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About Kiwihine

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  1. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3862 Hearthfire multiple adoptions - Now with custom home support for kids and spouse Uploaded by TMPhoenix
  2. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25576 No More Friendly Fire Complaints Uploaded by tarlazo
  3. Thanks for the feedback. Found someone on steam to point to Darkfox127 I did it and it works like it should do, only problem is, If you restart a new game, clean you need to redo it every time. Thank you Darkfox127.
  4. I was given the whole lot of CC for the New ASE version game play. I do not like or want to play or deal with some of those pay mods in my game at all. Tried delete, but they just get reinstall by auto when you start a new install game again. Maybe someone has a idea how to stop it downloading or to stop those files working without causing harm to your game folder. Many thanks, look forward to hearing from someone soon:)
  5. Same here, missing quest data, and crashes, never had a problem with this quest before until last night. I even reinstall Skyrim SE, today, found missing four links. The same problem missing item in quest, I checking and might just wipe the whole lot and restart a new setup again. Its just worries me that its not just me, could it be a bug? From a Mod we all share? I keep an eye on this post see what comes up about this matter:) Good Hunting:)
  6. Looks awesome and want to play Skywind now:) Morrowind its beauty, want to explore it and see what everyone talks about:) Thank you all for the amazing work you have done on this:)
  7. Arthmoor has practice dummy which help you work out? Just was thinking this might help you for now:)
  8. Can someone make a new and easy way to pick locks in ESO. Due to my limits with my hands and fingers, with my mouse doing the locks in the world is nearly impossible for me and maybe others like me. <Make it more easy and simple with all lock to be picked like in Old Skyrim locks had a cheat bar about to tell you which way to pick the lock. I don't want you to change the locks textures or system only to give me more time to pick the locks. thankyou.
  9. Amazing! You all should take a bow for such beautiful work so far. I shall be happy to pay to play such a game like this:) Thank you for sharing:) Million Kudos to you guys and girls who work and working on such a huge project like this:)
  10. Thank you for your kind reply ThelronChicken. Yes, Kryptopyr Timing is everything is an awesome well made Mod for this as well. But sadly, the mod can not work with what, I have this time in my testing. I did find some old favourites, who do the same thing. Mod request for me is, One installer of time just for the Major DLC, plus a stop to quest NPC coming around at that set time, eg, Hearthfire the jarls letter at level 9. Plunket who takes away all the need for the War. SilentResident for changes as well in a good questline. Cdcooley for the timing options, which I used a lot now. brtag for one of the DLC starts options. Okal for another DLC option starter. And Alexandriel who has rewritten most questlines, who I follow now. Sadly Kryptopy who I adore as a Modder, which I have supported since the start off in steam so long ago, is not working with what I want to do right now:) Kind Regards to all and thank you for reading my post:)
  11. I notice over the years, many mods made here that have improved the gameplay, fix old problems, bad mods and simple patches to fix problems that should have been a must to fix in any modding project for that part of the game. But you can not have it perfected, or pleasing if you don't mod yourself:) I like to ask, someone to make a simple mod for the game. I love to RP my play, But, time again, mods that give you time, also give you problems. I have tried a few million mods out over the years, I kudos the ones that work, more friendly, helpful, great ideas. My idea is this; Simple esp, no MC, no options ok. Make Hearthfire start when you are ready to get the letter from the jarl. I would say, Level 30_40, by then you done a lot more in your RP life starter. You want to have a peaceful home away from the towns, you have time to build your own home then:) Right now Hearthfire starts at Level 9 with a letter as you know this already:) Even if you can stop this letter arriving at this level would be a bonus? Dragonborn should start late into the game after the defeat of the Main questline:) Level 80 is good for that, gives you more fun making it harder for you too:) But then we have Dawnguard down our backs between those quest times, the Orc comes at level 10, Then that night we hit with vampires as well:( Dawnguard should start sometime after Hearthfire give it space to enjoy your building a home with family and friends:) Please make a time mod to caste just these three major DLC into some space in time for players like me, who love to RP and take my time doing it within a basic good time period. Thanks all for your time reading such a long-winded request. Your friend always KiwiHine:)
  12. A amazing point this is, I too felt you could have more options than delaying that talk. I wish you well :)
  13. Sorry, I do not understand your request? I play both and need NO compatibility patch for these mods. Good luck on your game hunting:)
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