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Everything posted by sacredtrojanblade

  1. You might need to browse utilities file section. Eshmee provide model/animation export/import for 3DS MAX NewByPower provide Blender ImportExport Script for Blender. DA Tool : Model Manipulator by Adinos Vorna's Blog Adding New Hair Model to Dragon Age http://social.bioware.com/1079/blog/4097/
  2. The color is off in toolset but it should look ok in the game. This happen to all "Beautiful Rens Hair" hairstyle. But Rens' hair textures look excellent ingame, it's worth to ignore the glitch in toolset. Since you can't see the correct colors, you will have to remember the colors' name to apply in your toolset.
  3. Nothing make sense when it comes to Morrigan and as the Grey Warden of DA:O we will never live long to understand that. She claims love make her weak because she doesn't like the sense of dependancy. Yet she depends on the warden a lot, she couldn't do anything without him/her. Furthermore, having to love someone is natural. Even animals know how to love their cubs. We depend on each other wheter we like it or not. She depends on Flemeth to change her diapers when she's a baby, is she not? But then again, she could be either immature ( her own weakness ) or foolish ( again her own weakness ) to understand that. Anyway, given the fact that there're 6 background stories and multiple endings, I don't really see how the writer could possible make sense of what happen in the past to be developed any further. So, whatever connection we have with Morrigan, will mostly be forgotten. Her betrayal, her true intention, her feeling and everything else will be lost forever as we ( as the one who once loved/befriended or even hated her ), will not there to understand her. Witch Hunt is just a sign. The world will be forever changed and sadly we are not part of it. It's a new world. New heroes, new areas, new rules, new tactics and NO HISTORY. I bet that new world could not even remember our own character's name. We need to move on and just accept it as one of the writer's flaw.
  4. You can bed Morrigan at approval rating of 30+ once you get to finish all her personal quest. Leliana required more patience tho. If you want to bed them both. Bed Morrigan first. Do not pursue romance with Leliana until Morrigan dumps you. Once that's happen, go for Leliana. Be prepared to hear a lot of bard tales from her. I would rather hit escape button than reading her stories. Muahaha. Just be careful when you pick your dialogue after Marjolaine's quest. Anyway, Morrigan no longer has the right to be unhappy about your relationship with Leliana. You can slap her face with a mod if she dares to complain. I never encounter that because I was at the Landsmeet plot when I bed Leliana. I thought I could let go of Morrigan. But that woman conveniently comes back to offer her DR and finally admit her love for me. Damn that woman!
  5. Quest I Like: Nature of the Beast = The only plot story which I find "unpredictable". I was thinking it would simply end up by slaying Lady of the Forest. It does lead to that path but alternative path about turning against Zathran for his own involvement in the past is interesting. It's one rare case where Bioware actually manage to turn "good guy" into "bad guy", instead of the boring "recruit the bad guys" plot. Most fun and frustating thing to do : Playing with toolset. Things I don't like: DR ( Dark Ritual ) is the worst solution I have ever came across. Bioware claim the plot is important for future DA. Yeah right. They probably going to kill Morrigan in DA3 so that my "old god son" could freely begin a new "unrelated sensible" story on his own way. The bridge puzzle in Sacred Urn Ashes plot. I waste one day and a half trying to remember which plate to step, the order and how to arrange my companions only to find myself browsing the net for reference because my memory fail me. :wallbash: The second time I reach there, I simply hit console command and jump area. I never bother to solve it since then. I never like solving puzzles. They take too much time to solve ( well... sometimes ). I don't enjoy being stuck. I don't enjoy guessing. I don't enjoy trial error solutions. If there anymore puzzles such as this in the future, it going to be goodbye to Bioware's games. I mean it. :down: When I play dwarf origin, I found out my dwarven sister is a prost***!!! I lost words at it........ Bioware certainly has a very odd way to make players happy. Do they really need to potray life that hard? I am forced to have Ammo Jarro in NWN2. I am given choice to recruit Loghain in Origin. I am given choice to recruit Nathanael Howe in Awakening. Who's my next recruitable antagonist? A child can accidently invoke very powerful blood mage spell with little training. That child doesn't even have to use anyone's "life force" to summon a demon. He might not even master the use of lyrium or blood yet. Wow. I feel very sad for the apprentice mages who still can't cast fireball properly. Overall, storywise isn't the strongest point for me but it's graphic, toolset and mods. That's all for now.
