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Status Replies posted by xLyrie

  1. Not good. Or meibe even perfect! Im sick. No school... But i haz headache D: Nao i can't decide, either way to be happy or sad, so im gonna be Happad :D Happad Translation - I iz happy and sad.Anyway, ill go get some food because yesterday i couldn't eat a bite :( Also wont be on for awhile.
  2. My friend almost didint punch a granny with a snowball. My goshh you had no idea how much we laughed. He was all "Oops sorry." And my other friend with me were almost dead xD That was so fffffunny :]
  3. Not good. Or meibe even perfect! Im sick. No school... But i haz headache D: Nao i can't decide, either way to be happy or sad, so im gonna be Happad :D Happad Translation - I iz happy and sad.Anyway, ill go get some food because yesterday i couldn't eat a bite :( Also wont be on for awhile.
    1. xLyrie


      Who needs the keys if you live on the clouds? 8D
    2. (See 54 other replies to this status update)

  4. Not good. Or meibe even perfect! Im sick. No school... But i haz headache D: Nao i can't decide, either way to be happy or sad, so im gonna be Happad :D Happad Translation - I iz happy and sad.Anyway, ill go get some food because yesterday i couldn't eat a bite :( Also wont be on for awhile.
  5. Not good. Or meibe even perfect! Im sick. No school... But i haz headache D: Nao i can't decide, either way to be happy or sad, so im gonna be Happad :D Happad Translation - I iz happy and sad.Anyway, ill go get some food because yesterday i couldn't eat a bite :( Also wont be on for awhile.
    1. xLyrie


      We already have that...

      And no. Your not a Sheepian, plus you havent did anything so totally awesome that we'd give you the keys :U

      Plus, you mght sell the key to the wolves D:<

    2. (See 54 other replies to this status update)

  6. Once again I'll ask you for distractions...
  7. My friend almost didint punch a granny with a snowball. My goshh you had no idea how much we laughed. He was all "Oops sorry." And my other friend with me were almost dead xD That was so fffffunny :]
  8. Not good. Or meibe even perfect! Im sick. No school... But i haz headache D: Nao i can't decide, either way to be happy or sad, so im gonna be Happad :D Happad Translation - I iz happy and sad.Anyway, ill go get some food because yesterday i couldn't eat a bite :( Also wont be on for awhile.
  9. My friend almost didint punch a granny with a snowball. My goshh you had no idea how much we laughed. He was all "Oops sorry." And my other friend with me were almost dead xD That was so fffffunny :]
  10. Not good. Or meibe even perfect! Im sick. No school... But i haz headache D: Nao i can't decide, either way to be happy or sad, so im gonna be Happad :D Happad Translation - I iz happy and sad.Anyway, ill go get some food because yesterday i couldn't eat a bite :( Also wont be on for awhile.
  11. My friend almost didint punch a granny with a snowball. My goshh you had no idea how much we laughed. He was all "Oops sorry." And my other friend with me were almost dead xD That was so fffffunny :]
    1. xLyrie


      Good, breathe, your gonna be all right now :D
    2. (See 67 other replies to this status update)

  12. Not good. Or meibe even perfect! Im sick. No school... But i haz headache D: Nao i can't decide, either way to be happy or sad, so im gonna be Happad :D Happad Translation - I iz happy and sad.Anyway, ill go get some food because yesterday i couldn't eat a bite :( Also wont be on for awhile.
  13. My friend almost didint punch a granny with a snowball. My goshh you had no idea how much we laughed. He was all "Oops sorry." And my other friend with me were almost dead xD That was so fffffunny :]
    1. xLyrie


      Chill out dude, i heard you can die laughing liek dat...
    2. (See 67 other replies to this status update)

  14. Not good. Or meibe even perfect! Im sick. No school... But i haz headache D: Nao i can't decide, either way to be happy or sad, so im gonna be Happad :D Happad Translation - I iz happy and sad.Anyway, ill go get some food because yesterday i couldn't eat a bite :( Also wont be on for awhile.
  15. My friend almost didint punch a granny with a snowball. My goshh you had no idea how much we laughed. He was all "Oops sorry." And my other friend with me were almost dead xD That was so fffffunny :]
  16. Not good. Or meibe even perfect! Im sick. No school... But i haz headache D: Nao i can't decide, either way to be happy or sad, so im gonna be Happad :D Happad Translation - I iz happy and sad.Anyway, ill go get some food because yesterday i couldn't eat a bite :( Also wont be on for awhile.
    1. xLyrie


      Nowait! I still am. Yesterday i went to school and today- i didint c:

      Gosh i hate my throat nao.

    2. (See 54 other replies to this status update)

  17. Heeheehee, I join the Flock xD
    1. xLyrie


      Good job, im glad you chose our, sheepian side <3
    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  18. Not good. Or meibe even perfect! Im sick. No school... But i haz headache D: Nao i can't decide, either way to be happy or sad, so im gonna be Happad :D Happad Translation - I iz happy and sad.Anyway, ill go get some food because yesterday i couldn't eat a bite :( Also wont be on for awhile.
  19. My friend almost didint punch a granny with a snowball. My goshh you had no idea how much we laughed. He was all "Oops sorry." And my other friend with me were almost dead xD That was so fffffunny :]
  20. My friend almost didint punch a granny with a snowball. My goshh you had no idea how much we laughed. He was all "Oops sorry." And my other friend with me were almost dead xD That was so fffffunny :]
  21. Not good. Or meibe even perfect! Im sick. No school... But i haz headache D: Nao i can't decide, either way to be happy or sad, so im gonna be Happad :D Happad Translation - I iz happy and sad.Anyway, ill go get some food because yesterday i couldn't eat a bite :( Also wont be on for awhile.
    1. xLyrie


      Okay :3 Im actually feeling better nao <3

      But its sad ill go to school again :c

    2. (See 54 other replies to this status update)

  22. Latest Pic "Duty" : http://www.newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=7959 i break my old record making this one.took 2,5 day to finish it.hope you guyz like it :D.
  23. My friend almost didint punch a granny with a snowball. My goshh you had no idea how much we laughed. He was all "Oops sorry." And my other friend with me were almost dead xD That was so fffffunny :]
  24. Explain to me ,humans, what is a "friend".
    1. xLyrie


      Friend means I see you. So yeah, dont get fooled.
    2. (See 99 other replies to this status update)

    1. xLyrie


      But if i would be one of those girls i would probably be lauging now :P
    2. (See 80 other replies to this status update)

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