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Everything posted by monkeyboi

  1. ingame this works what it does is i cast it, get nighteye if i cast it again it removes nighteye what command casts a spell on a player btw?
  2. so i got what i think the basic toggle portion is sorted out... Scriptname KTKhajiitNightEyeScript Begin ScriptEffectStart If ( player.IsSpellTarget KTKhajiitNightEye == 0 ) player.addSpell KTKhajiitNightEye else player.removeSpell KTKhajiitNightEye endif End this was from another mod that i use (and love) would i be correct in assuming that all i need to do then is change the spell names and it would toggle something different?
  3. so if i understand correctly... it's possible if i did a sort of (keep in mind i don't know any commands or syntax, this is just how i believe it may flow) on cast: shield(magnitude) drain magicka X/per second if magica=0 remove shield <or> on cast: remove shield end. that's what i think may work. i just don't know what commands i would use to do that. if someone could even point me to a sort of "tutorial" for this language i would be very appreciative. also i know that the toggle itself will work as i have a toggle able night eye for my kajit character. i just need to add the drain and cutoff really...
  4. BTW: i dunno why but my Email is private if you wanna contact me [email protected]
  5. First off I'm not exactly sure if this is in the right spot, if it's not i apologize. Okay, I recently had an idea for a different way to use certain spells. (tell me if it has been done before) The idea is that certain spells (lets say shield for example) would have very modest initial Magicka cost to cast, but based on the magnitude of the effect as long as the spell is on it drains a certain amount of Magicka per second. until the players Magicka hits zero or until player deactivates the spell (possibly by casting it again) i could implement this myself but i have no idea where to start when it comes to scripting, so if anyone wants to use this idea, or point me in the right direction i would be very grateful.
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