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About DesertEvil09

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  1. After Skyrim, and now this. At this point I'm defeated and sad. These games just aren't made for my tastes anymore. I do hope they at listen put their ears to the ground and listen to what people are saying. But at this point it's very clear where these games are going, and I'm not getting any younger or having the free time to enjoy them anymore.
  2. All possible and affordable had the game not gone for the 'voiced protagonist' route. I am of the firm belief that by going down this road, this franchise has now shot itself in the foot in the future. Either Bethesda decides with future DLC and sequels to rectify complaints and add a more expansive, role playing driven dialogue system complete with perk, special and skill/speech checks, or get rid of the voiced protagonist. This does two things, the budget will subsequently go up alot more if they are willing to add such details (they should. I still think having the whole game have lines with 1+ INT could've been short, sweet and possible) or let's say Obsidian or Bethesda decided we aren't going to sacrifice RPG dialogue systems for the sake of having a voice to the player, and get rid of it, and some fans will see this as some "massive downgrade". Personally I wouldn't. If they can have their cake and eat it too, good for them, it'll be a major accomplishment. But I just don't see that happening when I look at this dialogue system. It's only the tip of the iceberg of disappointment for this game and the series as a whole in the future.
  3. I don't know why we can't just have both. While there is a lot of weapons and combinations through the modding system to have. There is a distinct lack of unique looking weapons in the game. Other than the Alien Blaster, I can't think of many. Also, I'm severely disappointed there is no "That Gun". I want my Bladerunner pistol in a game about synths.
  4. Feral Ghouls will grab your neck and rip it out if you're low on health, killing you instantly.
  5. Chris Avellone was on the team for Fallout 2's design, and wrote New Vegas I believe, and definitely wrote the DLC for New Vegas. He also worked on Planescape: Torment, KOTOR 2 and Pillars of Eternity. He was with Obsidian for a long time before departing this year to work on Pillars of Eternity. By far one of the best RPG writers out there today.
  6. So to accept mediocrity and have lower expectations as you get older is the key to enjoying a game? Sounds miserable, I'd rather hold gaming to a standard to strive for in its future than to just accept changes for the worse creatively for the sake of easier digestion and mass enjoyment. It does. I'm not one of those people who use Mass Effect as an example, because frankly it's quite poor. Not many games have achieved voice protagonist RPG dialogue systems well enough. The fact Fallout 4's dialogue system progresses and doesn't come back to the same options as before is perfectly fine, as long as you have the choice you just made branch off into a tangent that changes the dynamic of the conversation. Instead it doesn't it creates a different reaction to each 4 of the individual lines, and then progresses forward all the same way if you get what I mean. So basically, all four options don't branch off anywhere into a new string of the conversation, it just all comes back to the same conclusion. Unless the conversation ends in a 2 choice option, usually being Kill/Spare, I can safely say with as much time as I've spent with the game, that most of the quests all round out to the same conclusion. It's the illusion of choice, and it's even more limited than ever, therefore making it more painfully obvious. As I've said before, no skill checks, no SPECIAL checks, no perk related checks. It's just Charisma. We've gone from unique dialogue checks based on your characters history of skills and their personality and even dialogue uniquely tied to the players intelligence, to just: Is my character charming enough to pass this dice roll check. I agree, it's alot more easier to immerse yourself into a character for Bethesda games, why? Because your character is your own, and it's what you make of him/her. Mass Effect is alot like the Witcher, except the Witcher doesn't pretend at all that your making you're own character. The Witcher is the stories of Geralt of Rivia, and Mass Effect is the story of Commander Shepard. Mass Effect just likes to pretend that commander shepard is YOU, and YOU make him/her the person they'll ultimately end up being. When really the dynamic is whether or not Commander Shepard is evil or good, other than that Commander Shepard is the most blanket, cardboard character setpiece for you to project whatever character you can onto him/her. It doesn't feel authentic in its roleplay at all. One last thing to note is, I don't view Mass Effects dialogue to be in any sort of gold standard for voiced dialogue systems. But its the well people go to because that pool of games that do this is so small. One thing Mass Effect does better than Fallout 4 is, even though as you said it contains dialogue that's really of no tangible game use to you, (and this is where I'll disagree), is that kind of dialogue helps build the lore. It's expository, world building dialogue, and you don't have to listen to it at all, it's mostly under the investigative options, plain and simple to see. Fallout 4 barely does this, and when it decides to exposit something to my character, I've already learnt about this in the world. Like asking what a feral ghoul is or what a synth is, after I've already killed about 20 Synths. I don't get to ask the questions I'd like to know about to immerse myself in the world through dialogue, I'm relied only upon the world I inhabit to give me that information. When really, it should be both. Why I never got to ask the questions about why does the institute abduct people and replace them with synths for example. Sorry for the wall of text.
