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  1. I like the sayings in your signature, M48A5 :D
  2. There are at least two I know of that have been around for a while. https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/2571 https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/1990 From memory, multiple modders have had trouble changing Kester's dialogue, so that remains unfixed. No idea what, if any, effect they have on Awakening. EDIT: Hm, just scanned the comments threads. Sounds like it's a hit-and-miss kind of venture.
  3. OK, I'll play. But 400,000 is still so far away...
  4. Tinorney: I'm sorry, please pardon my ignorance, but what do you mean by "Mythal now inside Morrigan"? I thought Mythal was now inside Solas, as was Urthemiel if your world state still has her in existence via Kieran. Well, that was my interpretation of the epilogue of the main game: Solas absorbing Mythal out of Flemeth without her consent. I know some have different interpretations, though I never saw anything that I thought could translate into Mythal going into Morrigan. Not that I wouldn't be thrilled if that was the case. I'd love Morrigan to play a significant role. I was a bit disappointed that she seemed to fade into the background once Flemeth/Mythal took Urthemiel from Kieran (if that's what happened).
  5. Hope for Solavellan?! I'm utterly thrilled to hear that part. I don't do the whole social media thing, so I never hear these updates, other than second, third, fourth hand. But thanks for passing that nugget on :D Certainly, the method you've outlined for breaking the Veil, i.e. mass killing, sounds workable. I would have thought, however, as a product of a world where magical wonders inconceivable to current minds reigned, Solas would have something more sophisticated in mind. Well, at least, he'd know of more sophisticated methods and want to use them. Whether he can actually get his hands on such methods/artefacts, or if things designed in the pre-Veil world would even function in a Veiled world, is another matter entirely. Of course, there is also the 'game' aspect to consider. Solas's methods have to allow the writers to create a method that suits the format of an RPG game, rather than just a straight narrative. That must be a fascinating challenge for a writer :smile:. The whole war-to-weaken-the-Veil would suit a game narrative, and what you said about not telling Lavellan if this was his long-term plan so she can't then interfere fits with this. Certainly, would work better for a RPG than Solas finding a Magical Veil Ripper then three, two, one, BOOM!
  6. In response to post #27204344. #27204779, #27208494 are all replies on the same post. *smug grin*
  7. Hello, Paul! *waves again* 8) 8) Are you in PR? I usually dread Change, but after reading this, I can't wait for the New and Improved Nexus :D
  8. I'm sorry to hear about PuddyTat, Maharg. I know how devastating it is to lose one of your babies :( Anyway, I'm a cat person x about 1,000! I adore cats, especially the Siamese/Oriental breed. Seriously, when I first saw the breed and read about their personality traits, it seemed like nature had designed a being just for me. I currently have two cats, a Siamese and an Oriental. My Siamese is over twelve years ago, so he's getting on. He has the most amazing nature. I can't imagine ever sharing a bond like that with a pet again. He is the most special boy ever :) I got my Oriental just under a year ago and he is an absolute :devil:, but I love him anyway. I got him to replace the cat-shaped hole left behind by the passing of my first Oriental. He died just over a year ago. He had lymphoma and was only 18 months old when he died. It was tragic. We threw all the chemo we could at that cancer, but it didn't work. Anyway, that's all ... I :wub: CATS!
  9. Well, I'm glad you posted, messiasmummo :) I've often felt the same about the things you mentioned; it's nice not to be the only one. I understand the problem with generalising and stereotypes, but sometimes it's hard not to, especially if you've been unlucky in your experiences with other people. The desire to avoid being hurt can sometimes make one more inclined to generalise as well, i.e. erring on the side of caution by assuming the worse. Best wishes, dear. And thanks, Vagrant, for your post. It was very enlightening :)
  10. And so I did. Thanks; I found it quite interesting, especially this part: "Imagination dies at our pens." A very unusual way of looking at it, since so often writing is presented as a process of freedom and infinite promise rather than the opposite. :)
  11. Hello! I don't understand any of this internet gobbledegook, but thank-you to you all for your hard work. I love the Nexus; it's a marvellous site. Hope you enjoyed your holiday!
  12. Oops, I originally started a thread for this question, before I realised there was a thread for things like this already. Please forgive me. Anyway, I am looking for a mod that allows you to sort your quests in the journal. I ask because quite frequently I manage to activate quests that I have no intention of completing and they get in the way of my nice neat list of the ones I do intend to complete. With my latest character, I managed to inadvertently activate two daedra quests, and the personality of my character is such that she would sooner die than do what a daedra tells her (one of them is Namira, who sounds positively disgusting!). I've looked on the Skyrim Nexus to see if such a mod exists, but couldn't find one (though my computer-y search skills aren't fantastic). If anyone knows of a mod that does this, I would appreciate if they could point me in the right direction.
  13. OOPS! Sorry, I just realised there was a thread already for these types of questions. Please ignore this - I'd erase it if I knew how.
  14. Hello people-who-might-be-able-to-help-me, I've married twice in Skyrim, once as a female wood elf who married Revyn Sadri and once as a female Breton who married Marcurio. Both times, the husbands said their vows then walked out before we'd been declared married, before I had a chance to talk to them. Afterwards I've not been able to find them. The wiki says that you should be able to talk to them right after the wedding to decide where you're going to live, but I'm not sure how one is meant to do that if they walk out while the wedding is still going on. Can someone please help? My characters are reasonably attractive and fairly nice people, so this should not be happening to them on their wedding days :facepalm: . Regards, Qessanea
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