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Everything posted by gamevsreality

  1. ForRedwall and The ForgottenGirl. Sadly there's been no progress on this since the first post as i never learned to use the creation kit and the post was more of a way to air out a mod idea that i had been thinking about and made most if not all the story for it.
  2. Sorry for the necro but i have an update regarding the fifth tv series in the original post. The fifth tv series is a swedish christmas calendar tv series called Mysteriet på Greveholm that aired on SVT1 in 1996.
  3. This type of spam has been sent out a lot recently. They claim you have gotten a trojan from a watching a video on a pornographic website and that they have used it to get recordings of you watching the video, and extracted information from all your social media and emails. In some cases like op's they add a password to the email that they got from a security leak to try prove that it's true.
  4. I think that someone who is invested in a games story might be less likely to put in silly and non lore friendly mods if given the chance. Bethesda's games have since Oblivion and Fallout 3 been lacking more and more in the writing, story and role play department compared the the previous games in the series. Comparing my installation of Oblivion versus Skyrim i see that i have more non lorefriendly mods in Skyrim than in Oblivion. But Skyrim's gameplay is improved from Oblivion in which for me it becomes a *this is fun but you know what would make it even more fun? Being able to throw daggers, axes and explosives at the enemies*. I asked myself if given the chance would i put in non lore friendly mods into a The Witcher or Gothic game? The answer is no because i am invested in the games story and i don't see it being any beneficial to my overall experience of the game by doing it. Back at the adult stuff, i think you could get the same answer as when asking the purpose of videogames in general. Because it's a break from reality. I can't really give any good explanation why anyone would like to see any pornographic with characters from a game without saying *because it's different from what's normal.* Besides does any adult movie have a realistic plot? :laugh:
  5. The first thing that comes to mind is *Because we can* and *because it's fun*. The Fallout and Elder Scrolls games let's the player create their own game to some extend. You can basically create a first person western rpg with a Final Fantasy setting in where you throw shurikens at dragons and crabs because a game like that might never get made. Why not play Naruto/FF game instead? Because none of those games are western first person rpgs. I don't want to play a fighting game (nor a Naruto game for that matter) just to be able to use shurikens or turn based rpgs just to be able to use ridiculous oversized swords and spells There isn't that many open world first person western rpgs to begin with, even less that are as moddable as ES and Fallout. Bethesda are very sparse with the story of the player character in the Elder Scrolls games starting with Morrowind. The only real story points you get are *you are on a ship*, *you are in prison*, *you are on a carriage on your way to be executed*. PC could be a character who got teleported from another planet/dimension to Nirn and it wouldn't really matter much since the only thing that gets mentioned in the sequel is the major story plot points with no mention of the PC except maybe whatever title they were given at one point. For the porn game thing, is there any porn games that actually focuses on the game aspect and not just the sex? Also you don't have to switch games when you are done ogling your anthropomorphic cat that's in a school uniform after shes done playing with her lizard friend. Id take a guess that there aren't many porn games that let's the player customize the character to the point of changing it to a non human race, or let's you import characters from other games into it. Id be lying if i said that i don't download and use *eye candy* mods but that's more in the *cool* category than the *sexy* category. I have both lore friendly mods, on the edge of lore friendly and unfriendly and mods that just contains recreated stuff from other games. I always play ES and Fallout games with just patches first time around and maybe add a mod in case something really irks me in the game (Fallout 4's long reload animation says hi) and then add mods to later playthroughs.
  6. I bought a pizza just to test it out aaannnnnnnd you're wrong! It's more the cheese and sauce together that gets a different taste after reheating after a night in the fridge. I always keep my bread in the fridge and it doesn't really get much of a different taste besides warm bread after having it in the microwave. (most often with cheese and ham on it)
  7. *Goes to the living room and picks up an empty pizza cardboard box from the floor* They use Jarlsberg cheese. You can look at their official website and see how their pizza's looks like. http://www.grandiosa.no/Produkter The *Grandiosa original* pizza uses wheat flour, water, cheese 22% (Jarlsberg), pizzeria meat 14% (cattle meat), water, soy protein, wheat starch, starch, salt, spice, preservative (E250)), tomato puree, paprika 5%, sourdough wheat), yeast, canola oil, salt, spice, sugar, and no palm oil.
  8. Maybe it's the Norwegian cheese they use. It's only sold in grocery stores so you will have to come to Norway to eat one. That's one thing that always bothered me with one episode of the cartoon Recess where they have to eat leftover pizza and they don't like while i'm sitting there thinking *What are they talking about? Leftover pizza is great!*.
  9. I was on vacation in Greece some years ago with some relatives and there was one restaurant that had an incredible four seasons pizza and a great Caesar's salad. We ended up eating dinner there for the rest of the vacation due to the food and friendly staff. I don't know if this goes for all pizza but here in Norway we have a brand called Grandiosa pizza that after reheating it in the microwave after a night in the fridge it has a different but good taste.
  10. Pineapple on pretty much any Dr Oetker ristorante pizza but i mostly just buy the ones that are with pepperoni, salami, ham and mozzarella if it's on sale. I put mushrooms on any non mushroom pizza, but only if i have a can of mushrooms.
