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Posts posted by noahdvs


    what I was saying was there are four known ini tweaks


    • for enabling mods
    • another for sprinting
    • culled to do with spring cleaning
    • bUseCombinedObjects=0 also to do with spring cleaning and being able to select all static items in the game, This ini line tells the game to use the Fallout4.esm worldspace without merged geometry records and thus allows you to select all static objects in the game world.
    Oh I knew that already. All those work in Fallout4Custom.ini, BTW.
  2. what does a custom ini tweaked file look like after the sprinting fix , enabling mods tweak, Culled(bUsePreCulledObjects=0) and spring cleaning-- You will need to edit your Fallout4.ini for this mod to work simply add the line below to the [General] area at the top of the file. bUseCombinedObjects=0 tweaks are all added can some post in inside ini text of there tweaked custom file?



    All my tweaks are spread across three ini files in C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\Fallout 4 folder

    Eh, I'm having trouble understanding what you said. Basically, you can use the exact same structure as Fallout4.ini/Fallout4Prefs.ini in Fallout4Custom.ini.

    The only thing I've tried that doesn't work in Fallout4Custom.ini is setting the resolution.


    I'll just copy and paste my entire Fallout4Custom.ini for you. By the way, a semi-colon indicates a comment (stuff that is not used as code). If you delete the semi-colon, the line is used as code.



    sStartingConsoleCommand=bat AutoExec
    uExterior Cell Buffer=36
    SResourceArchiveList2=Fallout4 - Animations.ba2, DLCRobot - Main.ba2, DLCworkshop01 - Main.ba2, DLCCoast - Main.ba2
    bFull Screen=0
    iSize H=720
    iSize W=1280
    iLocation X=0
    iLocation Y=0



  3. Tried it - makes my game crash. First time it crashed in main menu. After that it crashed even before game loads into main menu. Mod is too heavy, and taking that i am already using lots of mods - no wonder it have serious conflicts with other mods. Perhaps if there would be a mod that would only allow wear any armor with any outfit - it wouldn't crash.

    I guarantee the crashes have been caused by user errors. I've had the mod since it came out and it never caused a crash. I currently run about 220 mods, BTW.
  4. I've never seen decent prone mod for any fallout, so I doubt it will happen for FO4. Also fallout isn't sniper friendly, enemy AI detects you from mile away, and they all rush in on you without regards to their health.

    No, they don't instantly detect you unless your armor is really bad for stealth. They do know where the bullets are coming from and attack in that direction if you don't move around though.

  5. Is there a way to make the Junk Mortar disappear things into the sky? Even setting the power to ten launches a dead body only about 20 feet up. I want to make my dead take a trip to the stars! Isn't there a way to do that?

    There's probably an explosion for the junk mortar. See if you can find it in FO4Edit or the CK and set the force to something really high.
  6. if you remember what we get in Fallout 3:


    -Operation Anchorage: a pre war simulation in Anchorage, a new world and a new map to explore

    -The Pitt: a travel in a nightmare raider town built on the ruins of Pittsburg and choose if save or not the slaves, a new world and a new map to explore

    -Point Lookout: traveling in Point Lookout and explore a misterious swamp and solving a war between a ghoul and a mad brain, map and new world to explore

    -Broken Steel: the continue of Fallout 3 story, chosing if we could destroy or not the BoS (with no reasons) and exploring a new map

    -Mothership Zeta: aliens, spaceship and saving the world by the aliens and exploring just a spaceship


    Then in Fallout New Vegas:

    -Dead Money: Try to steal all the gold bars from the legendary and deadly Sierra Madre from the cloud, the ghost people, the holograms and the mad Father Elijah oh and of course from Dean Domino, also a new map to explore

    -Honest Hearth: helping the former Legate of Caesar Legion to fight the White Legs or not in the National Park of Zion, also new map to explore

    -Old World Blues: helping the mad scientist of Big MT for their scientifical experiments and also try to get back our organs and the stolen brain, also new map to explore

