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Posts posted by Urwy

  1. Another update so far:

    Not quite satisfied with the textures yet.. Still looks a bit bland around the blade and crossguard, color difference between the crossguard and metal on the blade..

    Normalmaps should probably have a bit more depth for the bone and chainmail hilt.

    Shinyness on the bone is still too much imho.

    No luck on glowmaps yet :(






    (lmao! Copy/paste from Alagaësia forums... Lazy me :unsure: )

  2. The dagger could either be in my opinion a weapon of the evil faction assassins or even dark elves maybe a unique weapon maybe somebody tries to assassinate a main character? and recoverable from the body?

    And the sword looks nice you know the bits across the blade they could have runes on in gold? maybe the swords name (not epic sword...)


    Had any particular name in mind? :)

  3. Textures are getting better and better. :thumbsup:

    And what comes to the style. i can post image i based the model upon, but you can do whatever looks cool.


    Here's the picture of that dagger. I'll do the hi-poly model now.


    Wow! :D God i wish we could animate the swords! i want that crossguard to fold and unfold as you sheathe and unsheathe it :ninja:

    Images will do just fine :) Thank you!



    You're right about the baking. Thats something i need to do when i've got the textures on it, because they'll have an effect on the normals aswell.

    Don't worry about the UV's they'll be fine ;)

    And lol about the filesize :P Won't kill us.. right?

  4. Working with dagger. Here's the low poly model. 350 vertexes.


    Feedback is appreciated, be it positive or negative. (not just the dagger, but all models)


    I like the gap in the blade! :D

    Has something extremely foreign to it. :ohdear:


    Regarding the earlier high-poly models: well, we all love the Epic blade :P stuff in that style just works very well.

    Would love a little hint as to the style (elven, steel, orcish, etc) your aiming for with a model. That would give me an idea how i could best texture it. (for example: a lushly decorated elven dagger or a dark, assassin type dagger.)


    Can't really complain about your models that i've tried to texture really... :)


    Currently working on the Epic sword.

    Went with the following suggestion:


    I quite like it. But prefer your epic sword! Did you read my suggestion for it's role? A dragon slaying sword Of the enimies, Maybe if we use my dark elf (from alagaesia) maybe they made it once they left and plan to return and kill all the dragons. (not knowing of the riders) it could be black with gold runes of the ancient language? What do you think?


    Made it a sort of (dragon?)bone blade, Will add a blood red line along the center of the blade using glowmaps which will meet a red glowing arcane rune at the center of the crossguard.


    It's still a heavy WIP, but i would appreciate your opinions about how it's looking so far. :)

  5. ah ok, i'll try that other method so i could add details straigh to my models before i send them to you


    Ah hang on! Took me a while to realise how your method of normalmapping applied to me. but i think i see now ^^

    Just don't normalmap them for now. (because i think your going to need the textures to get the full normalmap.) i'll give it a try tomorrow as its getting somewhat late atm. (not to mention the exams tomorrow :tongue: )

    Next blade i'll do is the elven blade to get used to the low poly count and try the mapping in blender.

  6. Looking good. :biggrin:

    I'm not satisfied with the model thou. :dry: Now after those 3 other swords i could do much better. Oh well, doesn't matter, we won't be seeing zar'roc in-game much. :tongue:

    I quite like it. But prefer your epic sword! Did you read my suggestion for it's role? A dragon slaying sword Of the enimies, Maybe if we use my dark elf (from alagaesia) maybe they made it once they left and plan to return and kill all the dragons. (not knowing of the riders) it could be black with gold runes of the ancient language? What do you think?

    Could be, it looks evil. :P


    Now that i look those normal mapping tutorials, i realize that i indeed need to do models with low vertex count.

    Urwy. Have you done this?

    Use subdivision surface to increase the poly count, go in sculpt mode and add details. Bake the details in low poly model.

    Found video:


    That's one way to normalmap an object. But there's an easier and probably faster way to do this in Gimp/Photoshop, which is the method i've been using. (http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php/GIMP:_Quality_Normal_Maps)

    Guess i can give your method a try though :)

  7. Looking good. :biggrin:

    I'm not satisfied with the model thou. :dry: Now after those 3 other swords i could do much better. Oh well, doesn't matter, we won't be seeing zar'roc in-game much. :tongue:


    Ha! If you feel like making a better one, go right ahead! :P

    Just don't be too fast, else i might not be able to keep up and that'll make me look bad :teehee:

    Once i've got these first 4 blades done i'll upload them as replacers (since we'll need the CK to properly add them) And the team can give them a go. :)

  8. Yay!

    Now all we need to do are all the other blades! :D


    Edit: Will definitly do that :D and i suppose you meant modelling tutorials? :)


    Well that too. But i was thinking that I could do most of the swords. You could focus more on texturing, since i know nothing about it, and we don't have experienced texurer in our team. (Or do we?)

    And we need those advanced techniques like bump and normal mapping.



    That's what i was thinking as well, as you clearly outclass me when it comes to modelling :P So texturing sounds fine to me :)

    There arent the first textures i've made, but they aren't the last and they'll definitly get better on every go.

    And.. More teasers! :D


    But here it shows that i'm still using the specular maps from the steelsword :P will change that asap.

  9. Urwy, what do you think of THIS.

    NO Subdivision surface used. ~2100 vertexes.

    Now it needs epic textures.


    Just started Mapping the Epic blade :D God it's awesome! :thumbsup:

    Just one minor thing though, when in Editing mode it says 2155 Vertices.(just like you said) But when i jump back to Object mode it suddenly says 8690 Vertices! O.o What's up with that?

