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Everything posted by Ogramirad

  1. Same for me Jim, I have not uploaded new mod in months, and the very time that I do it, I can't see my images. lol Murphy's Law is in effect tonight on the Nexus. lol
  2. Here you go, thought you might like this, and I actually have that radio, I don't have the player though but I am working on that.. lol

  3. You need to go back and install the one for New Vegas, it will allow you to select which game you want to load, and you can go from there. Fallout Mod Manager - FOMM, look at the third image in the user uploaded images, and you can see what I am talking about, I hope that helps you. :)
  4. I just finished reading your message, and I actually have tears in my eyes. There's really nothing anyone could say to you that you probably already haven't heard many times before. I have experienced some tragedies in my life, but everyone feels suffering differently. One thing that has always reassured me and kept me going in those times: I know that the loved ones I have lost would want me to live my life to the fullest, and to get the most out of life that I can. I lost my paternal grandmother many years ago, but I can still hear her giving me advice, reassurance and support. The fact that you serve our country shows that you believe that life is worth protecting, but unfortunately it is not always the journey we hoped it would be. But nevertheless, it is exactly that, a journey...the scenery may not always be beautiful, but eventually it will change. Thank you for your kind remarks everyone. Today is the first time I have posted on that since that time. I made the same post in the thread over at the official Bethesda forums in the thread they have there. It is always a bad month if I dwell on it which I try not to do, but since it is the 10th anniversary, I thought that I should. It was a life changing month for me on just about every level that one could be for sure, nothing to do but accept it all and live the best life I can for myself, which I have tried to do since that time. Again, thank you for your remarks.
  5. "Short, therefore, is man's life, and narrow is the corner of the earth wherein he dwells." "Remember that man's life lies all within this present, as 't were but a hair's-breath of time; as for the rest, the past is gone, the future yet unseen." Marcus Aurelius. Emperor Of Rome 121–180AD
  6. You should have options for Retired versions of all of those in your poll too, I am sure there are a few of those folks like myself (Retired U.S. Navy) that are here too. :)
  7. I was 41 then, and in the Navy 17 years at that time, that entire month was and Still Is, A Very Bad one for me. My Grandfather (Mothers side), my last remaining Grandparent, died on September 7th, my Dad died of a sudden heart attack on September 14, and for all intents and purposes I was separated by the end of that month. With a final divorce the next August, when I got back from deployment, with the John F. Kennedy Battle Group. That morning I was an STG1(SW) (that is a Surface Sonar Technician) and the Officer of the Deck on the USS Hue City CG-66, an Aegis Cruiser, tied to the pier at Jacksonville Florida, I had the 4am to 8am watch. My watch team was responsible for getting the ship under way that morning as we were doing an inspection cycle and had to do a simulated battle problem out to sea, which if we passed, would have passed us for that inspection. Myself the OOD and my watch team which consisted of a Petty Officer of The Watch and a Messenger of The Watch had secured our station at the Starboard Quarterdeck and turned over everything to the the Bridge to get the ship under way from the pier. I think it was close to or a bit after 8am when we left the pier with our full crew and the inspection team on board. We had left the pier and was heading out to the first buoy, when rumors of something had happened in New York began to flash around the inside of the ship. It was not a few minutes after that the Captain from the inspection team got on the 1MC (Ships Announcing circuit), and told us that we had passed the inspection in light of what had happened in New York. He said that we had been doing a great job on everything leading up to the battle problem and that he knew we would have passed that with flying colors any way and that the ship had better and more pressing things to do than to go do that battle problem. And that we were going to drop the inspection team off on a tug boat at the first buoy and head North to the Virginia Capes area to start steaming in a box to provide air cover to that section of the coast line in case of further attack. And to monitor any other aircraft traffic, and when eventually all aircraft were grounded to catch any others that might be ignoring that order. Which is described very well, on this USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67) webpage: "When terrorists attacked the United States on September 11, 2001, USS John F. Kennedy took up Operation Noble Eagle duty, establishing air security over American cities along the mid-Atlantic coast, including Washington, D.C." All ships that could get under way from Jacksonville that morning did so, and we were all part of the John F. Kennedy Battle Group. So we dropped of the inspection team off and made flank speed to our assigned area off the coast of Virginia, it didn't take long for us to get there. Like I said before my Grandfather passed on the 7th and I was not notified (that is another story for the reasons why), my Dad died on the 14th, the ship was on station by then when the Red Cross message with both of them on the same message came that they both had died. So I was flown off the ship to attend the funeral, and I made it from that ship to Denver, Colorado in less that 24 hours, total luck, if you want to call it that, I am sure it was something else. I was able to go from my ship on a helo to the carrier, USS John F. Kennedy, I walked from that helo to a mail plane launched from the carrier flew to Naval Air Station Oceana, got off that plane walked to another one that flew me to Peterson Field in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Got a rental car and was at my Dad's house at just after sundown. I got back to the ship 2 weeks later, I think it was and met them back in Jacksonville on the pier. And as I already said about combined with being separated by the end of the month, it is the most Devastating Month Of Memories of my life, I lost my Grandfather, my Dad, my family, and the country lost any last remaining part of it's innocence.
