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Everything posted by PhaseMaster

  1. I think the name should be: NfMagik Which stands for N(exus) F(ree) M(od) A(rchieve) & G(ame) I(ntegration) K(nowledge-base) All caps would seem like yelling though. N cap to start name. M cap to highlight the word Magik
  2. The main problem I have with the AD sounds is when I am viewing the u-tube videos included with the mods. While I am watching the instructions or walk throughs, the AD sounds come on in the background and completely drown out what the u-tube commentator is saying. These ADs are mostly for games and thus have loud video clips included with them. I wish I had a way to mute them. I don't mind the ADs when I am viewing mods, but I would like them disabled (or at least the sound) when I am watching the u-tube videos. (I can't see the advertisements anyway while I am watching the u-tube video full screen.)
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