanilla armors when I meant EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion. I do have all the necessary plugins, to reiteratre the install order. The 1 - OBSE 2 - Blockhead 3 - OCO v2 4 - HGEC - EBE 5 - HGEC Compatibility 6 - Seamless OCOv2 7 - EVE HGEC Expansion w/Clothing Fix 8 - Seamless Equipment - HGEC Compatibility. I read the Seamless installation page extensively and I i'm a bit weary to reinstall everything but i'll try the TLDR from OCO's page and then follow up with the Seamless install instructions. Will get back to ya EDIT: So I uninstalled all the mods and reinstalled them in the exact order as the pages listed for their respective mod. I'm still getting the texture issues, any more input? I reinstalled everything this time using BAIN only as well, just a note.
  12. For some reason, I keep getting some weird seems/textures on NPCs. It didn't bother me at first but I ran into a few NPCs where it looked absolutely horrible. Does anyone know why this could be happening. I'm using OCO v2, HGEC E-Cup, Seamless, SL:Equipment Replacer HGEC, EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants. The order that I installed all the mods should be proper as to following the page instructions but i'm still encountering this issue. 1. Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 (OCO v2) 2. HG EyeCandy Body - EBE Type Chosen 3. OCO v2 HGEC Compatibility Patch 4. Seamless OCO v2 5. EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion 6. EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion - Uppershirt Fix 7. Seamless Equipment - HGEC Compatibility 1-3: Used NMM 4-7: Used BAIN and had them in install order as listed. I'm getting this though in-game.
  13. Hey everyone, Recently am getting into modding Oblivion and want to make sure I do every requisite beforehand that I can do to keep my game in achieving the maximum stability that it can. I've done my own research into cleaning certain mods but there's not a lot to go off of and Lost Spires for some reason doesn't have a lot of articles on it for these matters or even a disclaimer. There is also the case of it showing overwrites of the Unofficial Patch which I also have questions for. Hopefully this thread will be plain and simple, thanks for any help that is recieved. Onto my questions however and what i've done. 1. Should I clean with TES4EDIT? - As listed here, it says YES to cleaning Lost Spires but it's hard to trust dated information and also nowhere has it said that it's completely safe. I'm assuming it is because I doubt a guide would tell you to do so without it being. Just better to hear it though. :) However I have done so and backed up the plugin just incase. [Got exactly the same number of undeleted references and deleted similar records as mentioned on the Cleaning Guide link "As Listed Here" so once again. I guess the information was good and relevant.] 2. As pertaining the Unofficial Oblivion Patches (Main, SI, DLCs), it is showing that it is overwriting or semi-conflicting. I honestly can't actually tell but am hoping someone will understand what I mean. I don't think the word "conflicting" is right though. MORE OR LESS, Edits the same things and is missing lines from the patches. 4 Dialog Topics: 1 Cell Variable: 1 Quest: I've taken pictures to show conflicts for anyone not having or wishing to download the files themselves. If anymore are needed, please let me know!. Click me - [Pictures with Questions and Documentation] - Click Me I can't think of any other questions I have in the meantime. Once again, any help is appreciated. Also if this is answered with a solution, do wish to know if the solution will be applicable to other mods.
  14. Finally got around to trying this out, been looking at a lot of other mods >~<. Anywho, after following your steps (Once again, can't thank you enough.), I checked the ESP in FNVEdit and it was still showing a conflict. Comparing references didn't show any different but i'm gonna have to assume it wouldn't or it'll still show a conflict just for the overwrite of combining both. I have a few other scripts throughout other mods that conflict with YUP fixes so I was curious if there was a easy way to learn how to fix these myself with a little bit of your help. If that's a tad weary, then instead, would you recommend to just make a mash patch combing what I can and for scripts/other things that can't just be fixed by a simple FNVEdit patch to just let YUP overwrite anything there.
  15. Sorry for the delayed reponse, I really can't thank you enough for going out of your way and doing that. Seen plenty of your great mods by you and didn't know you helped out around the forums as well. Haha, thanks again for pulling through. The only thing now is that I don't know much about using G.E.C.K but if you could point me in the right direction. I'm sure I could manage. I looked around in GECK and it's tools and googled Compiling Scripts or anything script related in GECK and got nothing that was straight to the point or could find a reference for the subject. If you or someone in general could give me a simple step by step rundown, i'd appreciate it.