  8. For me the Alternative is to walk. I Never Fast Travel, I walk everywhere I go all the time.. lol Probably not what you are looking for, but it sure is an Alternative. ;)
  9. I don't know if that is possible, but I did see this pretty cool gadget. Functional Pip Boy
  10. Hey one thing I noticed and didn't like was on in the Images section was that it no longer showed the "Catchy Title" of the image that was loaded and to me that drew me to the image to check it out and talk about it and rate it in may cases. I just noticed on the front page you can still see those, "Catchy Titles". But when you click the Latest images link to go view them and that comes up, you can only see the Image Author name. I think it would be a good suggestion to make it so you can still read that "Catchy Title" in both places and a person can still see who uploaded the image there as well. I know they can see the "Catchy Title", if they run a mouse over the image you can read it there, but that takes doing that for each image, so seeing the "Catchy Title" with out having to do that and then clicking on the image, might maybe make it a more user friendly interface. I am not saying that it isn't that way now, I am just suggesting a minor tweak to it to maybe enhance what you have already done So Very Well. EDIT: And of course I just noticed some one has just said the same thing, a couple of posts before me, Sorry About that, and double posting the same thing, I really didn't see that until I went back to the Nexus Page to look at my post. :/
  11. Immersion in the world space going from where you are to where you want to go. Instead of a loading screen and finding out nothing of what lies between where you are to where you want to go.
  12. More to this story for me, I just changed Browsers again from Mozilla FireFox to Google Chrome. It seems to be running faster and better for me that FireFox did. I have never used anything before except IE since it came out, so for me I guess Google Chrome will work until I get a new computer for Skyrim when it comes out, which will get me a new operating system as well.
  13. I had the same sort of problems, I am running Windows XP Pro with IE 8, I can not upgrade to IE9 because I am running Windows XP Pro. So the solution that I got from some folks in the Chat Room here, (Thanks For The Help Again), that fixed those same problems for me was to download and use Mozilla FireFox to read the new Nexus sites properly. I don't know which browser you guys are using or what operating system, but doing that fixed it all for me, I Hope That Helps you. EDIT: "Endorsements are separate from the comment" I don't care for that much either.. lol
  14. I have played those for sure, the first one I got of those was Curse Of The Azure Bonds, Great Game. The last one I got of that type is Pools Of Radiance: Ruins Of Myth Drannor, which is an Awesome game. It got a bad rap though for crashes, which It Did Not Deserves, there were many games that came out when this one did that crashed far more, and not much was said about it at all. I still play that game from time to time and on todays systems, you can play it with fully maxed graphics no problem, and they look really good considering the time. Good old, dungeon crawling and great looking magic, and a Really Good Story Line. And you can still buy it on Amazon. I got my name I use here, "Ogramirad" from this game.. lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2vYEhYU6XQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87ZpqWkD4vc&NR=1
  15. I like Dead Money, more and more each time I play it, and like it has been said here before play it before Old World Blues. And maybe have talked to a certain companion before you go play Dead Money too.
