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Everything posted by sacredtrojanblade

  1. I use Poser 8.0 and DAZ 4.0 Beta primarily for animation and imaging. As mentioned by others, both Poser and DAZ studio are capable to export OBJ format which can be used by other 3D modeler such as 3ds Max, Blender and others. DAZ Studio 4 Beta is free to download and it can bridge to Hexagon. Both Hexagon 2 and plugin are also free to download from DAZ official website. I prefer Poser Firefly renderer compared to DAZ 3Dream. But that because I work mostly with pale light skin and I'm much comfortable with the way Poser handles lighting. On the other hand DAZ is much faster to work with because it automate most of common tasks like auto fitting clothes and it's shader builder is easy to use especially when it comes with Elite Human Skin Shader. Preview shaded texture mode in DAZ also look better when you work with high resolution realistic textures such as Elite V4. Both Poser and DAZ use different bone system compared to games like Oblivion and Dragon Age. But both Poser and DAZ animation can be exported as BVH motion format which you can manipulate with other animator and converter. So it's possible to tun it into BIK format which most games used in their intro scenes.
  2. Morrigan despite the fact she's a pain in my as*. Sten the Qunari is very cool. I like his calm tone and short answers.
  3. That's one of the reason why Dragon Age Origins is not feasible to continue. The different ending paths conflict with each other, it's impossible to find common ground for continuity.
  4. Morrigan was written by a man, what a surprise. Then you have never dated the women I have. Human behavior is rarely ever rational, especially when it comes to sex. Caring about someone rarely keeps us from using them. Haha. Interesting post. I remember one article mentioned that female are mostly attracted to alpha males who are dominant in social hierarchy. It's not so hard to guess why Morrigan is more interested to save King Cailan for power than a noble Human warden. :laugh: Anyway, I saw her facial expression at Eluvian Mirror and I know the ring does have some effect on her. I trust she loves my warden that she allows him to join her and meet their son. It's a perfect ending for me. I don't wish Gaider to ruin that happy ending by creating more tearful drama. We know Gaider is very good at that.
  5. She will raise the baby. Flemeth is shapeshifter. Chasind legends mentioned she is the witch of the wild who steal children and ate them. She answered that, "Bah! As if I have nothing better to do." Yes she returns in Dragon Age 2 to save Hawke in exchange with delivering the amulet to the Dalish.
  6. I have heard issue with developer console and a complain from someone that fonts.erf cause problem to approval system. Weird huh?
  7. It's look like Morrigan - Claudia Black version. search for dracomies's DragonAge Redesign mod.
  8. Hmm... maybe you haven't level her trap/lockpicking skill adequately. At lvl 3 and below, she tends to miss a lot more than your average rogue. She's a bard after all. Even Zevran (assasin) is less capable compare to your rogue skill.
  9. She is behind you all the time. She detect the trap within certain distant. So are you .If you are rogue yourself, her detection sense is useless because you always find the trap first. If you are not rogue and you are not controlling Leliana, her trap detection is still useless because she's behind you and may be too late to warn you. Therefore control Leliana. Let her scout the path in front of you.
  10. Hmm.. Ultimate Edition.. You should have the latest version by now. I hate to disappoint you, but most mods here don't work very well with the Ultimate Edition.
  11. You are missing the hair mesh MSH file type. You are missing the preset MOP file type. Try TerraX chargenmorph.xml compiler. It has "scan for bad references" feature,
  12. Therefore the old god must not be exterminated. They must be preserved and Morrigan is going to make sure that happen. This is where DA:O endings get screwed up. Bioware allow Ultimate Sacrifice and now they admit it's not feasible and realistic to continue the Warden tale.
  13. Thank you, everyone. I've found the solution. It's not the issue with AP or any other Mods. It's just the issue of graphic setting. My Fallout3 Launcher mess up with my graphic setting the first time I launch Fallout3 by setting almost everything to 0. After I realize it, I reset it back using default setting and everything works fine. Thanks again.
  14. Hi I've been trying to make AP work for months to no avail. I have no problem with my character. My problem is NPCs just standing there unresponsive during the animation unless I talk to them which switch the camera to first person view. I'm using Fallout 3 GOTY edition with Zeta DLC patched to 1.7, FOMM and FOSE 1.2b. I have activated Archive!InvalidationInvalidated.bsa and edited Fallout.ini to allow for custom textures and meshes. Basically I've done everything required. Also, I'm using Rudy's Body OBSR as it's included in AP's package. Breeze's Body and FEM's Body with Exnem option appear buggy to me. NPCs' head hanging down over their shoulders, NPCs hovering over the ground instead of walking properly, NPCs moving around in sitting poses, etc.. It's seem that I have serious compatibility issues with most major mods available. According to AP's thread, there's a bug with idle animation with Bethesda's Zeta DLC. I can't uninstall Zeta DLC. It's does not show in FOMM and removing it from data folder would crash Fallout at start up screen. Is there anyway to solve this problem?