  11. Whenever i buy a Dr Oetker pizza i usually put on four pineapple slices to make the pizza stay juicy and somewhat soft. They are smaller and thinner than some other pizzas so the pineapple slices helps a lot satifying my hunger. I also put on mushrooms if i have a can of it.
  12. Could i get the copy of Beholder? It's the only game on the list that's on my wishlist. Also the link to The Final Take seems to be wrong/bad.
  13. I wish the boxes for each mod in the Hot mods on the front page were the same size instead of two big boxes and five smaller ones.
  14. Im currently in the idea phase and writing down ideas and story for a mod and was wondering, is there a maximum size for a NPC before it starts to mess with it's ai and hit detection? Is there any other problems i can encounter when making a npc bigger then it usually is?
  15. Sadly that's how it is nowadays. Any word that describe a person can and will be used in a negative way directly or indirectly. The negativity and problems will not go away by replacing *user* with several words/names. It can cause a bigger diversion and spread the problems and negativity. You can end up with one or several groups of people that are known for being trolls, flamers etc instead of them being just a small (?) part of the already existing *mod user*. Example: Donators are fanboys who will fight with teeth and nail against all type of criticism against their beloved mods. It can cause fights between the new groups just because they are being in different groups. It can cause new people to shy away from doing what the groups are made for due to the negativity/hostility towards and from the groups. Personally i don't use the word Author but Creator when talking about people who make mods. Also when you look at big mods with two or more people making it you will often find programmers,artists, writer,scripter,voice actor in the list of people who made the mod.
  16. Hi as title said im trying to find some old tv series and possibly a movie (not sure if its a movie or a episode) i think all of them was on tv during the 90s. First one was on Fox Kids (i think) but i did not find it on a list of tv shows (on Wikipedia) that aired on Fox Kids. It was about a boy who kept a video diary and had cameras hidden all around his house filming his family. In each episode he talked to his diary (viewers) about what had happened. Second one i only saw one episode of when i was in Denmark on vacation. A boy was home alone and got attacked/scared of a giant human ear and after a being chased around the house he found out that he could scare it away with loud sounds. He chases it upstairs where it jumps into a wall and a face appears out of the wall speaking gibberish in which the boy replies that he does not understand it. The face tries to tell him where a thing that had gone missing was and it ends with his parents comming home being concerned since the baby sitter had contacted them since she thought the house was empty. Thirdh one I don't know if this was only a episode specific story or the whole tv series. It was about a girl who could turn into clear liquid and in the small part of the episode i saw she got stuck in the water pipes when someone in the house turned on the water. The fourth one im pretty sure was during early or mid 90s, i only saw a small bit of it since i was visitting my grandfather and saw it on his tv. Don't know if it was a movie or a episode. A boy on a beach is running towards a giant thing that consists of hair/seaweed. The boy grabs onto a hair/seaweed while his parents are running after him. The thing hovering above the ground starts flying slowly towards the sky with the boy and several other people. (don't if they were stuck or willingly hanging onto it.) The fifth one was on a swedish tv channel during christmas. It was about a family with two or three children who moved into an old castle. The kids meets two ghost who they become friends with and find a robot. Later near the end they meet a cgi skeleton with eyes that was the ghosts former master in life. Thank you for taking your time reading this.
  17. I removed the thermal paste i previously put on since it was too much and put on a small amount. I tried to take the card more apart but theres three small screws that sits on too thigt that i can't unscrew them without damaging them so much that they get unscrewable. Currently playing Mars war logs to test the card and it gets up to 85c and when i minimize the game it quickly goes down to 60c. Im still holding onto my plan B of buying the newest R9 card when it comes out.
  18. The card came with my computer that i bought three or four (maybe five) years ago. I used compressed air while cleaning the computer both times. Can't imagine the damage i would have done if i had used the vacuum cleaner instead. :laugh: The card has been stable until now, never caused any problems for me before. Il order a replacement fan for the card and see if i can't open it some more and get a better look at it. I have no idea what a PCI-E port is or how i can check the wattage. Werne: I put the paste on after removing the old and used a q tip to cover the rest of the chip and put some extra in the middle. I don't know how much is too little or too much for the card so i can't answer that. After using the AS5 paste it already was at a lower temperature so i don't know if i was just lucky with it. I bought the paste off ebay for a low price. I don't remember the price right now so il have to check later. I checked on the cards fan and on the other fan after cleaning and applying the paste and they were both spinning.
  19. I did go over the exhaust and intake grills while removing dust. I did a dust removal for the first time on my current computer some months ago when it was crashing and giving me blue screen (of death) due to some malware that had taken resident in it and driving up it memory usage. I only took the card apart enough to remove the old thermal paste and apply the new one as i did not see any more screws on it and was afraid of breaking anything on it. I already managed to break off the locking mechanism to keep the card in place while trying to remove the card. Funny thing that you should mention the R9 series as the newest AMD card is a R9.
