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Everything posted by Anselmp

  1. My first runs of Skyrim several years ago were with LE and NMM. This was my introduction to mods which I then used on a few other games. I was happy enough with this. When Vortex came out it was still not in its full version when I stopped playing Skyrim, so I did not load it. When I returned to Skyrim a few months ago it seemed natural to go for the latest version of everything, so I turned to Vortex, which seemed to be ready. It took me a couple of days to sort it out, but since then everything has gone smoothly on that front. Every problem I have had I have been able to put down to a particular mod or the relationship between mods. I used to be a mainframe programmer, so I work through things as logically as I can, well aware of the rule that if it can go wrong it will (eventually). I did not use any old files. Download the latest versions. Check the requirements and description. You will probably find mention of other mods you did not know about. If I go back to FO4 the same will apply. I have already uninstalled the game and removed all of the mods (partly for space), but I keep it as an owned game on Steam. As for saved games, these can be stored anywhere, just in case they may still work. To HadToRegister: I have hardly looked at these Vortex forums because I had no problems with Vortex. I did not realise how much entertainment was to be had and how much could be learnt about some well-known (in this field) names.
  2. SKSE is not a problem if you follow all of the instructions. Have you checked the pex files?
  3. Which versions? What mods are you using? SKSE? What you are supposed to do is give all the relevant info.
  4. I think we have someone here who believes in magic. If an install does not work the first time it will not work the second time unless you do something different. 3 times? Be very precise. You have not followed exactly the instructions given. Obviously the drive letter can be different, but why put an extra mods directory in? People who do not know you will be reluctant to use your Teamviewer as it is a popular program with scammers. My path is steam\steamapps not Steam Games. Once you have made sure that Vortex knows where your downloads for Skyrim SE are, you could remove all your mods and reinstall them from the downloads. Vortex would put them all in the same place. Then make sure that SKSE is installed there. You cannot install one too many mods without waving your magic wand.
  5. It would be easier to start again. If you are new, don't use large mods that change things all over the place, and don't use big, old, difficult mods that add large new areas. I see SkyUI is uninstalled. Make sure you don't need it. Also be wary of anything that needs lots of patches. Forgotten City and Beyond Reach should be treated as separate games. They worked well enough in their day but now look very tired. Ease yourself in gently. If you are testing a new mod, don't bother to save until you are sure it is working. If that takes too long make a note of any interim saves for removal if necessary. There are lots of small mods that can be removed during a playthrough, but usually not scripts. and particularly nothing that affects quests or dialogue.
  6. I am happy to defer to GGUNIT on that general review. That is the sort of thing that should be highlighted on a forum. I notice that you are using Immersive Citizens. For some weeks I have had mysterious things happening in Skyrim, not crashes but blocked quests and such. Often these are due to lines of dialogue not appearing when they should. Also any time generateFNIS needed to be run I had to reinstall SkyUI again after logging out. Removing Immersive Citizens altogether and starting again seems so far to have cured all of the problems I was having.
  7. I have had another look at your list. I know JK's Skyrim and Skyland are supposed to work together, but why have both? I don't see either working with Immersive Patrols or the border mods. As for Open Civil War - are you trying to smash the game up? You don't need the Solstheim mods until you intend to go there. You also can't do Forgotten City early on. Skybirds and Birds of Skyrim and Better Skies? How do you think that would work? Too many environment mods. I have given up Wet and Cold and Realistic Water, although they did not give me any trouble. One could be irritating at times and the other was hardly noticeable, so not worth a slot. You could reduce your extra races to one you are using. How about making a half-orc dwarf? The dwarf is amusing but I soon tired of having to look up all the time. How about the new half-giant to compensate?
  8. Have you noticed that major mods like this are set off to the side so that they don't conflict? Easier to have a new land and set it all there.
  9. The Soul Cairn is one of the most boring sections in the whole of Skyrim. There is enough in Whiterun already. There are too many necromancers already. We want character-driven stories not desiccated nightmares.
  10. I also found problems going away when I removed Immersive Citizens. But I had to start again as it seems to leave a few nasties hanging.
