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Everything posted by AsheraX

  1. Didn't notice the mushrooms being colorcoded. I also miss having dialogue options that have even remotely different effects, except for a handful of charisma checks. And even those rarely do more than unlock some additional background information within the same dialogue.
  2. Just something that annoys me terribly: everybody leaves the gates open. When a settlement is under attack, the attackers run right in and don't even have to stop for a moment to open the gates. If at least gates automatically closed 30 seconds after being opened, they'd be slightly more functional. Currently, I don't even know why I bother placing them. To a lesser degree, I'd say this actually applies to all doors.
  3. I think the story is too strong for an open/sandbox world. When your kid gets kidnapped, you'd need a VERY good reason to get side tracked and go look for Giddy Up Buttercup Spare Parts. But there isn't. It would've made a better game I think if we had been able to find Shaun very early already, like, in Diamond City, as a teenage foster child with some loving foster parents, so we'd get to make a sensible choice to just leave him there and get on with our seperate lives. It could still serve as a hook then to find out about the Institute, but would also have taken the pressure away of finding who should be the most important person left in your life. Would've been even better if they hadn't used the stolen child theme at all, it's more suited to linear storylines than to open world design anyway.
  4. Keep hunting Legendary monsters, maybe you'll get lucky and one drops a weapon that increases the chance for limb loss. I have it on a rocketlauncher, and if it doesn't kill an enemy, it usually takes off its legs.
  5. In that case, I'd suggest adding tags for some the 3-10 most popular bodymods that are more than X months old once the modders released them. Maybe "free wildcard tags" for some known popular modders, like Dimon and Caliente. For Skyrim, it can be a pain sorting through all the armor mods with sometimes very vague reference to what bodymods are required. Or, they do conveniently put it in the title, but the title gets way too long for "latest files" to display it correctly, and the reference falls off the screen anyway. And if you do miss the reference, hope that they set it up correctly for the downloader to give a warning. Ideally, all bodymods would be compatible with one another, but ah well. Giving them tags would be better than nothing.. Missuse of tags (some kids will probably throw every tag from the book on a mod, even if it requires only one and won't work for the rest) can be dealt with in many ways, ranging from tag-correction to deletion.
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