  7. Don't they have wasteland 2? The very game that gave birth to fallout games? It not like they gone bankrupt and stopped making games. I kinda want them to team up. They will make a great fallout. That'd be really cool, I'm not sure who had the majority of development, inXile Entertainment or Obsidian, a team up for a Fallout game would be amazing. But I'd kill for any Fallout game to have Chris Avellone on board, that dude can write like nobody's business.
  8. Yeah I can't wait to enjoy a game to slowly iterate it's mistakes over and over until it's great every 7 years. I'd rather not be an old man by the next Fallout game. just give me some Fallout spinoffs please....Like within the next 3 years... Obsidian please.
  9. Okay, fine, people have done that though, the entire gaming press and the collective hype machine surrounding this game has done nothing but shower this game with compliments and appreciate all that's new and changed for the better and yes, there are very good and well thought out changed things for the better. I didn't expect the perk system to be half as thought out as this one, and it doesn't make me want to lament the longing of skills as much as I thought for example. But if people don't criticize and yes, as bad as a word as it may seem; complain about this game, then Bethesda learns nothing. The industry learns nothing. I'm tired of accepting that if games need to be more accessible, they have to be simple, and people don't need to think a whole lot. That's just nonsense. And I'm tired of the collective fear of people diving into a rich, well written, and character complex building RPG that truly gives you the freedom to be anyone and do anything all because it seems a 'little too complex' Patting this game on the back only serves to be a bit of a circlejerk, we all know what's good, and we all know what's bad, it's just that some people are afraid to hear about what's bad, because they want to have their money well spent or whatever. I don't want to think of this game as bad, it isn't in fact. There's just alot wrong with it from where I'm standing, and it's core values of it being a Fallout game is only the beginning. I just want RPG's to stay RPG's. Not turn into half baked versions of what they used to be. Sorry, but shooting things and having my stories end with one big nuclear explosion doesn't get my rocks off as much as other people do.
  10. Fallout 4 is a great Far Cry game. But it's an absolute joke of an RPG or a Fallout game.
  11. Maybe they should be hired in the industry or something. Seems a bit better than the odd donation here and there.
  12. I'm a bit suprised there is no option to simply be yourself, stand with nobody. New Vegas did this amazingly and in my first playthrough it's what I went with because it made sense to me. I'm not saying they should cater to the choices I prefer, but I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in that thought, maybe I don't want be a minute men general, or a Brotherhood soldier, or a Railroad Agent or an Institute lackey. It would've been pretty cool to find some either diplomatic or exterminate all approach, peace can be achieved with no players on the board. As brief tangent, why is it there is no diplomatic option? I'm not finished with the story but to me it seems that well, there is no other way than to kill someone, or alot of people. Can't I talk my way into peace? I could in New Vegas. I did the mission where I had to find a Courser and kill it, I approach him, and he tells me if I'm not here for the synth, why am I here? In my mind I didn't want to kill him, since I am currently allied with the railroad and seem to sympathize with the synths, why can't I just talk him out of hunting this synth and pretend it's dead? Instead, he tells me he has no other choice to kill me and the conversation ends and we fought. After I killed the courser, I saved the synth and released her, and she tells me she needs somewhere to go now. I'm thinking, well find the Railroad, they'll help. Nope. I get no option, she says I need to find my own way. And the game decides that I, do not get to decide her fate. Missed opportunity there. I could've been able to send her to the faction I was allied with or let her go or send her to my settlement. But that's more than four options...so...thanks dialogue "wheel".
  13. I'm beyond hyped for this. I can't wait to see brand new ammo types, if we can throw back in damage threshold from New Vegas, it'll not only be awesome to have variants in ammo, but ammo that makes sense, and armor that makes sense to combat it.
  14. There definitely should've been more. In the meantime, I await my Iron Man themed paint, and solid gold power armour, and more ridiculous stuff. Also, I found a guns and bullets magazine with what looks like T-60 power armour on the cover, and this soldier is all posed and looking badass, with tesla coil pylons attached to the freaking shoulders... And you're telling me that isn't in the game!? What a tease.
  15. Mothership Zeta was by far the least entertaining DLC in Fallout's history, and while I'm not someone who gets mad or bothered by Aliens being in the lore, it is a bit ridiculous how prevalent aliens are now within the Fallout universe. Fallout to me is not goofy humour, it's dark comedy commenting on the world itself. I thought the ending of the Cabot house quest was actually some Dwemer artifact from Skyrim was on his head, sure as hell looked like it. I mean so is Skyrim's universe now lore with Fallout universe? That's not tongue in cheek, it's just stupid.
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