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Status Replies posted by xLyrie

  1. I mades a knock knock joke! Me: Knock knock! You: Whose there? Me: See you! You: See you who? Me: See you in the bathroom! :3 wacha think?
  2. I mades a knock knock joke! Me: Knock knock! You: Whose there? Me: See you! You: See you who? Me: See you in the bathroom! :3 wacha think?
    1. xLyrie


      people halp D:


      People dont love queen :c


      -quits being queen and stays being a godess-

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  3. I mades a knock knock joke! Me: Knock knock! You: Whose there? Me: See you! You: See you who? Me: See you in the bathroom! :3 wacha think?
  4. I mades a knock knock joke! Me: Knock knock! You: Whose there? Me: See you! You: See you who? Me: See you in the bathroom! :3 wacha think?
  5. PANCAKE DAY!!!!!!!! :D
    1. xLyrie


      No, because cake pwnds pancakes and waffles ;D
    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  6. don't start the whole "imma eat you worthless sheep" garbage here. i didn't create this account to be flamed
  7. I mades a knock knock joke! Me: Knock knock! You: Whose there? Me: See you! You: See you who? Me: See you in the bathroom! :3 wacha think?
  8. Waffles > Pancakes
    1. xLyrie




    2. (See 65 other replies to this status update)

  9. don't start the whole "imma eat you worthless sheep" garbage here. i didn't create this account to be flamed
    1. xLyrie



      Well hes green...

      So theres no harm calling him a powah rangurrr.

    2. (See 51 other replies to this status update)

  10. I mades a knock knock joke! Me: Knock knock! You: Whose there? Me: See you! You: See you who? Me: See you in the bathroom! :3 wacha think?
    1. xLyrie


      -dresses up as a werewolf and jumps out- Raaawrgh!

      -gets shot-


    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  11. PANCAKE DAY!!!!!!!! :D
    1. xLyrie


    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  12. don't start the whole "imma eat you worthless sheep" garbage here. i didn't create this account to be flamed
  13. Oh wow! My 'posts per day' just rised to amazing 1.02 per day!
    1. xLyrie



      Youz bettur than...me.

      Have shame :c

      You made me feel anti-social.

    2. (See 52 other replies to this status update)

  14. Say, why humans prefer lies?
    1. xLyrie


      Lies are the best.

      Until the truth comes out...

    2. (See 99 other replies to this status update)

  15. I mades a knock knock joke! Me: Knock knock! You: Whose there? Me: See you! You: See you who? Me: See you in the bathroom! :3 wacha think?
    1. xLyrie





      Your job is to kill werewolfs i might add.

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  16. I mades a knock knock joke! Me: Knock knock! You: Whose there? Me: See you! You: See you who? Me: See you in the bathroom! :3 wacha think?
  17. I haz a blog. But its in lithuanian :x
    1. xLyrie


      LMAO XD it kinda failed.

      It looks silly like that :L

      But most of it is true .

    2. (See 49 other replies to this status update)

  18. I mades a knock knock joke! Me: Knock knock! You: Whose there? Me: See you! You: See you who? Me: See you in the bathroom! :3 wacha think?
    1. xLyrie



      You guise are all dirty- minded. Clean your brains :U

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  19. I haz a blog. But its in lithuanian :x
    1. xLyrie



      Thou, you could understand if you would use a lithuanian translator! :O

    2. (See 49 other replies to this status update)

  20. I mades a knock knock joke! Me: Knock knock! You: Whose there? Me: See you! You: See you who? Me: See you in the bathroom! :3 wacha think?
    1. xLyrie


      <_< i never mentioned WHOS bathroom.

      And i really didint mean my own :F

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

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