  10. What sword is it going to be and final colour? Naegling? bronze/gold colour im guessing.

    How many vertexes are the in game swords?


    Colours can still be changed at any time :) But yeah, i used Naegling as example.

    Vanilla steel sword has 330 vertices in it's 3rd person model. 475 vertices in its 1st person model.

    Source of the abundant vertices in our models are the hilt and crossguard. (i guess there is such a thing as too much detail :( )

    I guess we shouldnt be too much higher than that, but i'm not sure if both me and Anondraco can model with that few vertices...

  11. -snip- how about you dont get your riders sword till late on in the main quest so we can have loads of weapons to use beforehand because i pick up different better weapons along the quest and while but nothing would beat a riders sword. Most rpgs if not all have weapons based on rank or quest progression so we need that.



    Sounds quite alright :) make it so that when you finally receive your riders sword you can choose one of seven (mixed 1 and 2-handers..brisingr being available in both, Zar'roc 1-hand, etc) Or maybe recover it if it's the lost blade of another rider.. reserve this method of obtaining for a slightly stronger than average riders sword? which isn't an option if you consider all rider swords to be equal in strength/power.

    (Maybe enable the player to obtain only one blade, so you'd have to choose carefully, as it'll effect the rest of your fights..)


    Yes , but it will have to be very rare and maybe in dungeons and stuff.



    Sounds like the places the wordwalls are in right now :P but maybe a little less abundant, since those walls seem to be everywhere!

    Giving it a 5%-15% chance or so to randomly spawn brightsteel deposits in high end dungeons. (well, the deposits will be there, but will be either depleted or still contain a few bits of ore.)

    That way its less "oh, i know where to find every piece of ore because of last playthrough" <.<

    Imagine the joy of actually finding ore when you've already given up all hope of finding it :P




    Urwy, what do you think of THIS.

    NO Subdivision surface used. ~2100 vertexes.

    Now it needs epic textures.


    Awesome! :D this and the previous blade will keep me busy for a while :D

    (btw, loving the file names :laugh: Random sword, Epic sword, etc :P)

  12. I want one thats unusual maybe a curved blade or a wierd hilt and stuff, a more elven looking thing, you know :) i cant draw it tho.


    How about the Falcion mention in the books? I know that one was broken, but it wasnt a really special blade now was is? so there could be more. (even though that does take away most of the reasons to model it. lol :P


    Made a new sword for you Urwy. :wink:

    Again, not much details (about 1400 vertexes) but you can add them easily if you want.

    See if you can get some textures on it.


    Yay! I'll get right on it :D

    Looks great (as usual :P) and yeah, if necessary i'll up the vertex count. And i must say that by the looks of the model i can see that you're geting better at it ;) This is going to be even more fun than the last one! :D (not to mention better :P)

  13. both :P


    Got it ^^


    So, the update on the sword:







    Still got a few seams to close up, as well as texturing the pommel and adding more detail to the entire model. I'll also try to determine a nice red tint for the blade (wouldn't be Zar'Roc without it now would t? :P)

    So, what's the public opinion about this one? :)



    Right, it's about an hour after the original posting of this post.

    Sized down the gem a bit as indicated by MCBM and gave it some more textures.






  14. Hey guys, just so you know, Christopher Paolini himself has tweeted this thread, so the creator himself is behind this! Good luck!


    Link to his tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/InheritanceCP/status/155116882310082560


    Now that is very, VERY Cool! :D

    Thanks ! :thumbsup:



    Btw, where do we want another tiny update on that crappy blade texture? (out with the old, in with the new! ^^ ) Since i'm a little confuffled about which forums it should be in.. Nexus or Project forum? (or just plain simple both?)

  15. In case anyone is wondering about what i said here:


    OMG! :D AnonDraco, That model of yours is a gem! :D if my Nif exporter will do as it's told i can have it skinned in maybe an hour! 2 max :D


    A little picture...:) thats about 20 minutes of work :P


    We need high res textures, unfortunately. We need much better than those.


    The model's good though! :)


    Lol! you think that's the final product? :P no way! :laugh: that's just a quick slap-on ;)

    You've seen my previous work, that's what i'm aiming for and better!

    Crappy as that texture is, it's a base for a 2048x2048 sword texture :) so there's a lot more room for detail.

  16. Blender does the same thing on my side :P

    And i dont think that a lot of time :) i think yours is actually better considering i took about as long as you did. (but mine just kills my CPU with its 6000 vertices! and yours works perfectly with 1380 vertices XD)

    So clearly im the one doing something wrong, not you ;)




    OMG! :D AnonDraco, That model of yours is a gem! :D if my Nif exporter will do as it's told i can have it skinned in maybe an hour! 2 max :D


    Edit 2:


    Nope :( darn nif exporter seems bugged again :( i'll see if i can find a way around this.

  17. looks very cool. It would be nice if the egg had some textures with a bit of depth in it. So you could see the veins a little deeper, like in the movie's egg.

    Urwy, did you make a zar'roc too then?


    Yeah i did :)


    Straight from the project forums:



    Well, since i didnt quite get the UV's on the old model to work, i decided to start over from scratch; only reusing the hilt and pommel from the old model, as i was quite satisfied with those (not to mention the UV mapping worked rather well!)

    Also did a rudimentary model for the handguard. Which still looks crap if you ask me :scratch:

    So; New blade with proper UV's, Hilt and Pommel with working UV's, Rough handguard without uv's.









    Even though i'm not completely happy with my handguard, i've decided to go ahead an get some textures vor the blade and hilt.

    Once i've got that process down i'll think about revising the guard or starting from scratch and get everything right that time.

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