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  1. In response to post #74322823. Premium still gets you uncapped download speeds though ;)
  2. Check out my updated mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20401/
  3. I'm glad you tried because you have succeeded! I used OneTweak before I ran into this issue but people on the discussion page for that mod were saying that the built in borderless window feature in ENBLocal.ini does the same thing but with less bugs so I switched to that. I switched back to OneTweak based on your suggestion and it works great! It refreshes when not selected. I believe I might be the first person to succeed in true fullscreen splitscreen Skyrim co-op or, if not, then the first to post about it. I have lots of optimization to do, mainly decreasing the graphics as little as I possibly can to make the game stable for both players. I'll make a tutorial on how to achieve this when I'm finished for the less technical people out there or maybe try to make this a streamlined process or mod. Thanks! EDIT: Kudos given kind sir.
  4. So I have this perfect setup for split screen Skyrim. Basically I run two instances of Skyrim on the same computer with Tamriel Online and the ENBlocal settings for borderless window. Then I use Scott's Window Resizing Utility to make sure each instance of Skyrim takes up exactly half of the screen. Now I have one last problem. Whenever one instance of Skyrim is selected, the video for the other instance freezes. How do I make the video refresh even when the window isn't selected? This way player 1 could play with keyboard and mouse and have his window selected while player 2 plays with a controller without a selected window.
  5. I hit a little problem with porting. I will be done before the end of the month. Basically while porting I jacked up the whole mod so I don't have a stable version. I have to re make a big part of the mod so yeah... :P
  6. I am done with the rest of the update to v2. Now to finish porting the Hidden Blade. I should be done by Saturday.
  7. If the name of the game was Elder Scrolls then there might be a problem. As it is though is fine. The Elder Scrolls will blow any game out of the water. Bethesda doesn't need to worry considering the fact that Minecraft sucks and if this game Scrolls is made by the same people it will most likely suck too.
  8. Feel free to make stuff just make sure to give credit to whoever you took the idea from and also make sure you ask permission and credit whoever you take part of a mod from.
  9. About time for a change. I like the addition of subcategories under the files drop down box. That will save a lot of time when looking for a mod.
  10. I don't want to send people out to kill themselves, that'd be pretty evil. :laugh: I loled. I have been wanting a car in Fallout 3/New Vegas for a while and have tried making one before. I just can't see it being done unless you have a team of at least 5 modders that specialize in all different things. And btw I looked at the motorcycle mod and it is pure s***. I could imagine having a car, running Deathclaws over, having drive-bys on Freeside! :laugh: You know that's probably why there aren't cars because then you could just kill anything by running it over. I don't think running over a deathclaw would instantly kill it. :laugh: My Anti-Material Rifle needs to land a good three or four headshots to kill one. :laugh: Maybe instead of running over things it would hit them and they would fly off to the side and fall down.
  11. I will give you credit for the idea and I will put the link here when i'm done!
  12. Wow, man. Thank you very much! I had no idea someone already did something like this. Thanks a ton! I liked the idea about scripting the sneak kill, but I wouldn't wanna pressure SilentNightxxx into going over his head with this. The only thing I would recommend (it may seem difficult though) is make it so you would need some sort of training to use it like Power Armor. Not every ordinary courier can just pick up the Hidden Blade and just know how to use it. That's my only suggestion though, and it doesn't matter if it's done or not. Thanks for trying either way. That is a very good idea however if I do that I want to be able to use all of his gear. For right now it will just be a weapon that comes with my ModTech Improvised Weapons mod that you will be able to make at a workbench with some leather and a switchblade maybe. I will make it so that you will have to have level 100 Sneak skill to make it. I will try to make it so if you are in Sneak mode undetected then it will do instant kill but if you aren't then it will do a lot less.
  13. I don't want to send people out to kill themselves, that'd be pretty evil. :laugh: I loled. I have been wanting a car in Fallout 3/New Vegas for a while and have tried making one before. I just can't see it being done unless you have a team of at least 5 modders that specialize in all different things. And btw I looked at the motorcycle mod and it is pure s***. I could imagine having a car, running Deathclaws over, having drive-bys on Freeside! :laugh: You know that's probably why there aren't cars because then you could just kill anything by running it over.
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