  20. I have an AMD Radeon HD 6870 and it started to overheat around a week ago. It's gotten to the point that i cannot play any games on the computer. I tried playing Batman Arkham Asylum as a test and after less than ten minutes the computer crashed. I cleaned the inside of the computer and the card for dust and removed the old thermal paste and applied a new one (Arctic Silver 5 if it's important) two days ago. Before cleaning and applying new paste the heat was at 60c when browsing the internet and now it stays at 48-50c. I tried playing Batman again with the cards fan on 50% speed and played for an half hour with no problems before i quit. During play the heat rose to around 70-80c if i remember correctly. The fan speed stays at 24% when on automatic when not playing games so i don't know if theres a problem with just the fan or something more. Plan B is to buy the new AMD Radeon card that's comming out later this year.
  21. joerginger: il take a closer look at that game but i have my doubts as the the characters from the game were not as detailed and more pixellated then The humans is. (my memory about the game is a bit fuzzy so some parts might be wrong or forgotten) chevyowner: It's not Lemmings sadly even though it's a fun game. The characters in the game would stand still untill given a command/moved by the player. I haven't had time to check on the game gandalftw suggested but due to the recent influx of old games to Steam i think i might have found the shooter, it might be the game Blood: one unit whole blood, or it's sequel Blood 2: The chosen. I won't stop trying to find the two other games as i once managed to find a game i remembered by just remembering the weapon that was being used for most of the first part of the game was a whip. It turned out to be a Final Fantasy game.
  22. Il have to look up that game. Thanks for the help, was half expecting not getting any suggestions due to how little information i had about the games.
  23. Im trying to find two old computer games that i saw my brother play once during the 90's. Ive asked him if he remembers them but he doesn't. Ive used my google and ebay skills to find all the playstation 1 i remember he played. (long story short he borrowed some from an ex girlfriend and the rest was at a friend who died many years ago.) The two computer games however i have not managed to find. The first one looked like a 2D Lemming type of game with small human like pixel creatures. I think it was on console aswell because i remember trying it for a few minutes outside a toy store once. The creatures were voiced and would say things like *Hello* and *Are you there?' in a weird voice while playing. (im not sure about the second one) When i tried it outside the toy store there was a big desert with a big cactus where the creatures would die if they fell on it. I think you controlled the creatures directly but im not sure to be honest. The second one was a shooter with dark and grey colors. When i asked my brother about it the only game he could think of was Doom but i don't think it was one the Doom games. All i remember from it was that my brother walked onto a elevator platform after shooting a enemy and on the way up he shot a corpse hanging from the roof. Shooting the corpse destroyed it and made what looked like birds fly away from it. Bonus game to find: I remember i was once told by a woman that her son played a game where he was in a human body and went around shooting virus and bacterias and before and/or after the mission he would be given a picture of the person and some text describing what was wrong with them. Ive found nothing based on that while searching so im not sure if that game is a learning game that was only released in my country or something.
  24. For me that's too simple. Marriage is already simple enough and making a mod that adds more meat to the game with a quest with possible marriage would be better than a *X NPC is now marryable* mod.
  25. Ive wanted my character to marry Ahlam in couple of games so i made up a story mod that would let me and in some cases remove Nazeem as an added bonus. :laugh: This is just a rough idea and i haven't made any dialog just outcomes and the branching to the outcomes. The player talks with Ahlam about the relationship with Nazeem. The player can talk to her once each day where the quest goes into different directions depending on what dialog option the players chooses. This goes on for a few days. There are several outcomes. 1. Ahlam gets so angry at Nazeem to the point that she kills him. Ahlam gets thrown into Whiterun jail after the the murder and the players will hears about it from Whiterun guards or citizen's either by random chatter or from the *Rumour* option. 1.2. When the player goes to meet her in jail he/she can act shocked over Ahlam's choice to kill Nazeem and simply let her stay there as punishment for what she has done. 1.3. The player can pay her bail or help her escape. 1.4. After getting out of jail Ahlam will move away from Whiterun to a city/village of the players choice or random. (She does not want to meet anyone since everyone knows more or less that she killed him.) 2. The player kills Nazeem for Ahlam. 2.1. After Nazeem's death Ahlam will move away from Whiterun to a city/village of the players choice or random. (She can't bear the rumour's about Nazeems death if the player killed him.) 2.2. If the player suggests too early to kill Nazeem or kills him too early, Ahlam will be shocked and the quest ends there. 3. The player can talk her to divorce Nazeem and she will move away from Whiterun to a city/village of the players choice or random. (She does not want to see him anymore) 4. The player talks to her and she stays with Nazeem and everything is like it was. 5. The player talks to her and the relationship gets better. (removes all of Ahlam's complaints about Nazeem from the game.) 6. The player talks to her and the relationship gets better and Nazeem and Ahlam get's a child. (removes all of Ahlam's complaints about Nazeem from the game.) 7. If Ahlam moves out of Whiterun the player can marry her. 7.1. She marries another NPCs in the town she moved to if the player is not quick enough. (random chance if theres a single male character there) 7.2. She stays single.
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