  6. Chargen Morph Compiler suppose to combine all your chargenmorphcfg.xmls but I don't think it's knows what MOP files you actually have. I know Bidella's chargenmorphcfg.xml. I have done a lot of tweaking with it's entries and others as well without the use of chargen morph compiler. I even crash myself if I accidently mispell the name of my own custom mop. :laugh: So, yeah I'm quite certain, chargen morph compiler doesn't check your existing MOP files. In fact, your first head preset refered by your chargenmorphcfg.xml is missing. There might be more. You might need to check that.
  7. The game crash because it could not find the mop listed under chargenmorphcfg.xml in your override folder. Locate and edit your chargenmorphcfg.xml. Find any MOP files you have and compare that in your chargenmorphcfg.xml's entries under <Head> section. Delete those entries that refer to the mops that you don't have. These are the culprits. If you have more than 1 chargenmorphcfg.xml files, delete them all. You only need one.
  8. Or you could just use this: "Skip the Fade", (although you still have to fight the final battle with Sloth) and get all the XP and attribute points as if you had actually done everything. :thumbsup: I'm sure it would help but currently I play offical campaigns only if I need references. I'm working on my own stand alone module, so I try to minimize the use of non Bioware's DLC Modules to avoid conflicts. I will download and test it though, to see if it cause any conflict to my mod. Thanks for the advise. :thumbsup:
  9. The Fade is buggy. I've stuck there many times due to various reasons. Companions going circle with their dreams non stop. Crash to desktop after defeating the sloth demon or when the sloth demon change it's form. Unable to enter mouse hole in the Raw, even in mouse form. Not not to forget, there're times I couldn't get the mouse shapeshifting ability after talking to the dying mouse. And various other bugs. However, most of this can be resolved by reloading and/or uninstalling some of non Bioware's DLC. The Fade is one area I fear the most. Not that I fear of the bosses or the shapeshifting's puzzles but rather having to crash to desktop or get stuck somewhere. Sometimes, I would just skip the fade by using console command just to save myself from troubles or if I'm in hurry to finish the Arl of Redcliff's quest ( Circle of Magi's quest is tied to the Arl of Redcliff's main quest if you need the mages help to save Connor ).
  10. If you sure you have make the right choice, perhaps you might need check Leliana's approval rating. Is her approval rating "love"? Not sure about others rating such as "adore" though. I didn't pay much attention to that but I never have any trouble with "hardening Leliana". Anyway, if you have done everything right, then I guess it's a glitch somewhere, I suggest you reload to the point where you have not done Marjolaine's quest.
  11. You need to install fonts.erf to view what you type using console command. http://dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1110 Ah.. Leliana. She's too good to have fun but she has strong points on her own way. She's much forgiving and she never dumps you like Morrigan does. ( But I still prefer Morrigan over Leliana. LMAO! ) Anyway, If you already finish all her personal quests then I don't know how to undone your choice regarding hardening Leliana. But if you haven't done Marjolaone's quest yet, then you must be aware that you must convince Leliana: 1.) She is like Marjolaine 2.) Her life is as bard/assasin. She enjoy dangerous adventures.Hiding behind chantry's life only cause unhappiness. Do not pick any religious path in your dialogue choice when she asks for your opinion after Marjolaine's quest. You need to have her "dark side" instead or else you will be stuck with the "goody" leliana for the rest of your gameplay. :laugh:
  12. Or you could simply knock Alistair out. I find knocking Alistair is satisfying due to the fact he didn't give my female warden the choice earlier and for breaking up with her. :laugh:
  13. Another point for Bioware 'good writings'. I guess they like to play drama and this one looks good to be repeated+a little bit cream to make it appear different. On topic, Ohgren pass GW's joining in Awakening. Ouch! Bioware didn't see that one. They are just too persistent to recruit antagonists, I wonder why not keeping Howe alive and make him as candidate as well or better get the Archdemon itself to join. :laugh:
  14. I suggest you use Eshmee's DAO Model/Animation Import/Export tools. It's works great with 3ds Max and gmax. PDF guide included. You can't. You have to use it's native format such as mmh, msh, phy and mao for model. 3rd party tools such as Eshmee's DAO Model/Animation Import/Export tools and Tazpn's tools will convert your model into native format for use with toolset. I'm afraid you wouldn't have the answer as most of us are relatively new to modding and much of advance features are not yet known. For basics, you could always refer to DA wiki. Open new map, define wheter it's underground or open worldwide etc, set pin marker and rename, set pin image, set trail, refer your map to your custom area. This going to be a lot to explain but in short please refer to default vanilla's map. I study from there. All you need to understand is their parameters. You can open new file =>your .mmh but what you see are just parameters. I don't know if you could view your custom model from toolset. I do know how ever, you can view hairstyle mmh format in toolset. Open morph mrh file, pick new hair, browse for all hairs, select your custom hair mmh and you can view your new hairstyle in toolset. ( I couldn't get it to work in game tho. )
  15. texture files contains diffuse map, specular, normal map etc.. You can know this by looking at filename. For example *_0d.dds stands for diffuse, while *_0s.dds stands for specular. I think you might have mess up with one or more maps.