  16. Was curious if I could create a compatibility patch like this? I have assorted images uploaded to Imgur to detail things and hopefully make things go quicker and smoother. < Image Post List > http://i.imgur.com/qZe2AI4.png < Image Post List >
  17. The DropBox link is working for me? If you're really still trying to get it then let me know and i'll pm you. I know this post is a tad bit old but I downloaded this for Non-TTW Fallout New Vegas and I could spawn the item in-game but the textures weren't working. It used the default Yes-Man Variant texture of the Courier's Duster. [As in the Ace of Spade with a 21 on it.] Any solutions to this?
  18. The first thing to come to my mind when I saw this is that it would be similar to the Tunnel Snakes song, lol. This threw me off but in a good way, I thought it was really good. If you're looking for any constructive criticism than I have none, sorry. However, it would've been nicer if it there was an alternative version that was longer but I do like this short single. Oh, almost forgot to mention since I noticed you took the time but I also liked how the lyrics synced up with the gameplay as in when the Fatman line dropped, so did an actual mini-nuke. Offnote, if anyone make a radio dedicated to Fallout 3 with fan-made raps/songs. This would be a great addition.
  19. Sent you the PM. I was able to make a working patch which added all the files form the other mods and overwrote and conflict. In the future though, is there a easier way to just merge all 3 mods on what they do? What I ended up doing was going through each mods Misc Item categories and checking for any item conflict manually. It was nice that it listed the others mods that made changes to the same item so that definitely sped up things but what i'm trying to say is that can I right-click and overwrite to new file for each mod fully and F03Edit will understand what i'm trying to do?
  20. Why buy another CD? You can get it from Kinguin or G2A for really cheap including other sites that sell steam keys almost dirt cheap if not from Steam directly when a sale comes up. If you truly are persistant on owning a physical copy which I COMPLETELY understand then yeah, role with what Repus Dude linked or look on Amazon/Ebay for yourself.
  21. 1. Naw, I literally just loaded up G.E.C.K. with only the Fallout3.esm as active, went to the Misc Item weights and started changing value 2. Thanks for clearing that about merge patches. I wish there a utility that would list conflicts and let you decide what overwrites what and make a custom patch afterwards. It would be more engaging then FO3Edit and tell you outright what they were and bring a popup box to create a patch. That would be dank. 3. F*CKING. THANK. YOU. Oh, but is there a easier way about it or am I going to have to look at each ESP file, look for red, and add each individual entry to the patch. :| http://i.picresize.com/images/2016/06/29/V1HZ8.jpg
  22. Oh my god, someone actually responded. Thank you kind sir! ;o; Now that you've established for me on essentially what is happening. A few questions 1. If Misc Item Icons is using default weights and overwriting the weight, how come my overhaul still takes effect rather on the items with misc icons? - 2. I've created a merge patch but it doesn't fix anything for the conflict, it doesn't even address it really. I thought the merge would sort out things automatically - 3. If a merge patch isn't what you're talking about, how would I create a patch so they all work simultaneously? Could you explain or at least point me in the right direction?
  23. Modding a Bethesda Gaming Seriously For the First Time. FML. The Ups and Downs are real.
  24. To be brief~ I'm using T3T Misc Item Icons by Laserman and Immersive Pickup Sounds by TheKetzku. Why are these conflicting? One overwrites one another although they do two different things. One changes item icons and the others the pickup sounds of the misc items. On top of those i'm using my own custom made item re-weight mod that I threw together in G.E.C.K and Light Up and Smoke Those Cigarettes by EdisLeado My load order for these 4 mods are. [ 1 - My_Item_Reweight_Overhaul.esp (No conflict from this mod as the next 3 overwrite any changes if needed by. This strictly just edits weight values of Misc Items though and I chose to avoid editing anything cigarette related to not clash with LightUpAndSmoke.) [ [ 2 - T3T_MiscItemIcons.esp [ [ 3 - Immersive Pickup Sounds.esp [ [ 4 - LightUpAndSmokeThoseCigarettes_edisleado_fo3_scratch.esp Rearranging the order doesn't do anything. One just overwrites the other if I flip T3T and Immersive around. I'll include a picture (link) of my load order although I know that won't help any. I just want to know how to fix this so they can work simultaneously without overwriting one another. Please, someone help me if you can. http://www.mememaker.net/static/images/memes/3650013.jpg
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