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Everything posted by seweryn

  1. In response to post #10324757. I see this as a bad change because many people aka mod authors can abuse this so they can delete comments that are negative towards their mod/mods. It shouldn't be in their power to say who can or cannot download their file. I think it is about freedom and this is another thing that lower that. I am just defending the principle, that is all, nothing against blocking people who are toxic, i just feel that mod authors should be like judge dreed, aka judge, jury and executioner. My few cents here.
  2. Hey, i was wondering to start new "New Vegas" play since i change to win 7. But i kinda not found of range weapons. I play original fallout series, with spear, sledgehammer, fist weapons, but energy ones, and normal ones. I kinda want to play new vegas with them too, but there is a lot of range weapons but nearly none melee weapons. Anyone knows melee weapons that can recommend for new vegas ? Thanks in advance, Sew
  3. Author vanished after heartfire so i cannot, plus normally i get better help on the forums then on comment sections. Aka everything are spamming about mod works fine and i should get legal version of skyrim, which is totally bs since that has nothing to do with how the game works, only the game version people are running.
  4. Hey, I cannot get this mod to work, It always says it doesn't have enough materials. I have over 250 iron ingots and 32 firewood, and i cannot even build the first thing. Here is the link to the mod, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18480/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D18480%26preview%3D&pUp=1 I have the newest version of the game, i am running the newest skse. I have deactivated all of my mods and ticked only this and it still doesn't work. Any help would be totally welcomed. Thanks in advance, Sew P.S. i have checked the mod with tesv edit but it doesn't have any bad aka red marking in it, so i do not know why it isn't working.
  5. If i get correctly if i set numbers lowers then 1 in SKSE_Elys_Uncapper, my skil will level slower. I know how to edit the ini, i just do not understand correctly what mod autor was saying about it. Skill Experience Gained Multipliers ; from what i gather numbers lowers then 1 decrease level gain for each skill point. Skill Experience to Player's Character Experience Multipliers; do not understand why this really means. Does setting it lower then 1 will lower or increase the xp gain by my character. And what is the difference between Experience Gained Multipliers and Skill Experience to Player's Character Experience Multipliers. Thanks for the answer, Much appreciated. Cheers, Sew
  6. I noticed that too. Thanks for the tip. It is a pleasure to get a reply from "founding father" :cool:
  7. The question is about when they be back. I was in the middle of browsing site, when i got the info about it being temporary offline, so anyone knows when we can except the site going back online ? Thanks in advance, Sew
  8. I got it too. Started after i used carriage waited 10 days and it is always raining, i am getting frustrated.
  9. Heya, Anyone knows the solution to this issue ? When i have got Realistic Needs and Diseases activated in NMM my weapon damage doesn't scale with my skill Realistic Needs and Diseases activated http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/844/wbbk.png/ Realistic Needs and Diseases de-activated http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/41/br9e.png/ Anyone got a clue how can this be solved ? Please help, I really want to use this mod, Thanks in advance, Sew P.S. This screenshots are from situation when only Skyrim.esm and Realistic Needs and Diseases.esp is activated.
  10. Thanks so much for the info. I normally wouldn't asked for this if skyrim wouldn't have any memory restrictions, but unfortunately it has, so i want to save it when ever i can. Thanks again, Sew
  11. I know :yes: But unfortunately, less memory used = more mods i can use :thumbsup: So dlc sounds better when it comes to memory workaround :D But i will download mods that will change water, grass, animals etc so every little bit of memory is usefull. Thanks, Sew
  12. Heya, So recently i upgraded my pc with new graphic card and changed my operating system to win 7 64 bit. Which will allow me to run hd pack with ease. But unfortunately i learned that skyrim have this 3.1 GB limit. I always like to use a lot of mods in my games. On nexus page for 2k textures, it is written, then the lite version of 2k textures is 2 times better then hd dlc pack. Is this true ? I am finding it hard to belive it. So my question is as follows. Which takes less memory. The hd pack or lite version of 2k textures. From one hand modding community have always made very good mods, better then bethesda products. On the other hand hd dlc pack maybe better integrated with skyrim, because it was created by beth and takes less memory because of it. So what do you think, which is better aka takes less memory, which is important since i normally use more then 100 mods. Thanks for the advice and cheers, Sew
  13. Thanks so much for the info. Have a nice day. Sew P.S. I hope you are still have fun making those mods. Once again have fun and nice day on top that.
  14. Hey, I search the net and cannot find it. On offical site there is a name ENB series. I am wondering if that is a shortcut like for WIP, UNP or HGEC etc. Or just something the author named out of thin air ? I tried searching the net but haven't found the answer to it. I was thinking that maybe people who are experienced in modding, know what it can mean. Thanks for answers in advance. Have a nice day Sew
  15. Hey, I am fallout 1 and fallout 2 veteran, i remember you had much more melee weapons there then you have now. When i mostly play fallout 2 i used spear, hammer, power fist etc. I am wondering if anyone knows a nice pack of melee weapons, so i could normally play using them. I remember while playing fallout 2 hammer have this nice pushback. I am not this huge fan of one handed range weapons. I remember i run with the sledgehammer for like more then 15 lvls. So if anyone have any mods that add some nice melee weapons i would be grateful. Thanks Seweryn
  16. Hi, I am wondering if i can use them both at the same time. Thanks for advice, Seweryn
  17. I remember using robert body for oblivion, i hope it is good for New Vegas also. Thanks for info.
  18. Hi, Just bought New Vegas Ultimate edition today, but i have trouble about choosing male and female body types. What mods is the best for the time being. I haven't played new vegas yet but want to mod it properly before i do. So any suggestions what body types would be good try for males and females. Thanks for any help you can give me on this. Have a nice day. Seweryn
  19. Ah thank you for clearing this up. Thanks again.
  20. Hey, so i recently bought premium better late then never as they say, but cannot add image to suporter section on skyrim and dragon age nexus. Any can give a hint how can i do it. Thanks.
  21. Never tried it, i will check it out, thanks for the tip
  22. I wouldn't say that is mod conflict since i can run the game with around 30 minutes with np and then it happends, it appears and then dissappears, face appears and then all i can see is teeth. The same comes when fighting dragons all i can is there eyes and then their body appears and then disappears, the same with structures, they appears and vanish and appear again. It is not that i do not see the textures of face all the time, the temperature of my graphic card is 52 degrees Celsius. I really do not know if that is caused by graphic driver because i had the same problem like 7 months ago and i was using different card driver. And do not say that it is radeon because i do not have any problems in other games, assasin creed, shogun II, deus ex human revolution, if it was my graphical card or card driver problem i would see this in other game too, since i do not i can presume it is some problem with skyrim not working well with my setup the problem i do not know what is, i deactivated all mods and it haven't changed.
  23. So i have this problem graphical problem with skyrim while playing textures suddenly dissapears and there back again. For examples faces disappears, only teeth remains, or head. Simillar like this http://donthatethegeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/skyrim_bugs_faceless.jpg. It isn't graphic card issue since i only have this problem with skyrim, i have radeon 5770, played shogun II total war with no problem. witcher II with no problem, also played fallout 3, fallout new vegas no problem there. I really do not know what to do. My operating system is xp 32 bit. pls help
  24. Good to know they do not conflict each other. Thanks
  25. Hey, So i normally always used Wrye Bash but i heared that NMM is very good also since gopher made a lot of videos about it, is it better i have nice features of it. Is it worth changing from wrye bash to it or wrye is still better. I would really like to hear your opinions on this. Thanks. Have a nice day.
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