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  1. Teleportation Spell with Menu and Mark and Recall with Menu http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14947 Many options to use or not, your preference. I think it is excellent.
  2. I have never had a severe issue as a freeloader, sure there are times when its times out but a refresh or come back in a few minutes and things are normal again.
  3. Anyone know a way to make when a follower gets knocked down unconscious to keep them down longer. Trying to make my game a bit more difficult. Thanks!
  4. Not really what your looking for but its sometimes helpful.... Dungeon Quest Awareness http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9720
  5. Not sure if you are using any of the follower mods, but one thing to try is to disable them. Then load your game and leave the cell (building/area) Lydia is in, resave. Re-enable your follower mods, and see if that works for you, it did for me.
  6. Not sure if you are using any of the follower mods, but one thing to try is to disable them. Then load your game and leave the cell (building/area) jordis is in, resave. Re-enable your follower mods, and see if that works for you, it did for me.
  7. Thanks, I was about to chock it up to my video card going bad.
  8. At 159 hours to date, roughly .38ยข per hour is pretty kickass to me, that's before any in depth mods or playing it a second time focusing on different skills / using companions. Considering I've played BF2:BC for 100 hours, I'd say Skyrim is well worth the 9/10. Sure I have some broken quest that I can't complete, hopefully the patch will fix those or hopefully when I start my second character it will all be fixed.
  9. Why not just set the difficulty to easy?
  10. Books that give training are valued as a lot more than books that are not, probably around 50-70ish, so just scan the bookshelves instead of opening them all up.
  11. Anyone know how to set the ownership of items back to the blue palace in solitude, for some reasons everything at the blue palace I can just pick up and take without any repercussions. I know there is a set ownership console command but not really sure what to tell it so I set things back to being stealable so I can make the thieves guild happy.
  12. The only thing I can see is getting the perk that allows you to give 500 gold or so to a merchant so they have 500 extra gold each time you stop by, whoop-de-do.
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