  16. That depend on which gender I play. As male warden, I always drawn to Morrigan. Don't ask me. I don't understand that myself either. She hurt me with her refusal to discuss/accept love and she dumps me after all I've done. Many times I just wish I could strangle her but she keep coming back, making me hate myself for falling for her. Would I accept her DR offer? Certainly. 1. I look forward for something to remember. 2. Morrigan and my son will be my sole reason not to sacrifice myself. I don't want it to end like that, even if I have to create my own story for it. If I play as female warden, it's a bit tricky. I do not know how female's view and understand precisely their feeling. However, DR is not an option for me. 1. I am selfish and I do not share romance partner even if it could cost me my own life. 2. There's nothing left and reason to continue the story. Bioware's will ends the story in one way or other. Their story is about DA's world and not about the characters. So don't get carried too much with future Hawke in DA2. You will not see him/her in DA3 or 4 or 5. Just like you will not see your warden in DA2. There is no character expansion. There is only one small world of Dragon Age.
  17. Before death, Loghain sadly said to Anora, "Daughter never grow up. They remain 6 year old with pony tail." This shaken me. By this words and by the way he looks at Anora, I do not see a villian anymore but a loving father. It break my heart. I feel very bad, I couldn't bring myself to execute him. So I let Alistair instead. And of course, Anora wouldn't marry Alistair for this, which is not a bad thing either, since Alistair doesn't want to be king. However. as much as I dislike Loghain, I do agree with BW that he makes better GW compare to others. He commited so many crimes he deserve to redeem himself. ( Just like Sten be allowed to redeem himself. ) For those who do not romance Morrigan or those do not choose DR, allowing Loghain to take GW's place to slay the archdemon is the best ending for me. By his ultimate sacrifice, he finally deserve his fair trial for all his crimes and prove himself as Ferelden Hero...one last time. ( It also save me from having to execute him in front of his own daughter.) On the other hand, I do like Alistair and I don't want him to leave either, considering all the things we have been through together since the beginning. I never like the choice I have to make. But then again, I never like any of the choices Geider writes. Geider seem to like the idea of recruiting opposition chars very much, it amaze me how he twists Nathanel's story as Howe's son in Awakening. I bet Hawke going to face similar choices ( with different persona and twist, of course ) in DA2 too. :laugh:
  18. Wow! I've never encounter that although I frequently leaves him behind to defend the gate. Did you sucessfully defended the gate? Did you control Alistair when the gate under attack? Did you check on all your members at the gate before you meet Riordan's messenger? If any of your members fall, they might not get up if you are too far.
  19. We are off topic because you insist your view on what's suppose to be my preferance. You are driven by story plot to make to you do anything ingame. Therefore, character continuity isn't an issue as long as the story goes. DLCs and any extensions such as WH serve you no purpose. You refuse to the see beyond Origins as the story already end. You are not not the one who end it. I can understand that. Trust me, I love NWM stories. But these stories are getting repetitive. They are losing their touch. You fail to see that because you have little care of many hours gained through your character development. You do not live through your character experience to feel the bond beyond that pixels. Instead what you did is just hearing a bard tale, ready to go to bed when it's over and start all over again listening to the same old story again and again with every game releases. Same tales of saving your world, having your enemy as allies, building fortress, defending a siege, slavery, mind controlling bla bla bla.... Same old tiring cliche borrowed from the start of Neverwinter Night. I have repeatedly suggest for a change. I have ask for open ended stories. I would like my warden to continue the tales with improved graphic and toolset. And here you're, arguing the dead horses, games title, your comparison with TES, your favor of short term unrelated yet repetitive bard tales and insisting on what you expect as interesting. The main question is, does WH is disappointment. My answer remains yes because 1. ) It's should not be ended 2.) It's ending is too cheap. 3.) Bioware lack of creativity and poor writings. You see.. Aren't you the one who insist on what's suppose to be interesting? As I said, Your interest is hearing bard tales. My interest is about my character. Your need bard tales to play. I need only toolset and freedom to forge my own world and fantasies. ( Thanks to Bioware for making me bore with their writings ) Your interest is multi-role regardless of who you are in real life. My interest is about humanity, understanding and closeness to the character that should mirror my own self. You seeks short-term accomplishment. I seek long term meaningful experience, knowledge and skill. You see again... we can never share the same interest. No person share exactly the same interest in everything. So please stop insisting your point of view. Tranquil Owen once said. "A Person is unmeasurable. Therefore we can agree to disagree."