  11. I only got SoS because I thought it unfair that the women were stripping while the men wore nappies (sorry, diapers to you). I tried FG Amorous Adventures. Some good quests but dangerous crossing of wires with vanilla quests. Possibly the best was for Jenassa, which takes us back where we started. You don't name any favourites. I like Annekke. Actually, I've always liked Lydia, although I have to admit she is more beautiful now (Bijin version). I must be much more peace-loving. I like to take over a place, fortify it and make it safe. Bandits respawning all over the place is just irritating and not at all immersive. Also, I don't see why we have to kill every enemy. They could surrender when the chief dies and go to a prison for correction. That should be possible. There is a boarding school for the waifs and strays (Dragon Keep) so why not a re-education facility? Also, after completing Dawnguard one should have the option of eliminating vampires altogether, as in Destroy the Dark Brotherhood, which someone seems to be working on a mod to finish properly. Perhaps a bit odd that after the Civil War everything looks exactly as it did before. Even Whiterun is rebuilt in a day. I never go for hard core or legendary level. I find that boring because it slows progress too much. Each to his own! What's that about grey hair? Do you mean the eyebrows? Don't worry, I'm 'heading' the same way.
  12. This cannot be solved without more info. Do you use FNIS? That has to be regenerated every time you change a file that affects it. There are mods that seem to corrupt the connections between SKSE and SkyUI. I have today managed to sort out two nagging problems by removing all trace of a popular mod (although I was pointed to this by remarks in these forums on a separate issue). The connection between the mod and the problems was not obvious and had to be done by elimination.
  13. They are now classified as separate games. You cannot be using exactly the same mods for both, or if you are trying to they are probably not working properly in one of them. In any case a difference in the loading screen scarcely matters. You need to decide which version you will stick to before you drive yourself mad.
  14. Rigmor tells you to use a separate playthrough. It should not be played with lots of mods. The early part mostly in a new area is cleaner, but once it starts moving across Skyrim its relationships with vanilla become more delicate, and some of the more general mods will give more trouble than an armor mod.
  15. I like good architecture. There are some excellent Ayleid homes. Unfortunately they are not very practical. There is also a magnificent house set in Sovngarde, so that is fairly useless for much of the game. There are some pretty Valkyrie homes, with ridiculous NPCs, such as guards that look like prostitutes. I suppose one could lead them away and dump them, but why bother? Also the castle lands on top of one of Anna's inns in a place where an inn should be but not a castle, which would not have been built in sight of another (immediately opposite Dragonsreach) and right next to the road. Mumps became milder and milder until I had it in my 40s. I have never known anyone who suffered seriously from it, but it may have been different ages ago. Just a slight lumpy feeling in the neck for a couple of days. I expect you have tried Misty Skye. One run was enough. Vilja is a much nicer character but her quests are too boring. I have hit the EFF home nude bug. Trying Mjoll out landed me with Aerin too in the same state. I am not sure how much of this I can take. I may end up going along with one follower singing behind me (Zorya, perhaps). I cheat the carryweight so I don't need pack mules. I have no interest in Frostfall, survival mode etc. Isn't life hard enough?
  16. Usual questions : how do you start the game, what else is running etc. SKSE? Next : player home presumably Proudspire TNF - has it been converted for SE? You seem to have FNIS but no animations, so why? My SkyUI has a version number on the file What happened to yours? If you have the wrong version you are bound to be in trouble.
  17. I doubt if this is a single mod problem. Don't you like Skyrim, that you have to change so much? The book mods you have work ok for me. There are posts for other problems that will tell you some of the mods that are unreliable. I'm beginning to take the word 'immersive' as a warning.
  18. And do not keep the Vigilant fix if you do not have Vigilant.
  19. I do not believe that bijin wives could be the only cause, You are missing a required file for FG. Also Amorous Adventures should be the FG version if you use both. That has some conflicts with vanilla quests if you do them in the wrong order. Haven Bag seems to work but has not been updated for SE. The sort of people who make some of your other mods are not those I would trust to be meticulous with detail.
  20. Which quests are disappearing and at what stage in the quest? Miscellaneous quests do disappear when complete.
  21. Read some of the other posts in this forum for lots of good general advice. You are using the right launcher, but where from? What else is running when you launch? (Vortex should not be running). What mods are you using?
  22. You must look at the dependencies. If another mod you have requires the mod you are updating you need to be very careful that it is not affected. If there are no dependent mods and there are no other mods for which relevant patches are required then you should remove the old file altogether, preferably before installing the new version. Sometimes you will find that a new version of a mod incorporates a patch file that was separate. If so, remove that patch. Vortex normally warns if a plugin has redundant files, but would not recognise them if the names were different. You do not always have to accept updates, but if you do it is pointless to keep the older versions active, although you can keep the download in case something goes wrong and you want to go back to the earlier version. Some mods do not update neatly and Vortex thinks there is a later one when there is not. NMM was the same. So do not update automatically.
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