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Posts posted by MetalDragon

  1. I have nothing to add.


    I would like to wait and see what species has to say about all this though. She may bring about some interesting comments, as she seems pretty good at that. I should have made an account here sooner lol.


    In any case, it seems stability is beginning to sink in, which means we might get something actually decided in the next couple pages. Then we will go off on another rant about something barely related...


    See ya then!

  2. That looks good, would be something I would use.


    This would require modeling, and texturing, which is usually harder to get to have happen than a little landscaping and scripting, but it could end up a reality (i can't do it)


    We'll, technically I could, but it would look horrible, and we would need someone else to import it into the game. Bluntly, you don't WANT me to do it.


    I am guessing it would add some fire-resistance and radiation resistance?


    I would also think multiple versions (more plating version, more lightweight version, etc)


    Good luck, and may the force be with you.

  3. Dang, I have to say this guy is right. Completely and totally right. Although I don't think doing that would make us any more capitalist, as money is not really a capitalist thing, just a creation of convenience and necessity. After all, it would be bad to be paid in chickens every Friday right?
  4. I am with Lisnpuppy on this.


    I also would like to note that I am the only one who did not get their ass handed to them in species version of these events, however much I may disagree with her interpretation.


    HA HA HA


    Of course i would have done some MMA style stuff and put you in a master lock or the anaconda, but hey. (I once put my friend in a triangle lock :) )



    On a side note, I need to pimp out my profile, any suggestions? LOL

  5. OK, maybe you desire a socialist system, I think most people, when given the whole picture of socialism by a neutral party (so as to avoid coloring of the issue) would find it undesirable. And that is the point of a Democracy. It is a government by the will of the people. In America we have a republic, which means we have a democracy where we elect people to represent us. This means that if most people want socialism we would have it, but I do not believe most people want that. We are, of course, social creatures, but we are not social in the way that insects are. We are more akin to a pack of wolves. We work together to achieve what we want, but each are capable of expanding beyond an assigned role in the community. It is through this that we have become what we are. Insects could never have engineered the great machines of men, they would lack the creativity and inclination to do so. As a group of cooperative, fully individual beings we can achieve great heights of science, medicine, philosophy, etc. As a socialist or communist "worker human" entity we have little to no room for inventiveness, creativity, etc.
  6. The entirety of human history is filled with war. Would you say that humanity should be done away with because of that?


    And there is no need to point out my religious talk, it is part of who I am, there is no need to debate it, and I do not wish to start a religious debate. That would just lead to bad feelings and bans. Just accept that it is part of my world view and move on. I understand why it is not allowed here in some ways, and believe it is holding back a very important topic in today's world in another way. However it is a site rule, and I will do my best to obey.


    This land did NOT originally belong to Mexicans, if I understand it right Mexico was set up by the Spanish, out of the ruins of the conquered Aztec empire, which I do not believe extended to the area I live in now, and we have illegal Mexicans here. Illegal immigrants are still in violation of the laws set by the current government of this area, and thus they are illegal. I have no problem with legal immigrants, I just don't like people completely disregarding our borders, and then not paying taxes but using things we pay for.


    Again, I in no way support such abuse of power, in many ways I am ashamed of what my government does, but to say that is capitalism's fault is ridiculous, capitalism is not a method of government, just a economic system. Socialism is both. It is very possible for a government that rules in a socialistic manner to be capitalistic, and to be essentially an extremely large business that makes it's money by crushing lives.


    Look at China.


    On a side note, the reason capitalism is an economic system and not a government, is because it needs controls. Look at the practices of the Wal Mart corporation. they are essentially a communist business, and in need of a government crackdown (which hasn't happened yet, ugh) the problem with a socialist government is that there is nobody in a position to crack down when things get out of hand.


    I know I am handing you ammo here, but still. Wal Mart needs to be revealed to the masses. It is capitalism gone wrong.

  7. I will protect my liberty as i protect my life. For they are both given to me by God, and it is in no man's power to go against Him. What I sow I will reap, and what I say i shall stand behind. I live by my word, and I shall back my word with all that I can do.


    If you fall, I will offer my hand, if you are hungry I will share my bread, but when your feet are tired I will not carry you, for mine are blistered too.


    It is the responsibility of the strong to protect the weak, of their own free will. To force a man to use his strength, unless in reparation of past wrongs, is criminal, and a theft of time and life. If one does not help where they can then they fail the gifts they have been given, but that is their choice, and their failure, and it is the place of none to force one to do right, for each must bear the consequences of their own actions.



    Socialism works fine, until they run out of other people's money to spend.


    Remember that those Chinese people are slaving under a communist regime.


    I in no way support such abuse, i believe the government should stop such things, however in regard to Mexicans, many are illegal, however that is no excuse to abuse them. Also, the U.S. was started because we got tired of being told what to do by a king across an ocean, we were being mistreated by our then government. We had all rights to tell them we did not want to listen to them, and I believe the whole declaration of independence thing gave them plenty of opportunity to let us go peacefully, any fool can tell you it is hard to hold something so far away from your troop base. I also do not agree with what we are doing in foreign country's, let's keep our nose in our own business.

  8. Oh, it would be a tiny thing, no reason to redo all that, maybe make a new npc or two that have the script and AI? That way you don't ruin a good thing? And make a back up before you do, so you do not lose all your hard work.
  9. Well, I have been bated. Crap. I like this site already.


    Yes, a fully functional socialistic system would be a great and wonderful thing, but history teaches us that it simply doesn't work. Full socialism is exactly the same as full communism, go loot at some pictures of east and west Berlin before they tore down the wall. The difference is astonishing.


    Also, just because some people abuse a capitalistic system, does not make it savage or barbaric. I could argue that the borderline slavery of socialistic and communist (THEY ARE THE SAME) systems is barbaric. You would simply tell me they do not enslave people. Do you understand that in communist (and eventually in full socialist, I have no doubt) they tell you what you are going to do all your life? I think that assigned labor is pretty close to slavery.


    The difference between socialism and communism is only this: Communists shoot up the place and take over, socialists sneak in slowly with stuff that sounds good, but will eventually tear away all your social liberties.


    And as for the topic of the thread: No, because if it does I will be making a trip up to the District of Columbia, and I will rectify it. There is a reason they gave us the second amendment.


    I would honestly hate to live in a socialist society, It is just something i want to avoid.


    On a side note, go look up stuff about Wal Mart, They are an absolutely perfect example of people abusing the system, and why there should be government regulations on capitalism. A lot of what they do is illegal, but they have so much money they can pay any lawsuit, any time.

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