    -Lonesome Roads: the final showdown: Courier 6 vs Ulysses, with a long voyage in the ruins of the Divide. Also new map to explore

    -Gun Runner's Arsenal: weapons a lot of weapons

    -Courier's Stash: just all the items we get with the preorder


    Now in Fallout 4:


    -Automatron: a simple dlc with just one new quest about the "evil Mechanist" and his mad robo army, where most of the robots are just only mixed robots, with just one new raider gang and his robot army and high tech recycled weapons, but no new maps to explore, just a bunch of few new locations to explore and loot. And a new workbench for build your new companion robots and eye bot for searching new stuff for our settlements.


    -Wasteland Workshop: no quests, just a bunch of new stuff for building a better new settlement, and even a new arena


    -Far Harbor: the FIRST big map to explore, solving the case of a missing girl and chosing the fate of the entire island and a lot of new quests


    -Contraptions Workshop: no quest, just a bunch of new stuff for building a better new settlement, and even an industrial settlement


    -Build your own Vault: a fallout shelter porting on console and pc in Fallout 4, bulding our dream vault and be a naughty oversea or maybe not. So yeah now we have settlements underground! And in the pure style of vault tec (indeed, sounds cool)


    -Nuka World: a second new map to explore, not to big like Far Harbor, but now we are in this old prewar park, and helping (or not) the local raiders


    So, in both Fallout 3 and New Vegas we get in all the DLCs new maps to explore, but only in Fallout 4 just 2 maps, and nothing about to expand the game lore specially with Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Most of the dlcs are just about crafting in pure Minecraft/the sims style.

    Why they coudn't made dlcs with new maps and at the same time with new objects for our settlements?



    If you remember what players got in Oblivion and Morrowind... that last post of yours was still nonsense. There's nothing really TES about the kinds of DLCs released for FO4 and even if it was, that wouldn't necessarily make it bad unless it introduced stuff from the TES lore. Fallout hasn't been that far off from TES ever since FO3, including FNV, which so many old fallout fanboys say is the best one despite the world of the game being pretty lacking. Bethesda does worlds and sandboxes better, Obsidian does story better. I think Bethesda recognize that, so their latest and biggest changes from what they usually make (Hearthfire and settlements) have been them trying to add more to the sandbox side of their games.






    I think the difference is one of expectation. Most of us bought the season pass expecting it to be mostly story-DLC. So when we found out that half the DLCs are things that we couldn't give a f*** about, it felt like something was being taken away from us. It's like when you're a kid and you've think the Christmas present under the tree is the awesome toy you've been wanting and... then you find out it's actually clothes. ******Sure it's still worth what you paid for it****** (in that case nothing; in this case $30), but it's not what you thought it was.



    Even with only the two story DLCs, you get 45 or 50 dollars worth of DLC. So even at full season pass price, you don't actually lose any money on it.




    I explicitly said it's worth what you paid for it. You asked "why didn't people react the same way to Skyrim," and I explained it to you. It's not about losing money, it's about expectations being unfulfilled.


    they try to made Fallout 4 in the same logic they try to made Skyrim

    -one dlc with a few new factions and a tiny world to explore with a bunch of few new quests

    -one dlc only about the crafting and housing

    -one dlc about a huge island to explore


    And it was all wrong. What the people really wants is actually the world of fallout, not a The Elder Scroll logic.


    That's not "Elder Scroll logic", it doesn't even have anything to do with TES. Those descriptions are so vague, any company could have made 3 DLCs like those for any game.


    When I first started playing FO4, I had a major problem with a Super Mutant Suicider which killed me and kept on killing me every time I respawned. My solution was to pump myself full of Chems so I was able to resist the explosion and survive.

    You don't say where the Assaultron is, but there is one at Quincy Police Station and every time I fast travelled there I spawned right next to it and 2 or 3 Gunners, so I was easily killed. The solution was to fast travel to Quincy Ruins instead and fire missiles at it.



