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About ccmechanic2

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Foallout 3 retail and some patched versions
  • Favourite Game
    None in Particular,maybe oblivion, but for now fo3

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  1. yeah, try this, remove any mod the require ILO and remove this from the directory, it is built into my mod so your doubling up data"(Interior Lighting Overhaul-Realistic Interiors-Full.esp)
  2. ok, whats My opinion of this problem is a few things that may be in play here. #1 backup your games files and uninstall every thing, # two, Uninstall all graphic drivers, Source them to be Gone ! You need to have the raw windows setup display drivers in place before upgrading to new ones. secondly, I would not use the CD for the graphics card to replace default drivers, I would allow windows update to install what Microsoft has in it's data base found to be more reliable for that piece of equipment. Forget all the Hoopla here about this stuff, go with common sense. get the machine rockin before messing with the game issues, as it is , there is no way anyone can help you under the circumstantial you mentioned here. #3 down load the sdk DirectX version from them afterwards. get a registry cleaner, Uniblu 2 is the best I've seen so far, Get ccleaner to remove all the other junk that has piled up in the PC too. Microsoft security essentials is the best protection for these reasons, It's backed up by the biggest company in the world, you can't go wrong. defrag your hard drive and install the game in " C:\games" Fom and some other tools installer will find that already and keep things in line. Get the default game runnig clean with no hic ups and install and test your mods one a ta time. This way you will know beyond a doubt which mod is at falut. there is way too much more I can say in one breath but you get the point.
  3. im really sorry, i forget to mention about that. yes, im refering for Fallout : New Vegas. Were you able to get the file you needed and if so? how is the game now?
  4. My signature for now is on the front page of fallout3 web site in the number 1 slot , all my data is combined into the master fix mod there for fallou 3, if your refering to New Vegas Here is that link. ( http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=41745)
  5. that was the point The data was inside the fallout 3 unofficial patch that every one see's in the editor and has been complaining about, the very same data in direct conflict with most mods, that data. If the 1.7 patch is not used on the game, Not updated, No conflicts show up. they originate from the 1.7 patch. that data. Good morning lol, Now I go to sleep, robert said there was a really bad storm where he lives and he caught it on film for us.
  6. Tell me whats wrong with this comment? algaeb: Down the road, we have a lot to account for. The data you refer to is in direct conflict with the 1.7 game patch, Not mods, the actual engine processes. This data" Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch" was an alternative to patching the game to1.7 in it's early days and it's goal then is much the same as ours now. Like I posted, you have a true vanilla game set and a Official Patched game which is Not really Vanilla, But to save face, we remain with vanilla due to introductions of fose. we all have to stay on the same page. Technocratic's are a plenty here Lol so I may look into the precise data you mentioned.
  7. Google chrome handles everything on this site flawlessly, I am on dialup and I am very happy the pages load twice as fast as before. Some things need to be worked out, but it rocks for me.
  8. Yes, they are visible, are you sure they are unverified? Ghouly is having fun there, I can see that. Yes. Unverified. you can see that there should only be 1 image in that tab. there is a number there. But once you click the tab to bring up the user uploaded image, there are 2. Just moments after I posted your query, Dark0ne took care of the Issue in a Flash, he is right on top of things, I went back to check and No pick is there. Kudos ! Dark0ne.
  9. Yes, they are visible, are you sure they are unverified? Ghouly is having fun there, I can see that.
  10. This IS Out standing and welcomed change, it works much better, faster, and a heck of lot more Organized ! Even the Items I hated are Gone ! Kudos ! to the Nexus team.
  11. Move the location to where you have more material to supply the poly's from, some places in the game world are pretty baron of building blocks of data.
  12. A very good example of a marker movement can be done directly in front of the GNR building in fallout 3. A default game in the geck will have two long barriers there, they are black in color, the mirror web site in my mod for fo3 has the screen shot that shows them. You move them any where on the grid, even in game feet 2 feet, you move the icons in the pipboy map. Yes that's right, So any one dumb enough to move a collision marker will simply show that they have no Idea what it is they are messing with. No, these items are static and are not to be moved ever, They are anchors for the mapping of the game, they get used by the games engine for what ever it needs, All I do is make sure of it, that's all, I give it focus. Now, if folks delete these items, well, you might as well delete every thing in the game and make your own.
  13. An example, though mediocre , resides in the New Vegas mod gallery of a hexedit version of my mod done by another and one done by me. The one done by ME was a mod NOT altered, The one done By the other WAS altered and was passed off as not. Regardless of the issue there, I was not pleased with that attempt at misdirection by that person, BUT, it does server to answer your question here, Sir, you are the very first person on this site to actually ask a right question, That cod in a hex format is set by assembly of the file. Change the file, in any way, the OFF set gets changed. This can be seen very plainly in those two shots. It will help you understand Me. No, I was not impressed by that authors attempt with that shot. But I will use it none the less to show others. Ok, now, you install some thing into the game that hooks into the executable in ram, this changes the engines offset too, It must, and it does, otherwise , nothing happens. the collision markers are set as free and open, they are a static item. they are NEVER moved. If an author does as you say and physicality moves that item, then it is that authors mod that is at fault and not what I do, Yes, that potential does exist for disaster in a saved game just as you said. But persistence is an anchor my friend, It makes all of them stay put, it makes them fixed. IF some one else moves them, Am I to be held responsible for their actions for modifying and item they should not be touching in the first place?
  14. The answer is very simple, Steam can not access the file if another program or Programs have access to it first, The Geck, Fomm, Fnvedit all have the EXE in it's grasp, Steam does NOT access those programs, Only NVSE and the executable, To qualify the game to run, it just needs to see it and read the CRC of it, Checks its own log and retires as it is set to play off line, As long as you have another program in charge of the file, Steam Can not and will not inter-fear with it. The Geck alone preloads the file into ram, No injection is possible.
  15. I've got to say that when I first read that I was skeptical (for reasons I don't need to go into), but I see you figured it out. The picture you posted in your Stabilizer mod thread clearly shows the game running, but no there is no sign of Steam. ToMatchA7Notseen by OS as intended and is running I have a Retail version of the game too, but can't work out how you did that. Can you share your method? I share every thing Baby ! yes indeed, Click my link in the Signature and your welcome to join in as long as no Ill advised things take place and the mod doesn't have an issue as you know, I did what I said I was going to do, and I abide by the aggregation, whether or not, the scolding still applies I am not certain, I have no Ill regard s to the matter as far as I am concerned, Yes as you can see, I did indeed work it out, you Ain't seen nothing yet. As to the method ? I hope reading is your favorite pass time because it's all there on my thread, And I had a lot of help too ! Thank you.
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