  15. Actually the latest version of the program does offer that exact functionality, dubbed "scanning for bad references". It looks through all override directories and ERF files to see if it can locate a resource and allows the user to remove it from the chargenmorphcfg file if it isn't found. Wow cool. Thanks TerraEx. You make my life more easy now. Going to download it now.
  16. Thandal, locate any MOP reference listed inside your one of chargenmorph.xml files. Any chargenmorph.xml will do. Then find those MOP file and delete it. Then compile your chargenmorph.xml again. Start your game. Go to character creation and browse your preset. If you don't crash then compiler works. Else, it does not check what MOP/TNT/DDS/MMH files you actual have.
  17. That's really strange. fonts.erf is the first thing I installed because I dont want to type blindly at developer's console. I never have any problem with it. Are you using ultimate edition? I heard, there's issue using developer's console with ultimate edition.
  18. I always encounter lag when using any tactic mods. So I normally avoid using them. The Edge, Embri's Many Pockets, Helm of the Deep, The Lucky Stone, The Lion's Paw, Mark of Vigilance, Amulet of the War Mage, The Wicked Oath, The Stone Prisoner. and The Winter Forge shouldn't be causing any problem. I'm not familar with other mods tho. Anyway, judging from comments posted at Advance Tactic thread, I can see it's still buggy. The author anakin55 has release builder-to-builder source. If you know scripting, you can load dadbdata file into your toolset to manually edit it.
  19. Go to \Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\AddIns. Check if there's any leftover. Go to \Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\data Make sure this folder is empty except font.erf which is require to make console command visible.
  20. To gain +1 approval at Ostagar you need to be 1. Female 2. Wait until Alistair say," Just to let you know. If the king ask me to dance... ..., darkspawn or no darkspawn." ( Duncan assign you both to light the signal ) 3. Choose "I like to see that.." 4. Alistair will say, "For you.. maybe. But it has to be pretty dress." You gain +1 from him. 5. Duncan will sigh, "hmm..." At Loitering, Morrigan will disapprove if you side with the chantry lady to force the merchant to lower his price. If you choose to side the merchant, Alistair will be unhappy. Make sure Leliana is not in the party.
  21. Ok. delete everything under ....\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override\NBaio\Default\Human Male folder This should revert your male body to vanilla.
  22. If you concern about your male being naked, you can configure your NBAIO to use RL Theseus Underwear.
  23. You can't use default male shape body while you are still using NBAIO. Editing xml entries wouldn't help as long as male body file/mesh is still inside your override folder. Unfortunately I forget default male body mesh name. It's been few months since I actively mod my game. I think it should be something like hm_arm_nud_0.msh. You can delete this one but it might affect your NBAIO configuration. But as long as you don't touch male option in NBAIO configuration in future, I think it's quiet ok. Be cautios tho because I'm not so sure.
  24. I suggest you manually edit your chargenmorph.xml rather than using the compiler. The compiler does not know your morph files. It's only combine various chargenmorph.xml files. You can open and edit chargenmorph.xml file with notepad or any text editor. Before editing, make sure you know various file formats that are being referred by chargenmorph.xml The most important format is the MOP files. It's preset file you use for character creation ingame. If you want to add new preset, you must have the MOP file itself or your game will crashed. MOR format is used for savegame either to change your character face or companions or other NPCs. DDS format is for texture. TNT is tint format file. Once you understand the use of this formats, the next step is to understand which section this formats are being referred to. All MOP files should be located under <head> section. Else your MOP will not appear in the character creation. Each section contain subsection such <Human_Male>, <Human_Female> etc So make sure you know where to put your mop..... It doesn't matter how you name your MOP file as long as it's exist and correctly spelled. If you misspelled at this point, your game will crash. So be extra cautious when you deals with <head> section and MOP files. The rest I think you can figure by yourself. To use Pineapple and more hairstyle together, you need to know what files this 2 mods have. Locate and open your pineapple folder. Locate and open your morehairstyle folder. Write down the names of all the files listed under your pineapple and morehairstyle folder. Morehairstyles belong to hair group so you should add entries under <hair> section in your chargenmorph.xml. Add all morehairstyles file names here according to the format shown in your chargenmorph.xml MMH format. Pineapple deals with texture so it should be under <skin> subsection. Add all pineapple vibrant skin tone filenames here according to the format shown in your chargenmorph.xml TNT and DDS format Save and exit your notepad. You should be able to use both morehairsytle and pineapple vibrant tones in your character creation.
  25. Are you using companion mods? If you are using multiple companion mods, the chance is the mods override each other. Usually the newer mod replace your party room with their own. So your older mod companion will likely to be dissapeared from your party room. Almost all companion mods are not compatible with each other. So make sure you read each mods description carefully.
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