  20. It's ended because Bioware's tendacy to end anything in their story after offering several choices and a fine statement like, "But that's another tale to tell." They did that in NWN series too. They should have focus on introducing part and creates several related main quests which later tied together into one epic story telling after several releases. But Nooo.. They are just too eager to save the world leaving no room at all for expansion. The world of TES is a journey of a single character who has the freedom to explore as much as possible. There's one main plot. But I normally ignore it because it's not about the main plot that drive me to play. It's about how I live in TES. It's people and the neighbourhood are like the sims living in fantasy environment with limited capabilty. It's open ended for me. Anything is possible as long as I do not end it by completing the main plot. A world of DA however is a journey of multiple dead horses who keep having be killed by Bioware. A world with only one city, a castle, a village, a cave, a tower and an elf settlement. It's hardly called a world. It's rely solely on story telling to drive the players. ( For me, the toolset. Bioware toolset is much friendly than TES constructor ) Otherwise the player has nothing to do. But then, they just love to end it. And that's one huge difference with TES. Exactly. So there is nothing wrong with "warden age" thing either. It's pointless to argue what the title says. Thank you. Maybe I'll knock his door sometime to see if he has anything new. If he lack of ideas, I have a lot of them. crazy ones. Muahahaha. Ammon Jarro was never your enemy in the first place too. In fact he's much better than Loghain. At least Ammon Jarro did attempt to stop the shadow king from the beginning while Loghain was shown as a chicken running from battlefield. If he's such a great general he should have archive a decisive winning strategy. They are only outnumbered 3 to 1 and they have Ostagar as advantage. Many times in history, Julius Caesar army were badly outnumbered + starvation + cold but still he won the day. Now that's a great general. When it's come to survival, there is no such thing as unrealistic plan. No great general ever desert his king either. But so much for Loghain, the one who was once known as Ferelden hero, huh? Anwyway, that's not the point. The point is they are both your enemies. periode. "By all mean" is subjective. But yeah pretty much the same concept in NWN 2 too except there're choices to make. Ammon Jarro was forced to player. It's getting boring and annoying. Come on, surely there must be other interesting element to add to story lines? Why resort to same old trick and dilemma? Interesting is subjective. I do not enjoy having weird physical and short. I do not find it's interesting that height prevent me from kissing Morrigan. I do not enjoy seeing a child's like and slender figure having relationship with my romance interest. I do not enjoy seeing this same figure head on an ogre. Nor do I enjoy having to leap the entire combat just to reach the enemy's belly. It's just weird. Do I miss their contents? Not at all. But thanks to RustyBlade I could play both dwarven and eleven origins as human anyway. But yeah I like the human aspect in D2 and no, I don't like having to start all over with Hawke. So I'm not going to spend on Hawke unless there is toolset to look forward. Sorry Hawke, if you appear in Origins I would definitely going to have fun with you. Thank you.
  21. Lol. I'm aware of that. I haven't done that yet..... well probably because it's not supposed to be. Hahahaha Anyway, now that you mention that, I might give it a try. Thanks for the suggestion.
  22. I do love character development including related npcs. It's the development that bond me to the character and his companions as well. Thus, killing them or replacing them is not something I look forward. I also love to have multiple classes ( such as champion + spirit warrior + guardian ) but if that mean I have to have multi origins with same game mechanicsm and/or environment then yes...it's not my preferance. If I'm simply to look for few hours action+rpg without concern for the character I've developed and grow fond of, to be honest, there're a lot of console games out there that can do far better job than Dragon Age. Dragon Age has interesting interaction bewteen npcs, that's true but what good it is when they are short live? As I recall, NWN has the longevity magic which hook me to NWN2 and now Dragon Age. I can see it's no longer of major concern ( although the toolset are still there for me to extend my own story until the day that new engine and better graphic arrives ) and it's such a dissapointment. As for D2, yes, I'm giving it a pass. My journey was with the warden and not about Hawke. Furthermore, I'm not going to have another character to be ended yet again. I do that everytime with consoles games. Something I do not expect from a moddable and import ability of a PC game. I'm interested with rumor about Morrigan's story in D3 ( I expected my warden would not be there but I'm curious if Bioware ever think of something new ) but my primary interest is still the toolset and graphics. If either one of this isn't in Bioware's mind then I would better spending my money for other console games titles. And Dragon Age is definately not in my console games list for action and/or rpg. Thanks.