  16. Well here are some Zion National Park Maps, I am like you I have only seen pictures and have never been to the park. But I think they did a pretty good job from what I have been able to find. http://www.nps.gov/zion/planyourvisit/loader.cfm?csModule=security/getfile&pageid=531514 Although it looks much straighter to go through the park on the map than it seems to be in the game, but maybe not once you get to looking at peoples pictures on Google Earth. But you can see The Narrows and the Virgin river area and that is north of where allot of the stuff on that map shows. You can see where The Grand Staircase is in this map, which is further away than it seems to be in the game to me it seems. http://www.nps.gov/zion/planyourvisit/upload/ZIONAreaMap_web-2.pdf It looks like Angels Landing is south of The Narrows on the map. http://canyoneeringusa.com/utah/zion/myster00.jpg Looking on Google Earth Dead Horse Point is Pretty Far from Zion National Park as well, 357 miles by road. That is a long way to evacuate to for sure. If you really want to see how close they got it in the game, you need to get Google Earth and you can type locations from the game into that. You will find more than likely some one has posted a picture of what it looks like. The pictures I have seen on Google Earth that people have posted show a much more over grown area though for sure, allot more trees and greenery. Good example of what you can see using Google Earth and posted pictures on it is this picture of The Narrows. http://www.panoramio.com/photo/5473182?source=wapi&referrer=kh.google.com Another difference is Moving Water! lol But I can sure see following Follows Chalk, right into that picture, it looks familiar to me.. lol Link To Google Earth: http://www.google.com/earth/index.html
  17. It is a Super Hard DLC for sure. lol I have never even attempted to play it on Hardcore, I don't think there is enough food to keep you alive. I am sure there is a method to play it that way, but I have not attempted it. I Really Liked Christine, and I have went and played back through a couple of times now because of her, and I am sure I will again. I never got the gold bars either, it is hard enough just getting out of the place. lol
  18. I really love this page.. lol I like role playing my characters allot, and this really adds to the ability for me or any one to do that. My current character is named, She-Who-Walks. Older sister of Follows-Chalk and one of the reasons that (according to the wiki) Joshua Graham feels this: "Follows-Chalk idolizes Joshua Graham, which worries Graham, who feels he should have as little influence over the tribe as possible." She got the itch early on to travel and meeting Joshua Graham only fueled that fire. So she left Zion to see what was out there beyond the park, and with her great knowledge of the area from exploring, she decided that she would be a pretty good courier, and that she became. She remembered her name and some of her skills, but even those she had to relearn after getting shot in the head twice. She remembered names for some things, and remembered her gun skills. And once she finds this Benny, she will go back home and see her family, if they will have her. Because when she left, they spoke of her or her name no more. So with all of that.. lol Here she is finally finding and buying a Night Rifle Scope for her Varmint rifle.. http://www.newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=17829 http://www.newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=17830
  19. If you can't find the bodies try using the player.moveto command with their ref id's and that should take you to where they are at, and if they are there then use the ressurect command.
  20. Ok, I made a mod for myself that modified a weapons stats. I had 30 save games in my save directory, and I was on save 478 in that 30 save game pack. I had backed up my first 30 saves on that character and they numbered 1 to 30. When I had finished the mod and went back into check it out in game, none of the saves from save 448 to 478 would load any more. I could get to the save loading screen with the spinning roulette wheel and that is all it would do is spin. So I loaded the first 30 saves again and it loaded up just fine with my new mod I had just made installed. Now I had installed and uninstalled some other mods between save 30 and save 478, and had experienced no problems loading and making new saves that whole time. Any one have any ideas on why the saves from 448 to 478 will no longer load and the first 30 will?
  21. Never Give Into That BS. And if there is a way to go after them do the same in spades. You have a business here and when some DH, decides they want to make business decisions for you, you cant let it happen. You Have The Best File Site For Any Game On The Web, and have had so for a very long time now. So Good Luck To You, and Shut That Prick Down and Send Him Packing.
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