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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Everything posted by TheStairsWolf

  1. Hello all, I have encountered a problem regarding downloading, As I was trying to download a file on TESNexus, I clicked the file and got a popup telling me that I need to sign in, so I logged in and tried downloading again. I got the same popup, I looked up in the top left hand corner and ''Welcome TheStairsWolf'' was there. I shrugged and assumed it was a minor error and would disappear if I tried again. I was wrong. This problem is persistent, I've tried exiting the browser, loggging out and back in. Nothing I can think of seems to work. Help would be appreciated in this matter, I use IE if that helps in any way. :)
  2. I absolutely despise the new layout. The site layout is already user friendly and solid. I didn't see why the sites layout had to change a few weeks ago, and I still don't see why now. It just looks overdone and somewhat rubber and childish to me. I pray that this new layout will not be mandatory and that there will be a way to use the old layout.
  3. This is most definetly not Bethesda's fault, to me this is just lawyers being asses. Either way it's a case that they have a snowflakes chance in a volcano of winning. I mean, you can't copyright individual words. If so, any game with ''The'' in it would be candidate for this crap. Bethesda isn't this stupid, they know what would happen to their reputation if they're found to be bullying everyone's favorite indie company....
  4. I personally don't like it and think that the site is fine as it is... It makes me feel quite a bit less comfortable browsing because I just think that the layout is bad. In this case my opinion is: ''If it aint broke, don't fix it''
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