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Status Updates posted by mynameistooshort

  1. You too! Here's a kudos! **throws**
  2. Yes..... You have no chance...... I told hellsmaster this would happen...
  3. Yes you are! **trolololololoooool**
  4. Tahts right! I told hellsMaster This would happen! I need to kill other sheep for blood!
  5. About oblivion on xbox: Let it load let it load let it load...
    1. HellsMaster
    2. CheeseyBall


      Yerp-a-derp. It's THAT BAD. Although it's even worse on my rig because it's filled up with millions of mods. >.<
  6. Your welcome..... I'm not very experienced in making sheep..... So the next sheep may be a disaster that kills all us other sheep D:
  7. Yeah, I'm not very good in gimp, I've only been using it properly for about a week
  8. Yeah, I'm useless at making good images, so I just stole the gimp logo
  9. I know it's late, but..... I SAY YES TO SHEEP
  10. Well, I have a long, boring night ahead of me, so, I'll make the most of it and make one myself lol
  11. I know it's late but..... AWESOME SHEEP! :D
  12. You just reached: 180 KUDOS :D
  13. Seems to be greeting all the newbies in spare time :O
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CommanderCrazy


      WTF is that face? @.@
    3. mynameistooshort


      That face is trololol mans face
    4. CommanderCrazy


      I thought so!

      Just needed for it to be confirmed.

  14. Just wanna say: Your website looks: Awesome
  15. Hiya, again, and yes, Now I won't be on chat for a while..... Being as my pc is down, and this one is old, and chrome seems to crash whenever I enter chat....
  16. Well hai thar, Septim from steam here!
  17. My pc has fully blown.... This pc can't handle chat..... I'm doomed D: If you need me though I'm on steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/PancakesAndNexusRock/
  18. Hai thar! There, I said it! :D
  19. PEEK AGAIN! Hai thar, I see you're a sheep too... :O
  20. Well hi to you to! :) I haven't been on in a while... Yes my reason being that I have been saddisticly playing the same game for 3 weeks almost non stop.... I'm back again now though :D
  21. The sheep.... They're taking over the nexus.......
  22. Had to reset my pc.... Now I lost all my mods, I gotta reinstall about 60gb of games, and so on... Oh well, at least nysba can't steal no more
    1. naomis8329


      just whollop him with a trout he'll soon back off lol
  23. I'm such a slow learner.... D:
    1. naomis8329


      I'm just slow at the moment lol
  24. Is making one last oblivion mod.. :)
    1. BlueDanube


      hope you finish it soon :)
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