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  1. That is so much easier than trying to name horses in Skyrim! Yes it is and @Trojan, go for it. I happened to be on this page when I thought of/found the answer so I posted it here. :smile: *edit the game is still using "Dogmeat" for other text dialog, so this is not a complete solution, but it's better than nothing. I can't wait for the real modding tools. :)
  2. I found a way to change Dogmeats's name. I just had to make a simple mod. there is MESG 000552CD DogmeatNameMSG change "FULL - Name" to whatever, save mod file, load into game and you have a renamed Dogmeat.
  3. you should "own" that horse at this point (you can ride it without it being stealing right?) you are also spot on about the AI packages, that's why that horse won't stay in one place and always wants to walk back to wherever. you would have to force that horses ref into that "PlayersHorse" Alias on the stables quest to get the proper AI package, or somehow force that horse to use that AI package without filling the alias I don't think there is a way to do either of those from the console tho, sorry.
  4. I know I know, I keep dragging up this old thread. Proof of concept posted here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31399 if anyone is interested. :)
  5. Well, not to again bring up an old(ish) thread, but I have made a little progress on this. I can at least get the dang horses to *stop* fast traveling with the player. I've only tested a little so far, but it shouldn't be that hard to get them back either. At least in theory... Getting them to stay in place or wander back to a stable shouldn't be all that hard either... "Tying" them to a nearby tree however, might be another story. (something else I was thinking of) anyways, sorry to dig up an old thread again. Hopefully I can have something working pretty soon here. (and aren't those famous last words??)
  6. sorry to hear about you having to work weekends... no fun. ever. :) the quest in question (lol) is called "stables" and yes it does sort of control the players horses, but only up to a point it seems. it gives the horse selling guys some dialogue, controls how much you pay for em, etc... I have tried to stop that quest, reset it (which set all the Aliases to none), cleared just the "PlayersHorse" alias on that quest, none of that had any effect, my horse still fast traveled with me. I actually made a little mod with an item I can use to test manipulating that particular quest, unfortunately none of my ideas worked. I too looked at the source of many of the vanilla scripts to see if there was something "hidden" in there, there wasn't, as you found out. We might be just jumping at shadows here... but I hope not, it would be very handy to be able to drop off a horse somewhere and be able to fast travel without them.
  7. Interesting... you've used this variable, can you tell me what it is, or at the very least how you accessed it for your mod? If we know more about the nature of how this is stored, we might be able to devise a solution for the OP in how to clear it... well now I realize that I may have worded that kind of funny. Anyways, you can easily access this variable by using Game.GetPlayersLastRiddenHorse() which will return you an Actor reference. That's all fine and dandy, but it seems to be read-only. There's no way I could find to set it to "None" or even another horse reference. That is what I meant when I said the game stores this variable *somewhere*, I would imagine there is a "PlayersLastRiddenHorse" variable somewhere, it's just a matter of how to change it... I just do not see a way to change the Actor Reference that is obviously stored *somewhere*. I would imagine it could be done with something like SKSE, but I have no idea if it's even possible. The only other thought I had was that it possibly has something to do with map.swf, since that is where you initiate a fast travel, but I haven't had time to look at that, and I know I'm not all that good when it comes to screwing around with the swf files. hope I didn't just confuse anyone more. :)
  8. I read this the other day and got to thinking if something like this was at all possible. I do not think it is. When you ride a horse in skyrim, the game sets a variable (somewhere :S ) that remembers your last ridden horse, I use this variable a lot in my "Horse Whisper" mod. Stolen horses however, do not seem to count as "Players Last Ridden Horse" so they should not be fast traveling with you. "Dismissing" your horse is a great idea, but I cannot find a way to clear this "LastRiddenHorse" value from the game, no matter what I tried my horse was always there when I fast traveled. (Unless, of course, you kill your horse, then they stop fast traveling) There must be a way to do this. Perhaps someone with a bit more experience can figure it out. :) Sorry to dig up an old-ish thread, but just wanted to try and get this idea out there, maybe if some other brains start thinking about it we can figure out how to clear the value and/or re-set it when we need to.
  9. it's whatever map mod you are using. remove <SKYRIM>/Data/Interface/map.swf (and maybe ~/Interface/Exported/hudmenu.gfx) and it will start working again. You *will* lose whatever functionality that map mod provided however. (Like if you had the colored map markers mod, your going to lose the colors) Same problem drove me nuts for a couple of days... Hope that helps. :)
  10. rye, I fixed that exact mod to work with skyrim 1.8. I can't upload the fixed version to that page, and I don't really want to make yet another "Colored Map Marker" mod page here on the nexus (there's already enough) If you (or anyone else) would like the new version, please send me a PM and I can email it to you or something.
  11. no problem. I'm glad I could offer some advice. Makes having stayed up teaching myself this pretty much otherwise useless skill somewhat worth it at least. :) and actually I just went and looked, the "Morph" things I was talking about are actually in the race settings, on the general tab. look for the "copied data" section. If you just want them to look like normal mudcrabs then just set both of those to "MudcrabRace" and it *should* work. but if you want like zombie golden mudcrabs or something, you'd have to create your own skin. Those are a combination of an Armor Add-on and an Armor. (Look at "NakedMudcrab1AA" in Armor Add-ons and "SkinMudcrab" in the Armors to get a general idea) hope that helps. it at least will get it on here in case anyone else needs it too. :) have fun!
  12. crap I know this... lets see if I can remember. you created a new race, you can use the "Morph" drop down(s) in the actors dialog box to use the other crabs skin. or you could create your own skin (which is an "armor add-on") but then again, I'm not certain about leveled actors, never messed with em yet. I know it's not the best info, but I hope it helps. :)
  13. Basically, the female khajiit voicetype doesn't work with the dialoguefollower quest. So you will not get anything other than the normal NPC "Hellos". Sorry, but the only way (I know of) around it, is that your either going to have to create and write your own quest/dialogue or change her voicetype to something else.
  14. I also did not want to have to use another mod, I made my cave before the relax too mod came out. But... now that I think about it, and having looked at the way dovahkiin relax too works, there may be a way to do it with papyrus, there's lots of ways to do lots of things with it... but I do not know for sure. It'll be fun to screw around with and try though. :) Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
  15. I made myself a hotspring in my "homebase" I created, I have those sit (sit cross legged, lie down, etc...) markers all around for the NPC's (and they seem to use them in "sandbox" mode just fine) but I don't think they are for the player to use at all. The way I made it so I (the player) can sit down in the spring too is to put a bench under the water, or sort of embed the bench into the cliff edge. Just be careful not to "embed" it too much or you wont be able to activate it as the player. The Nordic Ruins benches seem to be ok for this, they kind of look like smoothed out rock already. The NPC's have real issues pathing around these if you stick them into a step or something like that, but other than that it seems to work just fine. Only other way I think is to use the Dovakiin Relax Too mod. I hope that helps somewhat. :) I did just take a screen shot a few minutes ago that may help illustrate this.... let me see if you can see the bench. I'll edit this post if it is any good as an example... yep you can see it just fine, this is my idea: http://r1de.net/~ride/pics/skyrim/cliffbench.jpg
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