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    United States

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  1. @hector530 Well the WiiU will allows studios and publishers to host their own online network like EA's Origin. I certainly wouldn't mind Steam on a WiiU.
  2. Sending you blessings and hugs for a very Happy New Year Chromie!
  3. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you.
  4. I couldn't agree with you more. The things they are correcting are things that are very much needed to be fixed like the "Scent of Incense" quest wich I completed and showed that I completed it up until I fought the Kingslayer the first time. Also a place to store things and many of the others on the list I'll have to admit are over due. Hope that they are able to release it real soon. Not to mention the aspect rations and nerf to Quen.
  5. Glad to be your forum friend, Chromie!
  6. CDPREDteam Good news! I wonder if Dark0ne knows I remember him posting on the Witcher forums a HUGE long post about a SDK for Witcher 2. Btw that's Flash the guy who did the rebalance mods for Witcher 1. He plans to do them for Witcher 2 and he works for CDProjekt =O "We fully endorse The Witcher 2 modding and we plan to release modding tools. Nothing has changed since our last statement on that matter. Unfortunately we don't have any timeline of the release. Andrzej Kwiatkowski CD Projekt RED" Second post
  7. Hmm the plot isn't about saving the world. It's dark, gritty world and much more mature then anything Bioware has dont recently. No character in the game can be trusted everyone has an agenda. Bioware's villian and heroes are all so one sided and obivous. Witcher 2 decisions actually change the plot and you get new plot reveals based on your decisions something Bioware has never ever done. Bioware are great with giving the illusion of choice but not actual choice. Seriously after Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age 2 how can Bioware still be the best? Bethesda has never made a game where the story was great. It's always been about the world and the sandbox gameplay not the actual story. There might be a great character and some great moments but it's a completely different game from the Witcher 1 and 2. Also i did not care for Oblivion and I hate Fallout 3. It doesn't deserve to carry the name Fallout. But I do agree there are flaws such as the UI and the controls and such. But it's been what two months and CDProjekt has already revealed the changes in the THIRD patch and Bioware takes much longer with their damn patches for Dragon Age 2 even though no amount of patching can make that game good.
  8. Happy Holidays especially a Happy Festivus to all
  9. Wishing you a most memorable and Merry Christmas Chromie! :o)
  10. Hi! As my newest bestest friend, I'm giving you a present. Your first Kudos. Congratulations!
  11. Yea Jamaica, Queens wooo! (Well I like Brooklyn better just saying)
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