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  1. I know what i'm going to do the moment of get a wife in skyrim. And i think you can all guess what :wink: . . . . . Thats right kill somebody in front of her to test out the A.I and plus i can see if he has the stomach for being my companion
  2. It's been "official" for atleast a week with all the leaked gameplay. Unless you mean, it's been confirmed in a legitimate review and is therefore safe for linking here. The reveiw came out in a Australian magazine called Atom. I don't know if it is leak or not but it seems pretty legit. If your interested just search it on google.
  3. Guys it is offical the first review of the game came out and the reveiwer mentioned werewolf hunters and what are werewolf hunters without werewolves
  4. I really hope that its real but only time will tell
  5. Get drunk at the local tavern. Mess with the NPCs. Find a girl to marry. The usual.
  6. I want them to finally announce werewolves just so it will be offical
  7. I'm probaly going to have one last playthrough of the game. Then when thats done I'm going to go on my first character and try and kill every guard in the imperial city. Just to warm up for skyrim.
  8. Well logic and lore aside this is a fantastic idea
  9. I just thought of something. With the marriage thing will there be a honeymoon?
  10. my first playthrough I would try to be a breton necromancer and just reck havoc on all the goodies My second probaly a warrior nord and try to do the exact opposite of my first to get a different point of value of the story
  11. I think it would be cool to go into a cave and find two groups that are fighting and they're vampires and werewolves and have like a questline where you pick a side and help that one take out the other. It would be kinda like the Underworld movies. The second have a bandit guild.
  12. My guy is going to be a leader of a bandit/necromancer gang that fled the empire to escape the guard. He is later captured by the guards in skyrim because he tried to start his gang up in skyrim. So he ends up in prison.
  13. This sounds pretty cool. I'm excited to see how you marry someone is it going to be in a chapel or what?
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