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Status Updates posted by VincentIcarus

  1. Well, mobo burnt out on me a few months back and I have been feverishly saving up for a new PC (time to upgrade anyway). Hopefully, soon, I'll be back to gaming and modding again.
  2. Well, guys, I am officially back. I am working on updating my mods and will be looking forward to working with some of you again.
  3. So, I'm probably gonna be coming back to Skyrim here pretty soon. So if I get all my old stuff back I'll probably be modding again too.
  4. Kudos for the German Translation.
  5. Checking out the comic now.
  6. Alright, sounds good. Nice to see you back.
  7. Yeah, something like that. I was the brains behind the comics but He was the face for the whole group. After he got banned the other two guys I had working with me just kind of went their own way. I am continuing the comics for New Vegas with BlueDanube so they're going to look FAN-F'N-TASTIC this time around.
  8. Thank you for the Kudos. What did you give them to me for?
  9. Okay, I get that you guys like my armor. I do. STOP ASKING ME FOR IT! THE ANSWER IS NO AND IT WILL ALWAYS BE NO!
    1. VincentIcarus


      It's not a dick thing. It's just that

      1) I do not have permissions from the mod authors of the three mods that I used to create my armor

      2) It's the only thing that I have ever created strictly for myself.

      Everything else I have ever made is available for download.

  10. I told you man, don't sweat it. No real deadlines. Just get it done whenever you're able to.
  11. Hey, clean out your inbox so I can PM you. Been trying to send you a message...
  12. Hey, since I no longer have a team helping me with my comics, I was wondering if you would like to join me in trying to make the New Vegas Vincent/Icarus comics. I've already got the back-story to explain why Vincent and Icarus are in the Mojave Wasteland but I don't actually have much of a main storyline.
  13. Not really. Still trying to come up with the story. Got the backstory to explain why he's in the Mojave but I'm not real sure what next... Wanna try to help me come up with something?
  14. ...I... ...HATE... ...YOU... ...SO... ...VERY... ...MUCH...

    jk i <3 u (no homo)

  15. Yeah, that and I'm still waiting for the Groovatron because For A Few Poses More doesn't have all the poses that I need.
  16. Definitely, It's just me. The rest of the team has pretty much left so all the mods and comics we were working on is all my responsibility now so I've scrapped a lot of our projects.
  17. You know, I just noticed that you have 3 of the top 5 pics on the Image Share. lulz
  18. After a long hiatus. We're back bitches!
  19. Yeah. Just waiting on NVSE and some more pose mods. Hopefully someone re-releases The Groovatron Mod.
  20. bored....
    1. Spaceritual


      Time to write another comic strip then perhaps ?:)
  21. Thank you for your support.
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