  23. So all the sacrifices, hard choices and experiences throughout the game are as good as dead horse too? What about import feature + extendable module meant for custom adventures? Are they for dragging a dead horse too? That is one very encouraging way to put. Out of several different epilogues I've came across, I can see only one dead horse ( epilogue ) though. That's happen if the player choose the ultimate sacrifice. Anway, if there's any dead horse around, that would be Bioware, themselves who do the killing. They really stop doing that and learn how to raise instead. Nor did they write "follow the Dragon story to the bitter end" or "Dragon Age" as it was advertised. So far all the dragons are meant to be slayed. The archdeamon, the high dragon.. nothing to suggest Dragon Age. The Origin barely mention the old god and the dragons. The world introduction? What's good does it do when it's too become part of dead horse experience? So what's there to look for?. So am I suppose to read about him before purchasing the game? Didn't Alistair said to the mabari, "Ignorant is a bliss. Thats what they teach me in the chantry"? We still face that same old 'dilemma' about having our enemy as our ally while convieniently loosing the ones we already had. That's kind of experiece is getting cliche'. I never even try to play any other races or even as a mage for as long as I can remember. The dwarves are short, stocky and clumsy. The elves are child's look and thin. It's amazed me how they could even raise a great sword without loosing their balance. No offence for dwarven and elven fans. They are good to have around but definately not for me when it come to role play. Well.. That's very disappointing.. Again. If all your above comments are true then there is nothing for me to expect from D3. ( D2 is certainly out the moment I read about Hawke ) I love Bioware toolset and mods though. So if you find they implement new cutting technology for graphics and better toolset, do kindly tell me. Thanks.
  24. I've finish playing Witch Hunt for the second time. This time I play according to story plot. I've uninstall 'Morrigan Deleted DR Cutscene' Mod. I ignore the betrayal line. My warden perform DR and survive. To be honest I would prefer roleplaying the story with my own imigination rather than following what's suppose to be canon story. I don't think Bioware 'always' gets the story 'right'. I'm completely agree with TerraX. Bioware's has past experience dealing with bad romance story such as Lady Aribeth in NWN. Nevertheless, I couldn't find anything unsual. I couldn't see my son but he's there behind the portal. Morrigan allow me to join her so... I guess it's pretty much the end for my warden. A happy ending yet it's such a pity way. My warden will be most likely to be replaced by new hero, new character background yet identical old cliche' stories... if Morrigan's story continues. Damnit, don't Bioware ever learn how to write open ended stories which leave a lot of room for expansion? Why must be a total new character, new companions, new gears and yet same old stories plots with a little bit twist here and there? Take this for example: 1.) Awakening's Virgil Keep's plot is the same as Crossroad Keep in NWN 2. Build fortress, find mineral, the siege..bla bla... sigh! 2.) Loghain's character remind me so much of the fallen and evil warlock in NWN2 who would then become your ally ( I forget his name). Thank god, they don't pick Randall Howe instead ( although they did make Howe's son as our potential ally in DA:Awakening ). Then there's companion's sacrifice involved in order for this once enemy of yours to join you. The difference is, in NW2 Sandra sacrifice herself willingly while in DA:O Alistair's fate is determined by the player. 3.) The prelude almost copied from NWN 2. In NWN 2, the darklings attack player's house while the player is sleeping. In DA:O, Howe's men attack your castle while you're sleeping too. Couldn't find a better excitement to begin a story, huh? But let's get back to Witch Hunt. It took me less than 2 hours to finish it. The 2 main quests are pretty much simple. Not that I mind. ( I hate puzzles or riddles. DLC Golems of Amgarrak's puzzles with different planes colors not only hurt my eyes, it's also annoying. ) But it's lack of quest mean lack of replayability... Unless someone could come up with intersting mods to make use of the inaccessable Redcliff's castle, Loitering and Denerim? There are too much spaces. I don't believe Ferelden is just a map with only Flemeth's Hut, Circle of Magi's First Floor, a dwarven thaig, an elf ruin and lastly a dragonborne waste.
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