    They're at least a one shot kill. If lucky, taking all their buddies with them in one go. The glowing device is a dead giveaway and I'm rather into collecting nuclear material than nukes anyway. Hardly ever used the Fatman, since there's hardly any group standing conveniently together waiting for my pleasure. Later in game I use artillery rather than nukes. Much more efficient.


    You should get a mod to remove the line of sight check on the mininuke explosion.

  9. There is a reason why the Enclave remnants hid away in New Vegas, because they knew if they revealed themselves they would be killed off. Same thing would happen in the east coast and given this time all the bases and personnel were destroyed completely they would be dead. At most there would only be the isolated outposts in D.C. that the BoS would've destroyed or they would've gone into hiding like the Enclave remnants did in New Vegas. They'd have no supplies, no real means of communication and nothing to support themselves. The only real option would be to hide and just give up.


    Face it, the Enclave in it's entirety is dead. There is nothing left of it but old veterans hiding away hoping they don't get caught and arrested as war criminals by the superior forces.


    America and the Enclave are dead.

    You're not paying close attention to what I'm saying, but I can understand why. They wouldn't be the Enclave anymore. Some of them wouldn't change and would cower in a hole for the rest of their lives. However, others will recognize that their ship has sunk and if they don't want to drown, they better get out and make a new life. The Enclave is dead. That's for certain. Their members and some of their ideas can still live. Fear of assassination can stop many, but it won't stop everyone and that's something that can be seen IRL. You don't need plot armor to rise up from the ashes of something that failed spectacularly. Besides, it would be pretty interesting if there was a community or even a small nation lead by ex-Enclave with the idea of rebuilding America, but the good guys from previous games were out to get them because of their past even if they had been helping people. It brings up the moral dilemma of whether to treat someone based on their past or their more recent actions, even if what they did in the past was horrible.

  10. They could be but most likely won't be due to them being so weak they wouldn't have the resources and their history of, you know, being actual wasteland Nazis won't help them gather faith now that the entire capital wasteland and the surrounding area would know who the Enclave is from trade caravans and news of the war.


    They're as dead as the dodo and I say good riddance. Should've been dead completely after Fallout 2.

    The name Enclave and their ideas that pure humans should be the only to exist should obviously die. It definitely didn't work and any wastelanders who heard about the Enclave probably know they're bad news. That would be the reason for making a new group based only on rebuilding America. Humans aren't all good or bad and good people have been brought up in Nazi Germany. It's not unlikely that once the remaining Enclave members realized their ideas just don't work, they would interact with the people of the wasteland, if only to allow themselves to survive at first and realize that impurity really isn't that bad. There's already evidence that such a thing is possible in FNV with the ex-Enclave doctor who ironically lives with the most mutated kind people in the wasteland. The pure humanity thing certainly wouldn't last, but the idea of rebuilding a past where life was easier could certainly gain a following.




    A new faction founded by ex-Enclave with the whole thing about pure humans abandoned in favor of focusing on rebuilding America could easily be a thing. They could even become a type of good guy or at least a grey faction like the FO4 BoS based on that.

    Bethesda's Fallout already has enough goodie two shoes in it, we really don't need another...especially one whose intentions and goals, while were admirable, were also inexcusable in their execution.


    Only way the Enclave should ever return is in remnant reminiscent to New Vegas, but even then, you can only do that so many times before it wears out it's welcome. The Enclave has already done that, give them a rest


    Your reply is 6 minutes too late, I edited my post. Happens to everyone.

  11. A new faction founded by ex-Enclave with the whole thing about pure humans abandoned in favor of focusing on rebuilding America could easily be a thing. They could easily become something like the NCR, the FO4 BoS or a combination of the two, but in a different location.

  12. could some one tell me how do I increase weapon damage ? thank you

    In game? Should be super obvious.

    Upgrade a weapon type perk, upgrade the receiver at a weapons workbench or get a gun with a better receiver by buying, stealing or looting it.


    In FO4Edit or the F4CK? Almost as easy.

    Go to the weapons category, find the weapon, look for "Damage" and change the value next to it.

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