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Posts posted by sacredtrojanblade

  1. i chose the dark ritual ending in DA:O, then imported my character in witch hunt, then Morrigan says that i denied her the ritual? But she admits that the child is my son, huh? what happened here?


    Hahahaha...... Did she says that?

    Damn.. I've deleted all my male warden save games. It's going to take awhile to check this out... It's interesting and funny. Muahahahaha.

  2. Ah...I see..... So the mod isn't the actual 'Moriggan's Dark Ritual deleted cutscene' planned by the developer. It's an edited version. Damn.... It hurts me a lot. Imagine yourself being rejected by Morrigan because of Morrigan's fear that love could weaken her. Later on, you find out this same women cries out for Alistair's name that she care only for him and willing to do anything! The whole DR affair seem about saving Alistair's b**t and not about warden PC. To add matter worse, in the end you are presented with epilogue that Morrigon is rumored to have a child leaving you with more question, who's the bas***rd father! The pc dialogue, "Have you finally decide to betray me?" before Morrigan even offer her DR also doesn't help very much because.... huh??? Why the hell do I have to ask that? It's the main reason, that tempt me to find for answer. I thought I could found it in WH. Of course Morrigan's answer about her 'betrayal' is dissapointing because we are not conversing the same subject. I should delete that mod.. But I still do not satisfy with Morrigan's betrayal. Her denial for her love has cause too much damage and confusion...well...at least to me. Pardon me if I don't understand female's feeling because I'm not a female. :( So please help me understand. Denying your affection while cries out other people's name in desparation especially your own best friend ( in this case Alistair ) as show by the mod is very very bad. It's hurt a lot....




    Morrigan refuse Riordan because he has been a warden for too long. He couldn't live much longer, which explain why it's has to be the most senior member to do the killing blow first. Wardens have shorter life span. I can't recall how it could affect the taint for the baby tho...Anyway, it's in her dialogue. You should try to ask her again.

  3. Morrigan cries that she's only love Alistair. A killing blow for male warden. But here I was playing a female warden because I could not bear the hurt of playing as male warden. :(


    Moriggan left the heart broken warden after she refuse DR:

  4. I'm sorry I take a long time to reply. I've deleted all my old saved games. My current and only saved game was at Lothering and it's actually meant for MOD testing. Anyway, I replay it back for hours and manage to captured some of the screenshot regarding the whole issue about Morrigan's DR.


    It's all begin here:


    Morrigan-Alistair secret meeting after Riodan's explaination:

  5. What?? She... what?? Slept with Alistair?? As in, before the ritual?? And he did it... willingly?? Where did you hear about this deleted scene??? :blink:


    Is this just if a male warden is romancing her? Or does it also happen if you've got a female warden with Alistair?? Or does it always happen regardless of who you're with??


    By the way, that sound you heard, was the sound of my warden's heart shattering into a million, zillion little pieces. :(


    Ever wonder why your warden suddenly ask Morrigan if she decide to betray him/her? That's happen before she even offer her DR 'solution'. Here's the missing answer:




    Warning: This cutscene is heart breaking. It could change how you preceive Morrigan and Alistair. I don't think it will affect female warden much tho since you most probably going to ask Alistair to sleep with Morrigan anyway. It does affect male warden greatly.

  6. Well the biggest thing that makes the whole Morrigan romance very not "sexy" or "romanctic" is the pregnancy thing, at least for me. Honestly I'm not sure how guys can find that attractive in any way shape or form. That's about the biggest turn off I could ever think of, and trust me it's near impossible to turn this love machine off. And to add insult to injury she scrams with the kid to throw him through a magical elf mirror and leaves you in the dust like you're a worthless piece of garbage ugh.


    I'm a male. So this is my point of view regarding Moriggan's pregnancy thing. The child is yours and you will be looking for Morrigan in Witch Hunt anyway. So it's not an issue. The main issue with romancing Morrigan, at least for me, is she dumps you ( as she claim love make her weak. OK that's fine with me... suit herself ) and it's later reveal ( deleted Dark Ritual's cutscene - Morrigan Betrayal ) that she sleeps with Alistair after the Landsmeet! It's greatly hurt my feeling and making me hate Alistair. I can't believe my best friend whom I've been trying very hard to promote as king dare to sleep with my love interest! This is backstabbing! Since then when I play as male warden, I'll eliminate Alistair at Landsmeet in favour for Loghain and allowing Loghain to sacrifice himself, in case I decided not to accept Morrigan's offer. I will also bed Morrigan as soon as possible before dumping her in favor for Leliana ( just for revenge ).


    But role playing a female warden, it's become difficult for me. I'm not an expert when it's come to female's feeling and it's ridiculous to romance Alistair or Zevran for me. Still I'm wondering what's actually female think about Morrigan's offer. Will you allow your lover to bed other women just to save your own self? What's the purpose of Witch Hunt for you then?


    Anyway, Bioware is making a big mistake by plotting Ultimate Sacrifice and yet implement import character feature, making Morrigan's Dark Ritual a total failure.


    Just my 2 cent.

  7. There's something 'weird' with the plot. I happen to play female warden who choose the ultimate sacrife in the Origin. Technically, I am supposed to be dead and my story end. But out of curiosity, I import this same character to Witch Hunt just to see how Morrigan's response. It's interesting that she KNOWS I refused her dark ritual offer and that I'm supposed to be dead. Yet, she doesn't explain why her dark ritual is bulls*** since I'm alive even without it ( Origin's end cutscene show I'm dead tho ). I know I've mess up with the plot but it's strange the writer is well aware and even allow it. I guess continuing a plot where you leave the player with 4 options is a messy job. At least, he should have see it coming before even plotting the story end. So yes, Witch Hunt is a major dissapointment!
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